免费下载:电子书格式的HP Lovecraft全集

免费下载:电子书格式的HP Lovecraft全集

If you’re a fan of the great American author H.P. Lovecraft, this is a must-download. And if you’ve never read his work, here’s your chance—there’s versions that should work on almost every e-reader device.

如果您是美国著名作家HP Lovecraft的粉丝,那么这是必须下载的。 而且,如果您从未阅读过他的著作,这就是您的机会-有些版本几乎可以在所有电子阅读器设备上使用。

Head to the link, and look in the first paragraph for the links to the EPUB and Kindle versions. You’ll need to connect your Kindle to your PC via the USB cable and drop the book in there that way. If you want to read the EPUB on your PC, you can use Calibre or a similar software.

转到该链接,然后在第一段中找到指向EPUB和Kindle版本的链接。 您需要通过USB电缆将Kindle连接到PC上,然后将书放入那里。 如果要在PC上读取EPUB,可以使用Calibre或类似软件。

Free Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft for Nook and Kindle [Cthulhu Chick]

适用于Nook和Kindle的HP Lovecraft免费完整作品 [克苏鲁·奇克]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/93107/free-download-the-complete-works-of-h-p-lovecraft-in-ebook-format/