吴恩达机器学习 EX3 作业 第二部分神经网络 前馈网络 手写数字

2 神经网络前馈网络

吴恩达机器学习 EX3 作业 第二部分神经网络 前馈网络 手写数字
吴恩达机器学习 EX3 作业 第二部分神经网络 前馈网络 手写数字

2.1 作业介绍


2.2 导入模型和数据


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.io as scio

import displayData as dd # 绘制手写图形函数
import predict as pd # 预测函数



# Setup the parameters you will use for this part of the exercise
input_layer_size = 400  # 20x20 input images of Digits
hidden_layer_size = 25  # 25 hidden layers
num_labels = 10         # 10 labels, from 0 to 9
                        # Note that we have mapped "0" to label 10


data = scio.loadmat('ex3data1.mat')
X = data['X']
y = data['y'].flatten()
m = y.size

2.3 绘制数字图片函数(displayData.py)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def display_data(x):
    (m, n) = x.shape # 训练样本维度 (100, 400)
    # Set example_width automatically if not passed in
    example_width = np.round(np.sqrt(n)).astype(int) # 数字图片宽 20
    example_height = (n / example_width).astype(int) # 数字图片高 20
    # Compute the number of items to display
    display_rows = np.floor(np.sqrt(m)).astype(int) # 训练样本行数:10
    display_cols = np.ceil(m / display_rows).astype(int) # 训练样本列数:10 
    # Between images padding
    pad = 1 # 数字图片前后左右间隔为1px
    # Setup blank display 显示样例图片范围
    display_array = - np.ones((pad + display_rows * (example_height + pad),
                              pad + display_rows * (example_height + pad)))
    # Copy each example into a patch on the display array
    curr_ex = 0
    for j in range(display_rows):
        for i in range(display_cols):
            if curr_ex > m:
            # Copy the patch
            # Get the max value of the patch
            max_val = np.max(np.abs(x[curr_ex]))#不明白为啥要除最大值,没看出差异
            # 开始一个个画出数字图
            display_array[pad + j * (example_height + pad) + np.arange(example_height),
                          pad + i * (example_width + pad) + np.arange(example_width)[:, np.newaxis]] = \
                          x[curr_ex].reshape((example_height, example_width)) / max_val
            curr_ex += 1

        if curr_ex > m:

    # Display image
    plt.imshow(display_array, cmap='gray', extent=[-1, 1, -1, 1])


# Randomly select 100 data points to display
rand_indices = np.random.permutation(range(m))
selected = X[rand_indices[0:100], :]


吴恩达机器学习 EX3 作业 第二部分神经网络 前馈网络 手写数字

2.4 加载提供已训练好参数的theta

data = scio.loadmat('ex3weights.mat')
theta1 = data['Theta1']
theta2 = data['Theta2']
Loading Saved Neural Network Parameters ...


print('theta1.shape: ',theta1.shape, '\ntheta2.shape: ', theta2.shape)
theta1.shape:  (25, 401)
theta2.shape: (10, 26)

2.5 用神经网络训练的参数预测手写数字

吴恩达机器学习 EX3 作业 第二部分神经网络 前馈网络 手写数字

def sigmoid(z):
    g = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))
    return g


from sigmoid import *
def predict(theta1, theta2, x):
    # Useful values
    m = x.shape[0]
    num_labels = theta2.shape[0]

    # You need to return the following variable correctly
    p = np.zeros(m)

    a1 = np.c_[np.ones(m), x] 
    z2 = np.dot(a1, theta1.T)
    a2 = np.c_[np.ones(m),sigmoid(z2)]
    z3 = np.dot(a2, theta2.T)
    a3 = sigmoid(z3)
    p = np.argmax(a3, axis=1) + 1

    return p


pred = predict(theta1, theta2, X)
print('Training set accuracy: {}'.format(np.mean(pred == y)*100))
Training set accuracy: 97.52
def getch():
    import termios
    import sys, tty

    def _getch():
        fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
        old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
            ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
            termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
        return ch

    return _getch()
# Randomly permute examples
rp = np.random.permutation(range(m))
for i in range(m):
    print('Displaying Example image')
    example = X[rp[i]]
    example = example.reshape((1, example.size))

    pred = pd.predict(theta1, theta2, example)
    print('Neural network prediction: {} (digit {})'.format(pred, np.mod(pred, 10)))

    s = input('Paused - press ENTER to continue, q + ENTER to exit: ')
    if s == 'q':
Displaying Example image
Neural network prediction: [0.] (digit [0.])
Paused - press ENTER to continue, q + ENTER to exit: 
Displaying Example image
Neural network prediction: [0.] (digit [0.])
Paused - press ENTER to continue, q + ENTER to exit: 
Displaying Example image
Neural network prediction: [0.] (digit [0.])
Paused - press ENTER to continue, q + ENTER to exit: 
Displaying Example image
Neural network prediction: [0.] (digit [0.])
Paused - press ENTER to continue, q + ENTER to exit: 
Displaying Example image
Neural network prediction: [0.] (digit [0.])
Paused - press ENTER to continue, q + ENTER to exit: 
Displaying Example image
Neural network prediction: [0.] (digit [0.])
Paused - press ENTER to continue, q + ENTER to exit: 
Displaying Example image
Neural network prediction: [0.] (digit [0.])
Paused - press ENTER to continue, q + ENTER to exit: 
Displaying Example image
Neural network prediction: [0.] (digit [0.])
Paused - press ENTER to continue, q + ENTER to exit: q

吴恩达机器学习 EX3 作业 第二部分神经网络 前馈网络 手写数字
吴恩达机器学习 EX3 作业 第二部分神经网络 前馈网络 手写数字
吴恩达机器学习 EX3 作业 第二部分神经网络 前馈网络 手写数字
吴恩达机器学习 EX3 作业 第二部分神经网络 前馈网络 手写数字
吴恩达机器学习 EX3 作业 第二部分神经网络 前馈网络 手写数字
吴恩达机器学习 EX3 作业 第二部分神经网络 前馈网络 手写数字
吴恩达机器学习 EX3 作业 第二部分神经网络 前馈网络 手写数字
吴恩达机器学习 EX3 作业 第二部分神经网络 前馈网络 手写数字

前一篇 吴恩达机器学习 EX3 作业 第一部分多分类逻辑回归 手写数字