


mysql> describe saledata; 
| Field    | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra | 
| SaleDate   | datetime   | NO |  | NULL |  | 
| StoreID   | bigint(20) unsigned | NO |  | NULL |  | 
| Quantity   | int(10) unsigned | NO |  | NULL |  | 
| Price    | decimal(19,4)  | NO |  | NULL |  | 
| ItemID   | bigint(20) unsigned | NO |  | NULL |  | 


SELECT price FROM saledata WHERE itemID = 1234 AND storeID = 111 ORDER BY saledate DESC LIMIT 1 

不过,我希望能够获得最后的销售价格(对ItemID s的存储在一个单独的项目表)中的所有项目,并把它们插入到一个单独的表。我怎样才能得到这些数据?我试过这样的查询:

SELECT storeID, itemID, price FROM saledata WHERE itemID IN (SELECT itemID from itemmap) ORDER BY saledate DESC LIMIT 1 


mysql> describe lastsale; 
| Field    | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra | 
| StoreID   | bigint(20) unsigned | NO |  | NULL |  | 
| Price    | decimal(19,4)  | NO |  | NULL |  | 
| ItemID   | bigint(20) unsigned | NO |  | NULL |  | 


INSERT INTO lastsale (StoreID, Price, ItemID) 
    SELECT s1.StoreID, s1.Price, s1.ItemID 
    FROM saledata s1 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN saledata s2 
    ON (s1.Itemid = s2.Itemid AND s1.SaleDate < s2.SaleDate) 
    WHERE s2.ItemID IS NULL; 

感谢*,及时发现 – sansknwoledge 2011-07-02 21:21:28