Excel VBA - 极慢的单元格着色

Excel VBA - 极慢的单元格着色


我有一系列我导入的.csv文件,其中包含需要应用于导入数据的颜色信息。色柱是冒号分隔的,并且数据是管道分隔:Excel VBA - 极慢的单元格着色

:::::65535::|ADAM 14-22TGH|CHERRY|twu|Diesel Fuel (RIG)|Fuel|| 
::::14994616:::|MARCO 41-12G|CRYSTAL|HVA|Diesel Fuel (RIG)|Rig Fuel|gal us| 
:::65535:65535:65535:65535:|MARCO 41-12G|CRYSTAL||||| 


Dim ds As Worksheet 
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long 
Dim iUsedCol As Long, iUsedRow As Long, clrRequired As Long, color as Long 
Dim rngRequired As Range 

Dim colorMap As Variant 
Dim colors() As String 
clrRequired = CLng(GetSetting("Failed Required Field Check")) 

' Get the values of the color column 
iusedRow = ds.UsedRange.Rows.Count 
colorMap = Range(ds.Cells(1, 1), Cells(iUsedRow, 1)).Value 

' Delete the color map column 

' Skip the first two rows 
For i = 3 To iusedRow 
    colors = Split(colorMap(i, 1), ":") 

    ' Offset by one column since we're deleting column 1 after 
    For j = 2 To UBound(colors) + 1 
     If colors(j - 1) = "" Then 
      color = CLng(colors(j - 1)) 

      ' Required 
      If color = clrRequired Then 
       If rngRequired Is Nothing Then 
        Set rngRequired = ds.Cells(i, j) 
        Set rngRequired = Application.Union(rngRequired, ds.Cells(i, j)) 
       End If 
      End If 
     End If 
    Next j 
Next i 

' Set the colors 
If Not rngRequired Is Nothing Then 
    rngRequired.Interior.color = clrRequired 
End If 



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20分钟示例中有多少行/单元格?如果你只注释掉最后3行,它显着更快吗? –


@TimWilliams很好的问题。刚刚检查,看起来也是一样慢,这表明工会可能采取的时间最长。原本我一次着色一个细胞,甚至更慢。 –


@TimWilliams我目前正在测试的报告超过33,000行,分布在12个csv文件中。大部分都很小,一个是30k本身。 –


Dim ds As Worksheet 
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long 
Dim iUsedCol As Long, iUsedRow As Long, clrRequired As Long, color As Long 

'Set ds = ..... 

iUsedRow = ds.UsedRange.Rows.Count 

' Skip the first two rows 
For i = 3 To iUsedRow 
    colors = Split(ds.Cells(i, 1).Value, ":") 

    ' Offset by one column since we're deleting column 1 after 
    For j = 2 To UBound(colors) + 1 
     If colors(j - 1) <> "" Then 
      ds.Cells(i, j).Interior.color = CLng(colors(j - 1)) 
     End If 
    Next j 
Next i 

' Delete the color map column 

将处理所有的颜色在一个循环。 (如果你只是试图设置某些颜色,这可能是一个问题,如你的GetSetting调用所定义的那样,如果是这样的话,如果指定的颜色不是你想要的颜色之一,你可能需要包含一个If语句以避免处理处理。)


这很完美,而且速度非常快。我觉得我最初尝试了这样的东西,但完全错过了这个标志。我想我用彩色地图垃圾过度复杂它。再次感谢。 –