



Book rights, and especially eBook rights, can be messy. UK publishers can’t just start selling books in the US, and vice versa. For most modern books by big authors, you’ll see the hardback and eBook versions being published at pretty much the same time around the world. For older books that were released before eBooks were a big deal, and for smaller authors with publishing deals, however, you’ll regularly find that the eBook version is available in some countries and not others.

图书版权,尤其是电子书版权可能会很混乱。 英国出版商不能只是开始在美国销售图书,反之亦然。 对于大型作者的大多数现代书籍,您会看到精装本和电子书版本几乎在世界各地同时发布。 但是,对于在电子书大行其道之前发行的较旧的书籍,以及具有出版交易的较小的作者,您经常会发现该电子书版本仅在某些国家/地区可用,而在其他国家/地区则不可用。

Check out this book, The King Arthur Trilogy Book One: Dragon’s Child by M. K. Hume. For me, it’s available on Kindle in the UK Amazon store.

看看这本书,MK Hume 的《亚瑟王三部曲》一书:龙的孩子 。 对我来说,它可以在英国亚马逊商店的Kindle上找到。


…But not in the US one.



If you’re an American fan of Hume, this would be pretty annoying, since you can’t purchase books from the UK Kindle Store. I run into this issue every so often, but fortunately, there’s a workaround: it’s possible to change which Store your Kindle uses.

如果您是休ume(Hume)的美国粉丝,这将很烦人,因为您无法从英国Kindle商店购买书籍。 我经常遇到这个问题,但是幸运的是,有一种解决方法:可以更改Kindle使用的商店。

For this to work, you need an address in the other country. For example, if you’re American and want to use the UK Kindle Store, you need a UK address. There are two simple ways to get one: ask a friend who lives in the UK if you can use their address for Kindle purchases, or just make one up. For me, who needs a fake address in the US, I’m partial to the ZIP 90210 myself. As long as you’re not getting physical products delivered, Amazon won’t notice that 123 Harry Street, Beverly Hills, California, doesn’t exist.

为此,您需要在另一个国家/地区提供地址。 例如,如果您是美国人,并且想使用英国Kindle商店,则需要一个英国地址。 有两种简单的获取方法:询问居住在英国的朋友是否可以使用他们的地址购买Kindle,或者只是虚构一个。 对于需要在美国伪造地址的我来说,我本人只喜欢ZIP 90210。 只要您没有交付实物产品,亚马逊就不会注意到加利福尼亚州比佛利山庄哈里街123号并不存在。

Whatever way you get your address, the process is the same. Open the Amazon version of the country you’re currently using. For me right now, that’s

无论您以哪种方式获取地址,过程都是相同的。 打开您当前使用的国家/地区的亚马逊版本。 现在对我来说,那是。

Hover over the Account and Lists dropdown and select Your Content and Devices.



Next, select Settings.



Then, under Country Settings, click Change.



Enter the address you want to use in the country you want to change to and click Update.



And just like that, Amazon thinks you’re a resident somewhere else. You’ll then be able to purchase items from that country’s Kindle Store.

就像那样,亚马逊认为您是其他地方的居民。 然后,您可以从该国的Kindle商店购买商品。


I’ve done this a few times a year, as I’ve run into books not available in one Kindle Store or the other, and never run into any problems. It’s never interfered with also buying products from Amazon, even if they think I’m resident in the US when I’m in Ireland. If you do encounter any issues, just swap your resident address back to your real one, using the same process above.

我一年做几次,因为我遇到过一个Kindle商店或其他Kindle商店不提供的书,而且从未遇到任何问题。 它也不会干扰从亚马逊购买产品,即使他们认为我在爱尔兰时也居住在美国。 如果确实遇到任何问题,请使用与上述相同的步骤,将您的居民地址换回您的真实地址。

