appfuse 2 下载





mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-basic-struts -DremoteRepositories= -DarchetypeVersion=2.0.2 -DartifactId=appfuse

 3、运行:mvn integration-test(进入项目目录)

4、运行:mvn jetty:run-war (进入项目目录)

5、运行:mvn appfuse:full-source。(出错的解决办法见下面)



1.在创建完struts2Basic后,cd 到/struts2Basic,    运行命令“mvn appfuse:full-source”,产生如下错误:

appfuse 2 下载


Bug with Ant 1.7.0
Local repositories and projects on Windows platforms are held in directories whose paths contain no spaces.


<!-- localRepository
   | The path to the local repository maven will use to store artifacts.
   | Default: ~/.m2/repository

上面的配置里默认的资源库路径为~/.m2/repository, Documents and Settings里面有空格所以报错。最好直接指定另外的没有空格的英文路径:
<localRepository>E:\appfuse\repository </localRepository>

需要注意的是:也可以设置成这样<localRepository>E:/appfuse/repository </localRepository>


2. 然后修改pom.xml里mysql的密码,如果你接着运行mvn jetty:run-war,会产生需要的一切,并发布到jetty中,你就可以在浏览器里查看运行效果了。

执行mvn eclipse:eclipse,可以生成eclipse下的项目。导入到eclipse后会存在找不到包的问题,需要在eclipse中window-> preference->java->build path->classpath variables中增加M2_REPO指向maven repository的目录。然后编译就可以通过了。















Appfuse 2.0: Errors I encountered and how I fixed them 

Appfuse 2.0 has finally been released. Instead of using version 1.9.4 (the previous stable release) for an upcoming web project, I decided to use this latest version. The fastest way to learn this new version is through the Quick Start guide. I encountered errors while following this guide. I googled around and found the fixes. For those starting with Appfuse 2.0, here's a list of errors I encountered and what I did to fix them. Note: I may not be able to explain why the fixes fixed the errors.

Error: Executed 'mvn' command and got a 'Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/codehaus/classworlds/Launcher'.

Fix: Set a M2_HOME environment variable. This should point to your Maven directory. Also, be sure you have JAVA_HOME setup. Appfuse 2.0 requires Maven 2.0.6+ and Java 5+.

Error: After fixing the above error, I got a "Error while expanding /tmp/cargo/installs/ Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream"

Fix: Delete all files inside /tmp/cargo/installs/ (or whatever directory indicated in your case) and manually download and put it there.

Error: Executed 'mvn jetty:run-war' and got a "Failed startup of context [email protected]
{/,jar:file:/.../.../.../.../web/target/..-webapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war!/} error in opening zip file"

Fix: Delete everything inside ~/.m2/repository and execute the command again. This will download everything again.
I hope this post helps you. If you have other errors you encountered, please share how you fixed them. Thanks!

Posted by Milo Felipe at 9:18 AM