如何在Windows上下载并安装SQL Server Management Studio?

SQL Server is a service running on Windows operating systems. In order to manage this SQL server service and instances with GUI we need to install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

SQL Server是在Windows操作系统上运行的服务。 为了使用GUI管理此SQL Server服务和实例,我们需要安装Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio。

下载Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Download Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio)

We will download the installer application from the following link.




开始安装过程 (Start The Installation Process)

We will start downloaded installer and we will see following screen which is a welcome screen for the installation process. We will just click to the install button.

我们将开始下载下载的安装程序,我们将看到以下屏幕,这是安装过程的欢迎屏幕。 我们将只单击安装按钮。

如何在Windows上下载并安装SQL Server Management Studio?
Download Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
下载Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

下载包 (Downloading Packages)

After we click to the install the process will continue with the download of required packages.


如何在Windows上下载并安装SQL Server Management Studio?
Downloading Packages

启动SQL Server Management Studio(Start SQL Server Management Studio)

We will start SQL Server Management Studio and we will see following startup screen which will also provide the version of the SSMS . In this case it is 17.9

我们将启动SQL Server Management Studio,然后将看到以下启动屏幕,该屏幕还将提供SSMS的版本。 在这个例子中是17.9

如何在Windows上下载并安装SQL Server Management Studio?
Start SQL Server Management Studio
启动SQL Server Management Studio

连接到SQL Server (Connect To SQL Server)

We will see a Connect to Server screen which will list some options. We generally provide username and password in order to login local or remote SQL Server Database. There is following options to provide.

我们将看到一个“ Connect to Server屏幕,其中列出了一些选项。 我们通常提供用户名和密码,以便登录本地或远程SQL Server数据库。 提供以下选项。

  • `Server Type` specifies what is the remote server type like Database Engine etc.

  • `Server Name` is the name or IP adress of the server. We generally provide the IP address and the instance name of the SQL Server. In this example `DESKTOP_HQVAMA3` is the hostname and `SQLEXPRESS` is the instance name.

    “服务器名称”是服务器的名称或IP地址。 我们通常提供SQL Server的IP地址和实例名称。 在此示例中,“ DESKTOP_HQVAMA3”是主机名,而“ SQLEXPRESS”是实例名。
  • `Authentication` specifies which type of authentication will be used and authentication parameters like username and password. In this case we select `Windows Authentication` which will use `Windows Operating System` credentials for user `İsmail Baydan`

    “认证”指定将使用哪种认证类型以及诸如用户名和密码之类的认证参数。 在这种情况下,我们选择“ Windows身份验证”,它将对用户“İsmailBaydan”使用“ Windows操作系统”凭据。
如何在Windows上下载并安装SQL Server Management Studio?
Connect To SQL Server
连接到SQL Server

SQL Server身份验证类型 (SQL Server Authentication Types)

As stated in previous part there is different type of authentication. But the most populars are

如前一部分所述,存在不同类型的身份验证。 但是最受欢迎的是

  • `Windows Authentication` will use current Windows User credentials.

  • `SQL Server Authentication` will use provided user name like `sa` and password.

    “ SQL Server身份验证”将使用提供的用户名,例如“ sa”和密码。
  • `Active Directory` types will authentication from a Active Directory.

    Active Directory类型将通过Active Directory进行身份验证。
如何在Windows上下载并安装SQL Server Management Studio?
SQL Server Authentication Types
SQL Server身份验证类型

对象资源管理器或数据库(Object Explorer or Databases)

After a successful login we will see following screen. This screen provides dashboard for SQL server management. This pane is named as Object Explorer which provides Databases , SecurityServer Objects etc. We can manage databases we have right to manage from the Databases .

成功登录后,我们将看到以下屏幕。 该屏幕提供了用于SQL Server管理的仪表板。 该窗格名为“ Object Explorer ,它提供DatabasesSecurityServer Objects等。我们可以从Databases管理我们有权管理的Databases

如何在Windows上下载并安装SQL Server Management Studio?
Object Explorer or Databases

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/how-to-download-and-install-sql-server-management-studio-on-windows/