

1. 关于指令编码长度

1.1 aarch32
		A32模式(ARM instruction sets),指令固定的编码长度为32bit
		T32模式(Thumb instruction sets),指令可以编码成16bit长,也可编码成32bit长
1.2 aarch64

参考 A1.3.2 The ARM instruction sets

2. 关于当前指令的地址

2.1 aarch32

在ARM32状态下,当前执行指令的地址通常是pc-8,而在Thumb状态下通常是pc-4。参考地址: 程序计数器(pc)
  拿ARMv7三级流水线做示例,如图,假设add指令fetch时,指令地址为pc1; add指令decode时,下一条指令sub又进入fetch阶段,此时pc2 = pc1 + 4; add指令execute时,sub指令后的cmp油进入fetch阶段,此时pc = pc2 + 4, 因此add指令执行时真正的pc地址pc1 = pc-8。

2.2 aarch64


Program counter
 The current Program Counter (PC) cannot be referred to by number as if part of the general register file and therefore cannot be used as the source or destination of arithmetic instructions, or as the base, index or transfer register of load and store instructions.
 The only instructions that read the PC are those whose function it is to compute a PC-relative address (ADR, ADRP, literal load, and direct branches), and the branch-and-link instructions that store a return address in the link register (BL and BLR). The only way to modify the program counter is using branch, exception generation and exception return instructions.
 Where the PC is read by an instruction to compute a PC-relative address, then its value is the address of that instruction. Unlike A32 and T32, there is no implied offset of 4 or 8 bytes.
参考 5.1.3. Registers

3. 关于形参超过指令个数,访问方法

3.1 aarch32

arm32下,前4个参数是通过r0~r3传递,第4个参数需要通过sp访问,第5个参数需要通过sp + 4 访问,第n个参数需要通过sp + 4*(n-4)访问。

3.2 aarch64

arm64下,前8个参数是通过x0~x7传递,第8个参数需要通过sp访问,第9个参数需要通过sp + 8 访问,第n个参数需要通过sp + 8*(n-8)访问。

4. aarch64下< Vn>.< Ts>[< index2>]的用法

示例: mov < Vd>.< Ts>[< index1>], < Vn>.< Ts>[< index2>]

  • B
  • H
  • S
  • D

5. aarch64下imm需注意的地方

示例:cmp < Wn|WSP>, #< imm> {, < shift>}
其中imm是无符号立即数,取值范围[0, 4095]。

6. aarch64下v寄存器的写法

示例: add v4.4H, v4.4H, V5.4H
add v4.4H, v4.4H, v5.4H 注意到没?V5.4H 改成了v5.4H,大小写!!!