



typedef struct
    kal_uint8        auth_len;
    kal_uint8        auth_code[IOT_LOCK_AUTHCOE_MAX_LEN+1]; //auth_code


static nvram_ef_auth_code_struct NVRAM_EF_IOT_AUTHCODE_DEFAULT =

2、在nvram_common_config.c 里的这段注释,基本说明了添加一个logical data item的步骤。

 * Steps of defining logical data item:
 * 1> Define LID of new logical data item into `nvram_LID_cust_enum' in
 *    nvram_user_defs.h
 * 2> Define two constants: SIZE and TOTAL, in nvram_user_defs.h
 * 3> Define default value of that new logical data item in nvram_user_config.c
 * 4> Define attributes of that new logical data item into
 *    `logical_data_item_table_cust'
 * 5> Bypass.
 * 6> Change version number CODED_DATA_VERSION in nvram_user_config.c
 * The logical data item table.
 * Note:
 * Each logical data item must be:
 * 1> Size must be EVEN
 * 2> Size of default value must be equal to the logical data item's size.
 * The rule for data item changes:
 * 1. To add a new data item, its name must be the next of the current last LID, for example,
 *     the last LID in the CT reign now is CT20, the new one must be CT21.
 * 2. Version must be increased if
 *    (a) Size is changed, or
 *    (b) Number of sections is changed, or
 *    (c) Attribute is changed, or
 *    (d) data structure is changed.


#if  defined(NVRAM_AUTO_GEN)


#define sgyouTest  1

#define ltable_entry_structnvram_ltable_entry_struct __attribute__((aligned(4)))__attribute__((__section__("_nvram_ltable")))



#elif defined(__MTK_TARGET__)

#define sgyouTest  2

#define ltable_entry_structnvram_ltable_entry_struct __attribute__((section("_nvram_ltable")))

#define NVRAM_LIG_GRP_INIT(X)   {\

                                    externnvram_ltable_entry_struct X##[];\

                                    void *X##_p = (void *)&X;\




#define sgyouTest  3

#define ltable_entry_struct__pragma(section("_nvram_ltable_content")) \

                           nvram_ltable_entry_struct __declspec(allocate("_nvram_ltable_content"))


#define NVRAM_LIG_GRP_INIT(X)   extern nvram_ltable_entry_struct X##[];\

                                static void*X##_p = (void *)&X;



#if  defined(NVRAM_AUTO_GEN)


#define sgyouTest  1

#define ltable_entry_structnvram_ltable_entry_struct __attribute__((aligned(4)))__attribute__((__section__("_nvram_ltable")))



#elif defined(__MTK_TARGET__)

#define sgyouTest  2

#define ltable_entry_structnvram_ltable_entry_struct __attribute__((section("_nvram_ltable")))

#define NVRAM_LIG_GRP_INIT(X)   {\

                                    externnvram_ltable_entry_struct X##[];\

                                    void *X##_p = (void *)&X;\




#define sgyouTest  3

#define ltable_entry_struct__pragma(section("_nvram_ltable_content")) \

                           nvram_ltable_entry_struct __declspec(allocate("_nvram_ltable_content"))


#define NVRAM_LIG_GRP_INIT(X)   extern nvram_ltable_entry_struct X##[];\

                                static void*X##_p = (void *)&X;




00.elf is not existed! Please check link error.查看错误信息的时候。请查看根目录下的文件pl_error_normal.log,来定位错误信息。

5、2503的管脚名称,复用请看芯片手册的2.1.4章节。比如KROW1 可以复用那个gpio, 在这里就可以查到 配置成GPIO20
