2019新闻列表_每日新闻摘要:Google I / O 2019的期望

2019新闻列表_每日新闻摘要:Google I / O 2019的期望


2019新闻列表_每日新闻摘要:Google I / O 2019的期望

Google I/O, the company’s yearly tech conference, starts next week. As usual, all the new stuff Google has been working on for the last year will be front and center. Here’s a quick look at what we expect to see.

该公司的年度技术会议Google I / O下周开始。 像往常一样,去年Google一直在研究的所有新内容都将放在首位。 这是我们期望看到的快速浏览。

Android Q: Android is routinely a huge talking point at I/O, and this year will be no different. The Q Beta is already available on Pixel devices for developers and curious users to test, but expect to see more of what Google plans for the final builds as I/O progresses next week.

Android问: Android通常是I / O上的一个热门话题,而今年也一样。 Q Beta已在Pixel设备上提供给开发人员和好奇的用户进行测试,但是随着下周I / O的进展,期望看到Google对于最终版本的更多计划。

Stadia: Google’s upcoming game streaming service is something the company will be pushing hard this year (especially as availability draws near), so we expect to see a lot about Stadia. Hopefully, that will include some of the information that has been missing so far—you know, like pricing and model.

Stadia:谷歌即将推出的游戏流媒体服务是该公司今年将大力推动的事情(尤其是随着可用性的临近),因此我们希望看到有关Stadia的很多信息。 希望其中将包括到目前为止所缺少的一些信息,例如定价和型号。

Pixel 3a/3a XL: These phones have been leaked into oblivion already, with full details, packaging, pricing, and literally everything else already out in the open. But we expect Google to officially unveil them next week, along with immediate availability.

Pixel 3a / 3a XL:这些电话已经被遗忘,其详细信息包装价格以及几乎所有其他信息都已经公开发售。 但是我们希望Google能够在下周正式发布它们,并立即供货。

Android TV and Android Automotive: Not only will Q get a heavy focus, but we’ll likely see Google talk more about Android TV—its set-top box OS that has been mostly kept alive by the NVIDIA SHIELD for the past three years. Android Automotive (not to be confused with Android Auto, which is a totally different product), will also get some attention.

Android TV和Android Automotive: Q不仅将成为重点,而且我们可能会看到Google谈论有关Android TV的更多信息,Android TV是机顶盒操作系统,在过去三年中,该机顶盒一直被NVIDIA SHIELD保留。 Android Automotive(不要与完全不同的Android Auto混淆)也将引起关注。

Chrome, Smarthome, Assistant, and more: While the above list will likely be the most significant announcements made at I/O, Google will also probably highlight upcoming features in Chrome, talk about its smarthome products (including the recently leaked Nest Hub Max), and of course, Google Assistant.

Chrome,Smarthome,Assistant等:虽然以上列表可能是I / O上最重要的公告,但Google也可能会重点介绍Chrome即将发布的功能,谈论其Smarthome产品(包括最近泄漏的Nest Hub Max )。 ,当然还有Google Assistant。

In other news, Spotify wants to put podcasts in your playlists, Verizon is selling Tumblr, Mozilla bans certain extensions, and more.


  • Spotify is testing playlists with podcasts: How would you like to have a personal playlist that also includes several minutes of people talking in between songs? That’s what Spotify is testing by throwing short podcasts into personalized playlist mixes. It just seems so weird. [TechCrunch]

    Spotify正在用播客测试播放列表:您想如何创建一个个人播放列表,其中还包括几分钟内人们在歌曲之间进行交谈的时间? 这就是Spotify通过将简短的播客放入个性化播放列表混音中进行的测试。 看起来好奇怪。 [ TechCrunch ]

  • Tumblr can’t catch a break: Yahoo had it and did nothing with it, then sold it to Verizon. Verizon also did nothing with it, and now it’s trying to sell the platform off. I got five on it if anyone else wants to go in with me. [The Verge]

    Tumblr不能休息:雅虎拥有它,对此一无所获,然后将其出售给Verizon。 Verizon也没有采取任何措施,现在它正试图出售该平台。 如果有人想和我一起去,我就得五个。 [ 边缘 ]

  • Mozilla bans Firefox extensions with obfuscated code: Starting on June 10th, any Firefox extension that doesn’t meet specific criteria—including full access to the source code—will be disallowed in its store. [ZDNet]

    Mozilla禁止使用混淆代码的Firefox扩展:从6月10日开始,任何不符合特定条件(包括对源代码的完全访问权限)的Firefox扩展都将在其商店中被禁止。 [ ZDNet ]

  • Pokemon come to Playground: You can now drop Pikachu, Charizard, Mr. Mime, and Jigglypuff into your world with the new Detective Pikachu Playmoji pack for Google’s Playground platform on compatible Android phones. [Google Blog]

    宠物小精灵来到Playground:您现在可以使用兼容的Android手机上适用于Google Playground平台的全新侦探皮卡丘Playmoji包,将Pikachu,Charizard,Mime和Jigglypuff放到您的世界中。 [ Google博客 ]

  • Mortal Kombat, Super Mario Kart, and Solitaire make it to the HoF: The National Museum of Play has announced 2019’s inductees into the Video Game Hall of Fame, with Mortal Kombat, Super Mario Kart, Microsoft Windows Solitaire, and Colossal Cave Adventure all making the cut. [Engadget]

    Mortal Kombat,Super Mario Kart和Solitaire进入HoF:国家游戏博物馆宣布2019年的入选者进入视频游戏名人堂,Mortal Kombat,Super Mario Kart,Microsoft Windows Solitaire和Colossal Cave Adventure都在制作中那个切口。 [ Engadget ]

  • A guy swallowed and AirPod, and It still worked: Apparently, this dude fell asleep with his AirPods in and accidentally swallowed one. I don’t even see how that’s possible, but hey, that’s not what’s important here. What’s important is that it still worked. [9to5Mac]

    一个人吞下了AirPod,它仍然起作用:显然,这个家伙和他的AirPods一起睡着了,不小心吞了一个。 我什至看不到这是怎么可能的,但是,嘿,这不是最重要的。 重要的是它仍然有效。 [ 9to5Mac ]

Have you seen the Sonic the Hedgehog trailer? Lots of people have, and lots of people aren’t happy with how Sonic looks. The film’s director, James Fowler, acknowledged that people weren’t happy and pledged to fix it. Here’s to hoping for shorter legs and less weird teeth. As an aside Jim Carry as Robotnik looks amazing—especially the tease at the end. I’m into this movie just for that. [CNET]

您看过刺猬索尼克的预告片吗? 很多人都有,很多人对Sonic的外观不满意。 电影的导演詹姆斯·福勒(James Fowler)承认人们不满意,并承诺要修复它。 这是希望腿短,牙齿少怪。 顺便说一句,Robotnik的Jim Carry看起来很棒-特别是最后的戏弄。 我只是为了那部电影。 [ CNET ]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/daily-news-roundup-what-to-expect-from-google-io-2019/
