ai开发 机器学习_学习Web开发的最佳AI和机器学习框架

ai开发 机器学习

In this highly competitive tech market space, companies are always looking to get a leg up on their competitors through the best web design and development.


But when you're building a modern business app, you need to keep market competition and digital experience trends in perspective for a modernized and marketable application for your business.


But before you do that, I will give you some information about the role of artificial intelligence in web development. Then we will see some of the most popular AI and machine learning frameworks for building web apps in 2020.

但是在您这样做之前,我将为您提供一些有关人工智能在Web开发中的作用的信息。 然后,我们将在2020年看到一些最受欢迎的AI和机器学习框架,用于构建Web应用程序。

So now let’s understand the role of AI and machine learning in web development.


人工智能和机器学习在Web开发中的相关性 (The Relevance of AI and Machine Learning In Web Development)

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are popular technologies that allow web applications to learn and observe from a user's preferences and habits.


AI-enabled websites are on-trend everywhere. One reason is that AI uses genetic algorithms and neural networks to build artificial intelligence into web applications from scratch. And this is now easy to implement for most companies.

支持AI的网站到处都是潮流。 原因之一是AI使用遗传算法和神经网络从头开始将人工智能构建到Web应用程序中。 现在,对于大多数公司而言,这很容易实现。

为什么将AI和机器学习纳入您的Web开发流程? (Why Incorporate AI and Machine Learning into Your Web Development Process?)

他们高兴您的客户支持团队 (They Delight Your Customer Support Team)

Current state of the #VirtualAssistant #ChatBot TY @NDIS via @enricomolinari #FacialRecognition #AI #ML #retailtech #fintech #ML #UI@antgrasso @evankirstel @pierrepinna @helene_wpli @terence_mills @Andi_staub @JacBurns_Comext @MikeQuindazzi @SpirosMargaris @andy_lucerne

— ???? Enrico Molinari #FinTech #MarTech ???????????????????????? (@enricomolinari) May 5, 2020

在当前的状态#VirtualAssistant #ChatBot TY @NDIS通过@enricomolinari #FacialRecognition #AI #ML #retailtech #fintech #ML #UI @antgrasso @evankirstel @pierrepinna @helene_wpli @terence_mills @Andi_staub @JacBurns_Comext @MikeQuindazzi @SpirosMargaris @andy_lucerne 照片。

-????Enrico Molinari #FinTech #MarTech????????????????????????(@enricomolinari) 2020年5月5日

Setting up an AI chatbot on your website can improve the whole customer support experience and can help you provide your users much better assistance.


It communicates naturally, understands your emotions, and can respond to the most complex questions, even if the questions are not connected to your product, service or industry. So, if you want to grow your business and take your business to the next level, do not hesitate to implement a AI chatbot.

它可以自然沟通,理解您的情绪,并且可以回答最复杂的问题,即使这些问题与您的产品,服务或行业没有关系。 因此,如果您想发展自己的业务并将您的业务提升到一个新的水平,请不要犹豫实现AI聊天机器人。

Web上可用的聊天机器人示例: (Examples of Chatbots Available on the Web:)

Capital One's "Eno": Capital One is a banking organization that offers financial products and surveys. They use Eno, a chatbot to help customers manage their queries related to their transactions, account balances, and analyzing their spending habits.

Capital One的“ Eno” Capital One是一家提供金融产品和调查的银行组织。 他们使用聊天机器人Eno来帮助客户管理与交易,帐户余额有关的查询,并分析其消费习惯。

MedWhat's Virtual Medical Assistant: Powered by machine learning, the MedWhat’s chatbot provides quick responses to questions based on behaviors that it learns by interacting with users. This chatbot makes it easier for both patients and doctors to discuss and diagnose health issues in a faster, easier, and more transparent manner.

MedWhat's虚拟医疗助手 MedWhat的聊天机器人由机器学习提供支持,可根据与用户互动而学到的行为对问题进行快速响应。 此聊天机器人使患者和医生都可以更轻松,更快速,更轻松,更透明地讨论和诊断健康问题。

Domino’s “Dom”: This is the interactive Pizza Bot that allows you to order food from the Domino’s site. The Domino’s chatbot offer sa full pizza menu, tracks deliveries, and can also track your previous orders and consider them for re-ordering.

Domino的“ Dom” :这是交互式的比萨机器人,可让您从Domino的站点订购食物。 Domino的聊天机器人可提供完整的比萨饼菜单,跟踪交货情况,还可以跟踪您以前的订单并考虑将其重新订购。

它们有助于最大化用户体验(UX) (They Help Maximize User Experience (UX))

ai开发 机器学习_学习Web开发的最佳AI和机器学习框架 )

AI and machine learning help you understand your customer’s preferences. A website with AI and ML features helps you analyze your customer’s preferences, search history, and even location. This way you will be able to design and improve your website according to the needs of your customers. You can also give them a better customer experience by updating your UI accordingly.

人工智能和机器学习可帮助您了解客户的偏好。 具有AI和ML功能的网站可帮助您分析客户的偏好,搜索历史甚至位置。 这样,您将能够根据客户的需求设计和改进您的网站。 您还可以通过相应地更新UI来为他们提供更好的客户体验。

Implementing AI solutions to your online shop will help give your customers a more personalized shopping experience, as if everything was created exactly for them only. AI and machine learning creates a real world atmosphere on your website that motivates customers to make a purchase.

为您的网上商店实施AI解决方案将有助于为您的客户提供更加个性化的购物体验,就好像所有内容都是专门为他们创建的一样。 人工智能和机器学习在您的网站上营造了真实的氛围,激发了客户进行购买的动机。

Take as an example – it's of one of the biggest online shopping portals and it uses AI and ML for product recommendations. It also helps the company identify user preferences, and all this is based on previously tracked data by Amazon’s AI solution.

以Amazon.com为例-它是最大的在线购物门户之一,并且使用AI和ML进行产品推荐。 它还可以帮助公司识别用户偏好,而所有这些都是基于亚马逊AI解决方案先前跟踪的数据。

他们提供信息的快速访问 (They Provide Fast Access to Information)

ai开发 机器学习_学习Web开发的最佳AI和机器学习框架 )

Business owners are looking to add voice-based search functions to their websites, as it is becoming more and more popular. Apps like Google Assistant, Siri, and Cortana that support voice-enabled search functions give users fast access to information.

随着网站变得越来越流行,企业主希望在其网站中添加基于语音的搜索功能。 支持语音搜索功能的Google Assistant,Siri和Cortana之类的应用程序使用户可以快速访问信息。

Suppose you are an online clothing retailer. You can use voiced-based search systems to help your customers find the clothing types they want with complete product information such as price of the item, fabric type, size, color, and length.

假设您是在线服装零售商。 您可以使用基于语音的搜索系统来帮助您的客户找到他们想要的服装类型,以及完整的产品信息,例如商品价格,织物类型,尺寸,颜色和长度。

他们简化您的营销策略 (They Streamline Your Marketing Strategy )

ai开发 机器学习_学习Web开发的最佳AI和机器学习框架

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technology have been used by marketing teams for making major marketing decisions and market predictions based on what is in demand.


The technology works by analyzing a user’s behavior by finding out what type of products a user likes and other preferences. This data will help marketing teams to decide what changes should be done in order to increase sales and improve conversion rate.

该技术通过找出用户喜欢的产品类型和其他偏好来分析用户的行为,从而发挥作用。 此数据将帮助营销团队决定应进行哪些更改,以增加销售额和提高转化率。

The potential of AI and machine learning in web development hasn't escaped the attention of top companies such as Google, Facebook, IBM, and Microsoft Launch.

人工智能和机器学习在Web开发中的潜力并未引起*公司(例如Google,Facebook,IBM和Microsoft Launch)的注意。

They've all come out with AI toolkits and APIs for featuring natural language understanding and machine learning features in modern web applications.

它们都带有AI工具包和API ,可在现代Web应用程序中实现自然语言理解和机器学习功能。

Learning to integrate and implement AI technology into your site is definitely feasible.


Web开发的*AI和机器学习框架 (Top AI and Machine Learning Frameworks For Web Development)

But the bottom line comes down to how effectively business leaders implement AI into their web development processes.


To help you out, here are five innovative AI and machine learning frameworks for web development to keep an eye on in 2020 and beyond.


TensorFlow (TensorFlow)

ai开发 机器学习_学习Web开发的最佳AI和机器学习框架

Quick stats:

快速 统计

  • Developed By: Google Brain Team

    开发者: Google Brain Team

  • Founded In: November 2015

    成立于: 2015 11月

  • Written In: C++, Python, and CUDA

    撰写: C ++,Python和CUDA

  • Platforms: Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows, Android, JavaScript

    平台: Linux,macOS,Microsoft Windows,Android, JavaScript

  • Latest Release: 2.1.0 / January 8, 2020

    最新版本: 2.1.0 / 2020年1月8日

  • Architecture: Flexible for cross-platform development


Ever since its introduction in the year 2015, TensorFlow has been a favorite machine learning framework amongst the web developers. This is because the Google Brain Team, the creator of the framework, has built it in such a way that it lets developers use machine learning in JavaScript or in Node for numerical computation at once.

自2015年推出以来,TensorFlow一直是Web开发人员中最喜欢的机器学习框架。 这是因为框架的创建者Google Brain团队以一种方式构建了该框架,它使开发人员可以立即使用JavaScript或Node中的机器学习进行数值计算。

It also helps teams build web applications using machine learning models with JavaScript and its modules which are responsible for recognizing different core functionalities of real-world interactions and objects.


It brings the features of AI and machine learning technology to the front-end, so the users can have real-time experiences of the real-world from a web browser.


Businesses of all sizes are using the Tensorflow machine learning framework for transforming their web development process so that the end-users can leverage the benefits of machine learning and AI predictive analysis.


Model building is greatly influencing the web development process. And TensorFlow uses multiple abstractions and powerful libraries to form and train models for the creation of complex technologies.

模型构建极大地影响了Web开发过程。 而且TensorFlow使用多个抽象和强大的库来形成和训练用于创建复杂技术的模型。

ai开发 机器学习_学习Web开发的最佳AI和机器学习框架

The result is code with some higher-order functionality, as well as code that is easier to read, write, debug, and work with. TensorFlow uses the high-level Keras API that not only makes the code cleaner, but can also reduce the code length to create the models.

结果是具有某些高级功能的代码以及易于阅读,编写,调试和使用的代码。 TensorFlow使用高级Keras API ,不仅使代码更整洁,而且可以减少代码长度以创建模型。

After creating models, you can apply distributed methods in TensorFlow to reduce the training time of the neural network models on different servers. The idea is that you can perform multiple coding experiments over different servers. With full control over the servers, TensorFlow allows developers to experiment with code that occurs in the network for any operation.

创建模型后,您可以在TensorFlow中应用分布式方法,以减少不同服务器上神经网络模型的训练时间。 这个想法是您可以在不同的服务器上执行多个编码实验。 通过对服务器的完全控制,TensorFlow允许开发人员尝试网络中发生的代码进行任何操作。

All these features and functionalities help you get started with TensorFlow easily.


阿帕奇·马豪(Apache Mahout) (Apache Mahout)

ai开发 机器学习_学习Web开发的最佳AI和机器学习框架

Quick stats:

快速 统计

  • Developed By: Apache Software Foundation

    开发者: Apache软件基金会

  • Founded In: April 2008

    成立于: 2008 4月

  • Written In: Java and Scala

    撰写: Java和Scala

  • Latest Release: 0.14.0 / 6 March 2019

    最新版本: 0.14.0 / 2019年3月6日

  • Platforms: Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Scala+

    平台: Apache Hadoop,Apache Spark,Apache Flink,Scala +

  • Architecture: Flexible for cross-platform development


The Apache Software Foundation along with a group of developers maintains Apache Mahout. It is an open source machine learning framework that allows web app developers to design huge web applications. These applications are designed to help data scientists and statisticians to perform various mathematical algorithms.

Apache Software Foundation和一组开发人员共同维护Apache Mahout。 这是一个开放源代码的机器学习框架,允许Web应用程序开发人员设计大型Web应用程序。 这些应用程序旨在帮助数据科学家和统计学家执行各种数学算法。

Professional web developers recommend this framework in 2020 because it improves the performance of web applications by using distributed linear algebra frameworks with mathematically expressive R-Like Scala DSL for distributed algorithms. It also offers scalability, simplicity, and speed.

专业的Web开发人员在2020年推荐此框架,因为它通过将分布式线性代数框架与具有数学表达能力的R-Like Scala DSL一起用于分布式算法来提高Web应用程序的性能。 它还提供了可伸缩性,简单性和速度。

Mahout uses the Apache Hadoop library to build scalable supervised and unsupervised machine learning systems in the cloud. Developers can use Mahout for creating recommendation-based engines to perform functions such as classification as well as grouping and mining large volumes of data.

Mahout使用Apache Hadoop库在云中构建可伸缩的受监督的和不受监督的机器学习系统。 开发人员可以使用Mahout创建基于推荐的引擎来执行诸如分类以及对大量数据进行分组和挖掘的功能。

Apache Mahout has the clustering implementations that are supported by algorithms like K-Means, Canopy, Spectral, Dirichlet, Fuzzy K-Means, and Streaming K-Means. Clustering can help developers to discover and organize elements in distinct groups based on the similarity between items.

Apache Mahout具有由K-Means,Canopy,Spectral,Dirichlet,Fuzzy K-Means和Streaming K-Means等算法支持的集群实现。 聚类可以帮助开发人员根据项目之间的相似性来发现和组织不同组中的元素。

This is why the Mahout-based web applications can characterize their customer groups based on purchasing patterns, product classifications, and grouping of items.


Microsoft认知工具包 (Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit)

ai开发 机器学习_学习Web开发的最佳AI和机器学习框架

Quick stats:


  • Developed By: Microsoft Research

    开发: Microsoft研究

  • Founded In: 2016

    成立于: 2016

  • Written In: C++ and Python

    撰写: C ++和Python

  • Latest Release: 2.7.0 / 26 April 2019

    最新版本: 2.7.0 / 2019年4月26日

  • Platforms: Windows, Linux

    平台: Windows,Linux

  • Model Types: Support feed-forwards DNNs, convolutional and recurrent neural networks


Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit is yet another open-source deep learning framework. You can add it to web programs through high-level and low-level APIs for building neural networks. It passes knowledge to web programs through API optimizers and offers a number of components to measure the performance of neural networks.

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit是另一个开源深度学习框架。 您可以通过用于构建神经网络的高级和低级API将其添加到Web程序中。 它通过API优化器将知识传递到Web程序,并提供许多组件来衡量神经网络的性能。

If you want to create dynamic web applications, it is a perfect deep learning framework. Thanks to its functionality, scalability, and speed, you can keep cumbersomeness coding at bay. CNTK based web applications are efficient for image recognition, voice recognition, handwriting.

如果要创建动态Web应用程序,那么它是一个完美的深度学习框架。 由于其功能,可伸缩性和速度,您可以避免麻烦的编码。 基于CNTK的Web应用程序对于图像识别,语音识别,手写非常有效。

It supports both convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs/LSTMs). CNTK is an extensible library and you can also use this in your Python, C#, or C++ programs, or as a machine-learning tool through its own model description language (BrainScript).

它支持卷积神经网络(CNN)和递归神经网络(RNN / LSTM)。 CNTK是一个可扩展的库,您也可以在Python,C#或C ++程序中使用它 ,或者通过其自己的模型描述语言(BrainScript)将其用作机器学习工具。

Additionally, it boasts 64-bit Linux or 64-bit Windows operating systems that you can install from the pre-compiled binary packages, or from the GitHub library.


Its support for the ONNX format (Open Neural Network Exchange) greatly influences the web development process with AI and machine learning technology. It uses AI models with a variety of frameworks, tools, runtimes, and compilers. This is why CNTK is one of the best machine learning frameworks in areas such as speech recognition, predictive analysis, and understanding large unstructured datasets.

它对ONNX格式 (开放神经网络交换)的支持极大地影响了AI和机器学习技术的Web开发过程。 它使用具有各种框架,工具,运行时和编译器的AI模型。 这就是为什么CNTK是语音识别,预测分析和理解大型非结构化数据集等领域中最佳的机器学习框架之一的原因。

Many big tech companies use this framework for their web development because of its capabilities in these areas.


Caffe2 (Caffe2)

ai开发 机器学习_学习Web开发的最佳AI和机器学习框架

Quick stats:


  • Developed By: Berkeley Vision and Learning Center


  • Founded In: 2017

    成立于: 2017

  • Written In: C++ and Python

    撰写: C ++和Python

  • Latest Release: 1.0 / 18 April 2017

    最新版本: 1.0 / 2017年4月18日

  • Platforms: Linux, macOS, Windows

    平台: Linux,macOS,Windows

  • Architecture: Expressive and allow innovation in web development


This is a perfect deep learning framework for those who think that big things come in small packages. Yes, if you are looking for a flexible deep learning framework, Caffe2 is what you should go for. Developers love to use it as it is flexible and easy to develop code.

对于那些认为大事情归于小包装的人来说,这是一个完美的深度学习框架。 是的,如果您正在寻找灵活的深度学习框架,那么Caffe2是您应该追求的。 开发人员喜欢使用它,因为它灵活且易于开发代码。

With the help of extensible code, it enhances your application's performance. The best part is developers just need to have basic knowledge of C++ source code.

借助可扩展代码,它可以提高应用程序的性能。 最好的部分是开发人员只需要具备C ++源代码的基本知识即可。

It offers bindings for Python and MATLAB. And, your app code won't be complicated, as it supports state of the art code and models. It has pre-trained networks of Caffe2 Model Zoo for scenarios that include web development and research experiments.

它提供了Python和MATLAB的绑定。 而且,您的应用程序代码将不会很复杂,因为它支持最新的代码和模型。 它已经针对包括Web开发和研究实验在内的场景对Caffe2 Model Zoo进行了预训练的网络。

One of its biggest benefits is its speed – it can process over 60M of images on a daily basis with a single Nvidia K40 GPU.

其最大的优势之一是它的速度-单个Nvidia K40 GPU每天可以处理超过6000万张图像

There are various firms using the Caffe2 deep learning framework for building web apps with image segmentation and classification features. Caffe2 is able to provide a swift and fast development process that is mainly possible because of its convolutional neural networks.

有许多公司使用Caffe2深度学习框架来构建具有图像分割和分类功能的Web应用程序。 Caffe2能够提供快速,快速的开发过程,这主要是因为它具有卷积神经网络

Also if you use the Caffe2 Model Zoo with a set of the pre-trained models you can opt for a complete no-code development process.

同样,如果您将Caffe2 Model Zoo与一组预先训练的模型一起使用,则可以选择完整的无代码开发过程。

阿帕奇·辛加(Apache Singa) (Apache Singa)

ai开发 机器学习_学习Web开发的最佳AI和机器学习框架

Quick stats:


  • Developed By: Apache Software Foundation

    开发者: Apache软件基金会

  • Founded In: September 2015

    成立于: 2015 9月

  • Written In: C++, Python, Java

    撰写: C ++,Python,Java

  • Latest Release: 3.0.0 / April 20, 2020

    最新版本: 3.0.0 / 2020年4月20日

  • Platforms: Linux, macOS, Windows

    平台: Linux,macOS,Windows

  • Architecture: Logical system to support distributed training frameworks


Last, but not the least, Apache Singa is a popularly used deep learning framework for web development. It is quite versatile and developers can use it for creating web applications for an array of businesses. It offers several advantages, not just to the app developers but also to app owners.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,Apache Singa是用于Web开发的广泛使用的深度学习框架。 它非常通用,开发人员可以使用它为一系列企业创建Web应用程序。 它不仅为应用程序开发人员而且为应用程序所有者提供了多个优势。

Apache Singa has numerous features including flexible architecture for distributed training, and three main components:

Apache Singa具有众多功能,包括用于分布式培训的灵活体系结构和三个主要组件

  • the Core component for memory management,

  • the IO component for data analysis, and

  • the Model component for NLP and image recognition.


Currently, the Apache Singa team is working on the idea of SINGA-lite and Singa-Easy for making AI and deep learning more accessible and easy to use for developers.

目前,Apache Singa团队正在研究SINGA-lite和Singa-Easy的概念,以使开发人员更易于使用和使用AI和深度学习。

SINGA GitHub Star History(using

— Apache SINGA (@ApacheSinga) April 24, 2019

SINGA GitHub的星史(使用 )

-Apache SINGA(@ApacheSinga) 2019年4月24日

If you are looking for an extremely popular, secure, speedy, and flexible framework for building deep learning models, Apache Singa is what you need to go for in the year 2020.

如果您正在寻找一种非常流行,安全,快速和灵活的框架来构建深度学习模型,那么Apache Singa是2020年的目标。

At present, SINGA systems have been applied to healthcare apps for analyzing electronic medical record (EMR) data. There are many more companies using Apache SINGA to build useful data types applications.

目前,SINGA系统已应用于医疗应用程序,以分析电子病历(EMR)数据。 还有更多的公司使用Apache SINGA构建有用的数据类型应用程序。

到底 (In the End)

You might have already heard about all these AI and machine learning frameworks for web development. There are, of course, other frameworks out there. But according to my analysis, these 5 frameworks will be the winners this year.

您可能已经听说过所有用于Web开发的所有AI和机器学习框架。 当然,还有其他框架。 但是根据我的分析,这5个框架将是今年的赢家。

You can use these frameworks for building awesome web apps and reaching out to your users worldwide through your web apps. This will help you increase your customer base, which in turn leads to the success of your business.

您可以使用这些框架来构建出色的Web应用程序,并通过您的Web应用程序与全世界的用户联系。 这将帮助您增加客户基础,进而导致业务成功。

If you need services like that, and don't have the resources to set them up yourself, then you should hire a company that offers custom web development services according to your requirements.


You can contact my team at Syncrasy Tech for more details on AI enabled web development services. Or contact us here.

您可以通过Syncrasy Tech与我的团队联系,以获取有关启用AI的Web开发服务的更多详细信息。 或在这里与我们联系。

If you have any queries, you can reach out here on LinkedIn.


Thanks for reading!



ai开发 机器学习