bukkit 教程_如何通过Bukkit和Essentials扩展Minecraft的体验

bukkit 教程_如何通过Bukkit和Essentials扩展Minecraft的体验

bukkit 教程

bukkit 教程_如何通过Bukkit和Essentials扩展Minecraft的体验

Minecraft is an amazing open-ended game, but what if you could take it to the next level? Using the Essentials Plugin Suite, you can add create and manage user groups, specify permissions for commands, and even add a class system!

《我的世界》是一款了不起的开放式游戏,但是如果您可以将它提升到一个新的水平,该怎么办? 使用Essentials插件套件,您可以添加创建和管理用户组,指定命令权限,甚至添加类系统!

We’ve got a video tutorial you can use to get set up, but first, be sure you’ve got a Bukkit server working. If you need help, check out our article, How To Configure and Run Bukkit, An Alternative Minecraft Server. If you plan on running your server at home and aren’t sure on how to let your friends join in, take a look at How To Easily Access Your Home Network From Anywhere With DDNS as well as How To Forward Ports on Your Router.

我们有一个****,您可以使用它进行设置,但是首先,请确保您已使用Bukkit服务器。 如果您需要帮助,请查看我们的文章“如何配置和运行Bukkit,替代性Minecraft服务器” 。 如果您打算在家中运行服务器,并且不确定如何让您的朋友加入,请查看如何使用DDNS从任何地方轻松访问家庭网络以及如何转发路由器上的端口

Part 1 of 4
Part 2 of 4
Part 3 of 4
Part 4 of 4

You can always get the latest version from the Bukkit main page.


You can get the Essentials plugin suite from their Wiki’s Downloads page.


Lastly, you should visit the Tutorials page to learn YAML syntax and for in-depth looks at the configuration files.


Combining the use of kits in the Essentials config.yml file and the use of groups in the GroupManager groups.yml file, you can effectively create a class system to which multiple users are assigned. Miners can summon mining kits, smiths can summon furnaces and fuel, and farmers can summon their tools and bone meal. It makes each class’s work easier to accomplish, and they can trade and explore as much as they want. You can combine many elements of Survival Multiplayer with much of the ease and convenience of “all Op” online servers so you can still create as much as you want, but leave the challenge of surviving from monsters intact.

结合使用Essentials config.yml文件中的套件和GroupManager groups.yml文件中的组的使用,可以有效地创建一个分配了多个用户的类系统。 矿工可以召唤采矿工具箱,铁匠可以召唤熔炉和燃料,农民可以召唤其工具和骨粉。 它使每个班级的工作都更容易完成,并且他们可以根据需要进行交易和探索。 您可以将“生存多人”的许多元素与“所有Op”在线服务器的便捷性结合在一起,因此您仍然可以创建所需的任意数量,但完整无缺地应对怪物生存的挑战。

Have you taken Minecraft to the next level? Share your thoughts, experiences, and creations in the comments!

您是否将Minecraft提升到了新的水平? 在评论中分享您的想法,经验和创意!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/68828/how-to-expand-your-minecraft-experience-with-bukkit-and-essentials/

bukkit 教程