

For aspiring data scientists and data analysts, it can be frustrating breaking into the field without ‘real-world’ experience. In prior articles (here and here), I talked about creating your opportunities. You may want to look around in your current job and see how you can apply your data science interests and skills. I want to cover some projects such as process automation and text analytics that may help you gain that experience in your current role. In this article, I will review process automation and why you should do it.

对于有抱负的数据科学家和数据分析师,如果没有“现实世界”的经验,进入该领域可能会令人沮丧。 在之前的文章( 此处此处 )中,我谈到了创造您的机会。 您可能需要环顾当前的工作,并了解如何应用您的数据科学兴趣和技能。 我想介绍一些项目,例如流程自动化和文本分析,这些项目可能会帮助您在当前职位上获得经验。 在本文中,我将回顾过程自动化以及为什么要这样做。

业务流程自动化(BPA) (Business Process Automation (BPA))

Business Process Automation (BPA) is any process that streamlines workplace processes and possibly reduces costs. Robotic Process Automation is a type of BPA and uses machine and AI techniques. We will focus on BPA to start.

业务流程自动化( BPA )是可简化工作流程并可能降低成本的任何流程。 机器人过程自动化是BPA的一种,它使用机器和AI技术。 我们将从BPA开始。

自动化如何帮助您的团队 (How automation helps your team)

If your team finds itself bogged down in repetitive manual tasks, there are opportunities for BPA. If you can reduce the amount of non-value-add work, the staff will be freed up to work on other valuable projects. Some examples of such scenarios include:

如果您的团队发现自己陷入重复的手动任务中,则有机会获得BPA。 如果您可以减少非增值工作的数量,则可以释放员工的精力来从事其他有价值的项目。 这种情况的一些示例包括:

  • Each week, the project manager has to clean up the formatting in three spreadsheets, calculate KPIs and merge them together into one report. The dates are usually a mess, and why does accounting always CAPITALIZE EVERY WORD?

    每周,项目经理必须清理三个电子表格中的格式,计算KPI,然后将它们合并到一个报告中。 日期通常是一团糟,为什么记账总是把每个单词都大写呢?
  • Each month, a manager is creating a spreadsheet with departmental KPIs and loading it to Tableau for her boss’ staff meeting.

  • Each Wednesday, a data analyst is manually pulling data from different reports and loading them to another database, such as Access or AWS.

  • Each morning one employee arrives early to put together the number of customer calls from the day before. The manager likes to have it first thing in the morning, so if coverage is needed, if the employee takes time off.

    每天早上,一名员工提早到达,以汇总前一天的客户致电数量。 经理喜欢在早上做第一件事,因此如果需要承保,员工是否可以请假。

Do any of those sound familiar? No doubt. The opportunities are all around you.

这些听起来很熟悉吗? 毫无疑问。 机会无处不在。

实施自动化如何帮助您 (How implementing automation helps you)

What does this have to do with Data Science? Being able to pipe in and format data in large volumes is part of the job. The less manual work you spend on repetitive tasks, the more time you have to do analysis. While this skill alone won’t get you to the top of any interview lists, it is a solid skill to have and will your work life better. It is generally easy to implement and has a good Return on Investment (ROI).

这与数据科学有什么关系? 能够大量传输和格式化数据是工作的一部分。 您在重复性任务上花费的手工工作越少,进行分析的时间就越多。 虽然仅此一项技能并不能使您跻身面试榜首,但它是一项扎实的技能,可以改善您的工作生活。 它通常易于实施,并且具有良好的投资回报率(ROI)。

你可以做什么 (What you can do)

Let’s review the first example task. For all the glitz of AI, most departments still have excel spreadsheets floating around with essential data. You can write scripts that will systematically clean up department spreadsheets and merge them. You can schedule it to run weekly before the staff meeting and have it emailed to the manager to review. One step better may be to set up a Tableau report that gets updated automatically. What manager is going to turn down an offer to have their most annoying tasks automated?

让我们回顾第一个示例任务。 尽管AI令人眼花gl乱,但大多数部门仍然保留着具有重要数据的excel电子表格。 您可以编写脚本来系统地清理部门电子表格并合并它们。 您可以安排它在员工会议之前每周运行一次,并将其通过电子邮件发送给经理进行审查。 最好的一个步骤是设置一个Tableau报告,该报告将自动更新。 哪个经理会拒绝要约以使其最烦人的任务自动化?

A novice-level python script can take care of this entire process up until Tableau. You can knock it out in an afternoon, making your effort risk a few hours.

新手级别的python脚本可以负责整个过程,直到Tableau。 您可以在一个下午将其淘汰,使您的工作风险增加几个小时。

There are many great tutorials online on how to code this. My recommendation is to keep the code simple and add comments.

在线上有许多很棒的教程,介绍如何编写代码。 我的建议是保持代码简单并添加注释。

Make sure you test your script and have it validated by your manager! I wish I didn’t have to say that, but best to put it out there.

确保测试脚本并由经理验证! 我希望我不必这么说,但是最好把它放在那里。

提供价值证明($$$$) (Provide evidence of value ($$$$))

Once you have completed the automation, calculate the ROI. Each company does it a bit differently based on the value per full-time employee (FTE), so you might have to inquire with your manager or finance. You can start translating your skills into revenue and savings.

完成自动化后,计算投资回报率。 每个公司根据每位全职员工(FTE)的价值做事的方式略有不同,因此您可能必须向您的经理或财务部门咨询。 您可以开始将您的技能转化为收入和储蓄。

There are numerous reasons to calculate the savings as a result of your work. If you can prove you are freeing up your team to work on higher priority tasks, requests might come to work on more complex tasks, stretching your skills. You can also use those calculated savings in your performance review and on your resumes.

有许多原因可以计算出因工作而节省的费用。 如果可以证明您正在释放团队精力来处理更高优先级的任务,则请求可能会开始处理更复杂的任务,从而扩展您的技能。 您还可以在绩效评估和简历中使用这些计算出的节省额。

Here is a sample ROI that I created. The definition is sourced from this blog by Big Sky Associates.

这是我创建的一个示例投资回报率。 该定义来自Big Sky Associates的博客

Sample ROI calculation — image by author

结论 (Conclusion)

Opportunities to automate business processes are all around you. Look for a low-risk process to start with. Keep it simple. Test it. Calculate the ROI. Put it all together and build your confidence and your personal brand at your company. You don’t have to wait for the official title to do data science.

自动化业务流程的机会无处不在。 寻找一个低风险的过程开始。 把事情简单化。 测试一下。 计算投资回报率。 将所有这些放在一起,在您的公司中建立您的信心和个人品牌。 您不必等待正式的名称即可进行数据科学。

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/applying-data-science-skills-in-your-current-role-process-automation-62f89e03aeea
