


Word Processor is a term used to describe a hardware or software which is used for input, edit, format, output, convert some text. Even first-word processors are hardware-based or provide very basic features for word processing. Modern word processors like MS Word, Libre Office, OpenOffice, etc. provide advanced features.

Word Processor是一个术语,用于描述用于输入,编辑,格式化,输出,转换某些文本的硬件或软件。 甚至第一字处理器也是基于硬件的,或者提供用于字处理的非常基本的功能。 诸如MS Word,Libre Office,OpenOffice等的现代文字处理器提供了高级功能。

文字处理器历史 (Word Processor History)

Word processor history goes back to the 1970s. Even hardware-based word processor roots go older than that we will look at the history of the software-based word processor.

文字处理器的历史可以追溯到1970年代。 甚至基于硬件的文字处理器的根源远比我们看到的基于软件的文字处理器的历史悠久。

  • The first-word processor software or application is created in 1976 with the name of “Electric Pencil”.

    第一个字处理软件或应用程序创建于1976年,名称为“ Electric Pencil”。
  • In 1978 another word processor named WordStar boomed the word processor market and became very popular. WordStar was created for the CP/M operating system. But later with the popularity of MS-DOS the WordStar is rewritten for MS-DOS.

    1978年,另一个名为WordStar的文字处理机蓬勃发展了文字处理机市场,并大受欢迎。 WordStar是为CP / M操作系统创建的。 但是后来随着MS-DOS的流行,WordStar被改写为MS-DOS。
  • In the MS-DOS era word processors, WordPerfect and Microsoft became very popular even there are some less popular word processors like XyWrite.

  • The late 1980s with the innovation of laser printers typography became important with different fonts.

  • Apple Macintosh computers provided the MacWrite word processor alternative from the year 1983.

    从1983年开始,Apple Macintosh计算机提供了MacWrite文字处理器替代产品。
  • In the IBM PC era, Microsoft Word became very popular which started in 1984.

    在IBM PC时代,Microsoft Word从1984年开始非常流行。
  • With the popularity of the Windows operating system, Microsoft Word became a defacto word processor.

    随着Windows操作系统的普及,Microsoft Word成为事实上的文字处理器。

文字处理器功能和操作 (Word Processor Features and Operations)

Word Processors provide different features in order to create documents. Not all of them provide advanced features but different processors provide a different level of features.

文字处理器提供了不同的功能来创建文档。 并非所有人都提供高级功能,但不同的处理器提供不同级别的功能。

Insert text is the most basic and popular feature where text, words, and characters are typed into the document which is provided by the word processor.

Insert text是最基本和最流行的功能,在其中文字,单词和字符被键入到文字处理器提供的文档中。


Delete text is another popular operation where miss-typed or unwanted text and characters are deleted.

Delete text是另一种流行的操作,其中会删除错误键入或不需要的文本和字符。

Copy is another popular operation where some text is copied from the given document.


Paste is similar operation to “insert text” but the text is copied from different documents, browsers, etc. into the current document.


Page size and properties can be configured accordingly for better and specific view and page type.

可以相应地配置Page size and properties ,以获得更好的特定视图和页面类型。

Search operation will search and find a given word or characters in the current word processor document.


Replace is related to the “search” operation where matched search can be changed or replaced with the given word or characters.


Print is used to print the given document into a different format like PDF or sent to into printer to get a hard copy.


File management is used to create, delete, move, rename word processor documents.

File management用于创建,删除,移动,重命名文字处理器文档。

Font management is used to set and change font type which is related to the character representations.

Font management用于设置和更改与字符表示形式有关的字体类型。

Spell checking is another popular feature where the text content is checked again spelling or grammatical errors.

Spell checking是另一个流行的功能,其中再次检查文本内容的拼写或语法错误。

Footnotes are used to put some information about specific text or paragraph.


References is used for academic purposes.


Headers and footers are used to show some generic information like document name, page number,

Headers and footers用于显示一些常规信息,例如文档名称,页码,

Macro is used to run simple scripts to generate, calculate some data, or create actions according to the keystrokes and automatically run some functions.


Index Table is used to show list of headers and document parts with page information.

Index Table用于显示带有页面信息的标题和文档部分的列表。

Graphics are used to show some data or information in a graphical way. The graphic can be a bar, pie, line type.

Graphics用于以图形方式显示一些数据或信息。 图形可以是条形,饼形,线型。

Table is used to show tabular data in a structured way which is easy to read and look.


了解更多Windows Dir命令教程,其中包含列出文件和文件信息的示例

文字处理器GUI(Word Processor GUI)

Even a word processor provides a lot of features it provides very basic GUI in order to make the user experience easier for most of the people from different knowledge level.


Word Processor GUI

文字处理器用例 (Word Processor Use Cases)

Even word processor is a very similar text editor it provides a lot more features and detailed configurations. Below we will list some use cases for the word processor.

甚至文字处理器也是一个非常相似的文本编辑器,它提供了更多的功能和详细的配置。 下面我们将列出文字处理器的一些用例。

  • Creating reports for different businesses

  • Creating homework for school and university

  • Creating documentation about a product, feature or service

  • Creating presentations with a lot of text, table, and graphics.


流行的文字处理器软件 (Popular Word Processor Software)

Even Microsoft Word is the most popular and defacto word processor there are a lot of proprietaries and free/opensource word processors. Below we will list some of them.

即使Microsoft Word是最流行和事实上的文字处理程序,也有许多专有和免费/开源的文字处理程序。 下面我们将列出其中一些。

免费和开源文字处理器 (Free and Open-Source Word Processors)

  • AbiWord

  • Apache OpenOffice Writer

    Apache OpenOffice作家
  • Calligra Words

  • EtherPad – real-time word processor

    EtherPad –实时文字处理器
  • GNU TeXmacs

    GNU TeXmacs
  • Groff

  • JWPce – Japanese word processor, designed primarily for the English speaker who is reading or writing in Japanese

    JWPce –日语文字处理器,主要为英语读写日语的人设计
  • KWord

  • LibreOffice Writer

  • LyX – TeX document processor

    LyX – TeX文档处理器
  • OnlyOffice Desktop Editors

  • Ted

  • Trelby – screenplay word processor

    Trelby –剧本文字处理器

专有文字处理器(Proprietary Word Processor)

  • Apple Pages, part of its iWork suite – Mac, iOS

    Apple Pages,属于iWork套件的一部分– Mac,iOS
  • Applix Word – Linux

    Applix Word – Linux
  • Atlantis Word Processor – Windows

    亚特兰蒂斯文字处理器– Windows
  • Documents To Go – Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, Symbian

    待处理文档– Android,iOS,Windows Mobile,Symbian
  • Final Draft – screenplay/teleplay word processor

  • FrameMaker

  • Gobe Productive Word Processor

  • Hangul (also known as HWP)

  • IA Writer – Mac, iOS

    IA作家– Mac,iOS

    IBM SCRIPT – IBM VM / 370
  • IBM SCRIPT/VS – IBM z/VM or z/OS systems

    IBM SCRIPT / VS – IBM z / VM或z / OS系统
  • Ichitaro – Japanese word processor produced by JustSystems

    Ichitaro – JustSystems生产的日语文字处理器
  • InCopy

  • IntelliTalk

  • iStudio Publisher – Mac

    iStudio Publisher – Mac
  • Kingsoft Writer – Windows and Linux

    金山作家– Windows和Linux
  • Mariner Write – Mac

    水手写– Mac
  • Mathematica – technical and scientific word processing

    Mathematica –技术和科学文字处理
  • Mellel – Mac

    Mellel – Mac
  • Microsoft Word – Windows and Mac

    Microsoft Word – Windows和Mac
  • Microsoft Works Word Processor

    Microsoft Works文字处理器
  • Microsoft Write – Windows and Mac (a stripped-down version of Word)

    Microsoft Write – Windows和Mac(Word的精简版)
  • Nisus Writer – Mac

    Nisus作家– Mac
  • Nota Bene – Windows

    Nota Bene – Windows
  • Polaris Office – Android and Windows Mobile

    北极星办公室– Android和Windows Mobile
  • PolyEdit

  • QuickOffice – Android, iOS, Symbian

    QuickOffice – Android,iOS,Symbian
  • Scrivener

  • TechWriter – RISC OS

    TechWriter – RISC操作系统
  • TextMaker

  • ThinkFree Office Write

    ThinkFree Office写
  • Ulysses – Mac, iPadOS, iOS

    尤利西斯– Mac,iPadOS,iOS
  • WordPad – previously known as “Write” in older versions than Windows 95; has been included in all versions of Windows since Windows 1.01.

    写字板–在Windows 95之前的版本中以前称为“写入”; 从Windows 1.01开始,所有版本的Windows中都包含该组件。
  • WordPerfect


