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pidgin qq_Pidgin入门指南,通用消息客户端

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pidgin qq_Pidgin入门指南,通用消息客户端

If you find chatting with multiple chat clients troublesome, then Pidgin is the tool for you. In today’s article, we’ll show you how to connect to popular chat networks, encrypt your conversations, and render mathematical formula in Pidgin.

如果您发现与多个聊天客户端聊天很麻烦,则Pidgin是您的工具。 在今天的文章中,我们将向您展示如何连接到流行的聊天网络,加密对话以及在Pidgin中呈现数学公式。

所有人的皮金 (Pidgin for Everyone)

Pidgin is a chat program that lets you use multiple chat networks simultaneously. This means that you can be chatting with friends on MSN, talking to a friend on Google Talk, and sitting in a Yahoo chat room all at the same time.

Pidgin是一个聊天程序,可让您同时使用多个聊天网络。 这意味着您可以同时在MSN上与朋友聊天,在Google Talk上与朋友聊天,以及同时坐在Yahoo聊天室中。

Pidgin runs on Windows, Linux, and other Unix operating systems. So no matter what platform you are on, you can use Pidgin as your chat client. Install Pidgin using the right installer from  their website. You will see the welcome screen when the installation finishes where you can add your first chat network by clicking the ‘Add’ button.

Pidgin可在Windows,Linux和其他Unix操作系统上运行。 因此,无论您使用什么平台,都可以将Pidgin用作聊天客户端。 从其网站上使用正确的安装程序安装Pidgin。 安装完成后,您将看到一个欢迎屏幕,您可以通过单击“添加”按钮添加第一个聊天网络。

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Pidgin supports quite a number of chat networks.


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Select the messaging client that you want to add and specify your user name and password.


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If you’re having any problems connecting to your chat networks, your Windows firewall is one of the places that you may want to look into. Note: this generally isn’t necessary.

如果您在连接聊天网络时遇到任何问题,则Windows防火墙是您可能要研究的地方之一。 注意:通常不需要这样做。

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Make sure that you allow Pidgin to communicate through the Firewall.


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If not, add Pidgin into the Firewall ‘Allowed programs and features’ list by clicking the ‘Allow another program’ button.


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Select Pidgin from the program list and click the ‘Add’ button.


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Now you’re all set to chat with your buddies.


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将更多聊天网络添加到Pidgin (Adding More Chat Networks to Pidgin)

You can add multiple chat networks in Pidgin from the ‘Manage Accounts’ menu.


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You can see the chat accounts that you have added in this screen.


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Click the ‘Add’ button to add more chat networks in Pidgin.


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You should see all your existing chat groups in Pidgin.


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You can rearrange these groups by adding new groups.


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Give a suitable name for your chat group.


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Make sure you have selected the ‘Empty Groups’ option to view your newly created group.


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Select your buddies and move them to the suitable group to organize your buddy list.


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您社交网络的Pidgin (Pidgin for Your Social Network)

You can also keep in touch with your friends in Facebook or Twitter by installing Pidgin’s Microblogging Plugin. If you are using Ubuntu, you can install the Twitter plugin through the Ubuntu Software Center.  If you’re using Windows, you need to install the plugin by downloading the installer from their website.

您还可以通过安装Pidgin的Microblogging插件与Facebook或Twitter中的朋友保持联系。 如果您使用的是Ubuntu,则可以通过Ubuntu软件中心安装Twitter插件。 如果您使用的是Windows,则需要通过从其网站下载安装程序来安装插件。

You can check that you have installed plugins successfully by checking that the plugin is listed under the Plugin screen.


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pidgin qq_Pidgin入门指南,通用消息客户端

You should be able to add your Twitter account after you installed the plugin from the ‘Manage Accounts’ menu.


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Click the ‘Add’ button to add your Twitter account.


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Choose ‘Twitter’ from the ‘Protocol’ list.

从“协议”列表中选择“ Twitter”。

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You will need to authorize Pidgin to connect to your Twitter account.


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You need to key in the PIN that Twitter generates into your Pidgin.


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Now you are all set to Tweet from Pidgin.


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在Pidgin中渲染数学公式 (Rendering Math Formula in Pidgin)

If you are familiar with LaTex, you can use Pidgin to exchange math formula with your buddies by installing the Pidgintex plugin. Simply  write ‘$$latex expression$$’ anywhere in a message and an image of the mathematical formula will appear in the message log.

如果您熟悉LaTex,则可以通过安装Pidgintex插件来使用Pidgin与您的好友交换数学公式。 只需在消息中任意位置写上“ $ latelatex expression $$” ,数学公式的图像就会出现在消息日志中。

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Pidgin also requires Mimetex to render the mathematical formula. Just download the mimetex installer from Pidgintex website, and put it under your ‘C:\Windows’ folder.

Pidgin还要求Mimetex渲染数学公式。 只需从Pidgintex网站下载mimetex安装程序,然后将其放在“ C:\ Windows”文件夹下即可。

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Remember to put the mimetex.exe in your System Variable path. If you are not familiar with Windows’ System Variable, you can read our tutorial on sysadmin geek about modifying System Variable.

请记住将mimetex.exe放在系统变量路径中。 如果您不熟悉Windows的系统变量,则可以阅读有关修改系统变量的sysadmin geek教程

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Pidgin stores your conversation logs just in case you need to review what your buddies told you.


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Enter your buddy name in the ‘Name’ field to view your chat log with him or her.


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pidgin qq_Pidgin入门指南,通用消息客户端

Pidgin will show you all the conversations that you have had with your buddy. Unfortunately, Pidgin only renders the math formula as a LaTex expression in the log.

Pidgin将向您显示您与好友之间的所有对话。 不幸的是,Pidgin仅在日志中将数学公式呈现为LaTex表达式。

加密对话 (Encrypting Your Conversations)

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You can even encrypt your conversations to secure your conversation with your buddies.


Pidgin has a number of encryption tools available, but we use ‘Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR)’ Plugin the most. After you installed the plugin, you need to enable it from the Plugin screen.

Pidgin有许多可用的加密工具,但是我们最多使用“记录外消息(OTR)”插件。 安装插件后,需要从“插件”屏幕启用它。

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You will see the OTR button in your chat screen to initiate a secure chat channel.


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OTR uses a public-private key encryption to encrypt your conversation. You will need to generate a private key by clicking the ‘Generate’ button from the OTR screen before you can use OTR to encrypt your conversations.

OTR使用公私钥加密来加密您的对话。 您需要先通过单击OTR屏幕上的“生成”按钮来生成私钥,然后才能使用OTR加密对话。

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The OTR Plugin creates four privacy levels, and we can enable a private chat by clicking the OTR button.


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Your private conversation will start in an ‘unverified’ mode until you authenticate your buddies.


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You can authenticate your buddy by selecting ‘Authenticate Buddy’ from the OTR Menu.


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There are 3 options to authenticate a buddy : by a question and answer, a shared secret, or by verifying your buddy OTR fingerprint.


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To authenticate using a question, pick a question whose answer is known only to you and your buddy. Enter the question and the correct answer.

要使用问题进行身份验证,请选择一个答案,该答案只有您和您的好友知道。 输入问题和正确答案。

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Wait for your buddy to enter the answer too. If the answers don’t match, then either your buddy made a mistake typing in the answer, or you may be talking to an impostor.

等待您的好友也输入答案。 如果答案不匹配,则可能是您的好友在输入答案时输入错误,或者您正在与冒名顶替者聊天。

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If your buddy answers the question correctly, then the OTR status of your conversation will change to ‘Private’.


The next method of authentication is by setting up a shared secret key between you and your buddy.


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Enter the shared secret into the field provided in the Authenticate Buddy dialog box. Once you enter the secret and hit OK, your buddy will be asked to do exactly the same thing. If you both enter the same text, then OTR will accept that you are really talking to your buddy. Otherwise, OTR reports that authentication has failed. This either means that your buddy made a mistake typing in the text, or it may mean that someone is intercepting your communication.

在“身份验证好友”对话框中提供的字段中输入共享**。 输入密码并单击确定后,将要求您的好友做完全相同的事情。 如果您都输入相同的文本,则OTR会接受您确实在与好友交谈。 否则,OTR报告认证失败。 这意味着您的好友在输入文本时输入错误,或者可能意味着某人正在拦截您的通讯。

The last method of authentication is by manually matching yours and your buddy OTR fingerprint.


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You and your buddy will need another secure channel, for example speaking through the phone, to exchange the OTR fingerprints.


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If the fingerprint matches with the fingerprint that your buddy told you, choose the ‘I have’ option from the drop down list, and then click the ‘Authenticate’ button. Once you do this, the OTR status will change to ‘Private’. Note that you only need to do this once per buddy (or once per fingerprint, if your buddy has more than one fingerprint). OTR will remember which fingerprints you have marked as verified.

如果指纹与您的好友告诉您的指纹匹配,请从下拉列表中选择“我有”选项,然后单击“验证”按钮。 完成此操作后,OTR状态将更改为“私人”。 请注意,每个伙伴只需要执行一次此操作(如果您的伙伴具有多个指纹,则每个指纹只需执行一次)。 OTR会记住您标记为已验证的指纹。

Pidgin has a lot more features that we didn’t mention, because it is impossible to cover all these features in one short article. You can read these articles to learn other useful tips and tricks on Pidgin:

Pidgin具有许多我们没有提到的功能,因为不可能在一篇简短的文章中介绍所有这些功能。 您可以阅读以下文章,以了解有关Pidgin的其他有用提示和技巧:

Please feel free to discuss any useful tips on Pidgin with the other fellow readers in the comments section.


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