

Recently Samsung demonstrated a new capability to create video clips of people talking using just a single photo. An explanation video culminated in an example of a convincing talking Mona Lisa. It’s a significant step forward in deepfake technology.

最近,三星展示了一项新功能,该功能可以仅使用一张照片来创建通话对象的视频剪辑。 一段解释性视频最终以令人信服的Mona Lisa说话为例。 这是Deepfake技术向前迈出的重要一步。

Deepfake technology refers to using A.I. processes to swap a face onto another person’s body in a video. Face-swapping is easy in photographs, but much more difficult in videos, and usually requires many sample photos of a target face.

Deepfake技术是指使用AI流程将人脸在视频中交换到另一个人的身体上。 换脸在照片中很容易,但是在视频中要困难得多,并且通常需要目标面部的许多样本照片。

That restriction alone is why deepfake videos are usually of celebrities, such as a compilation of movies with Nicholas Cage inserted as main characters.

仅此一个限制就是为什么Deepfake视频通常是名人的原因,例如以Nicholas Cage为主要角色的电影汇编。

Samsung has taken the technology further. Instead of relying on many pictures of a person, they can now create video from a single image, or even a painting. It isn’t entirely convincing yet; you can easily see that something is off, but with just a few photos, the illusion starts to take hold. With time, the company will likely improve on the results as well.

三星将技术进一步发展。 现在,他们不再依赖于一个人的许多图片,而是可以从单个图像甚至一幅画中创建视频。 这还不完全令人信服。 您可以轻松地看到有些问题,但是只有几张照片,这种错觉就开始流行起来。 随着时间的推移,该公司也可能会改善结果。

The whole thing is fascinating and mildly terrifying. Any technology is a tool; you could use it for good or bad. Movie studios, for instance, use deepfake technology to seemingly bring actors back from the dead, as in “Star Wars: Rogue Squadron.” But we have the internet, so of course, the tech can be and is used for horrible things as well. It’s early days though, so don’t feel the need to pull all your photos off the internet just yet. [CNET]

整个过程令人着迷,并且有些恐怖。 任何技术都是一种工具; 您可以使用它的好坏。 例如,电影制片厂使用Deepfake技术使演员从死里复活,就像“星球大战:流氓中队”中那样。 但是我们拥有互联网,因此,当然,该技术可以并且也用于恐怖事件。 不过,这还处于初期阶段,因此,您不需要立即将所有照片从互联网上删除。 [ CNET ]

在其他新闻中: (In Other News:)

The U.S. Senate passed a bill to curtail robocalling: Robocalling is the digital plague we all face. Have you stopped answering your phone altogether yet? A solution is still a long, long, long ways away, but at least there’s finally some traction. [MacRumors]

美国参议院通过了一项法案,以减少机器人呼叫机器人呼叫是我们所有人都面临的数字灾难。 您是否已完全停止接听电话 ? 解决方案还有很长很长的路要走,但至少最终会有一些吸引力。 [ MacRumors ]

Google Duo rolls out group calling to everyone: After testing in some markets, Google is rolling out group calling to all Duo users. Now you can have up to eight people on the call, which is far less than FaceTime’s 32 max or Skype’s 50 max. Does anybody make 50 person group calls? [Engadget]

Google Duo向所有人推出了群组通话:在某些市场进行测试之后,Google正在向所有Duo用户进行群组通话。 现在,您最多可以有8个人在通话中,这远远少于FaceTime的32人或Skype的50人。 有人打50人小组电话吗? [ Engadget ]

Amazon wants to scan your body: Are you in New York and have 30 minutes to spare? If you don’t mind filling out some surveys and letting a large corporation 3D scan your body (wearing “form-fitting swimwear” no less), you could score a $25 Amazon gift card. You might be asking why Amazon is doing this. That’s a pretty good question if you ask us. [Mashable]

亚马逊想扫描您的身体:您是否在纽约,有30分钟的空闲时间? 如果您不介意填写一些调查报告,并让一家大型公司3D扫描您的身体(至少要穿“合身的泳装”),您可以获得25美元的亚马逊礼品卡。 您可能会问为什么亚马逊要这样做。 如果您问我们,这是一个很好的问题。 [可混搭 ]

Microsoft pulls Huawei from its cloud and laptop offerings: When it rains, it pours. Following Intel and Google’s decisions to stop Huawei partnerships, Microsoft has removed Huawei offerings from its cloud and consumer catalogs. You won’t find it mentioned on Azure sites or the Matebook X Pro offered in the Microsoft Store now. [Thurott]

微软将华为从其云计算和笔记本电脑产品中撤出:下雨时,倾盆大雨。 在英特尔谷歌决定停止与华为建立合作关系之后,微软从其云和消费者目录中删除了华为的产品。 您现在不会在Azure站点或Microsoft Store中提供的Matebook X Pro上找到它。 [ 瑟洛特 ]

ESET discovered a Google Play app designed to steal cryptocurrency: Bad actors created a convincing fake app of Trezor, a legitimate hardware cryptocurrency wallet some people use. It’s a basic phishing scheme, you download it, input credentials, and now the bad actors have your info. Over a thousand people downloaded the app before Google removed it. Maybe avoid apps anything with crypto in the description. [TechCrunch]

ESET发现了一款​​旨在窃取加密货币的Google Play应用程序:不良行为者创建了令人信服的假冒Trezor应用程序,Trezor是某些人使用的合法硬件加密货币钱包。 这是一种基本的网络钓鱼方案,您可以下载它,输入凭据,现在,恶意行为者可以获得您的信息。 在Google删除该应用之前,有一千多人下载了该应用。 也许避免 应用 描述中包含密码的任何内容。 [ TechCrunch ]

AT&T now lets you pay in cryptocurrency: Then again, apparently you can pay for your phone service with crypto? The company is now accepting payments through Bitpay, another cryptocurrency processor. It’s anybody’s guess how long before AT&T changes its mind. [The Block]

现在,AT&T允许您以加密货币付款:那么,显然您可以使用加密来为电话服务付款吗? 该公司现在正在通过另一种加密货币处理器Bitpay接受付款。 有人猜测AT&T改变主意要多久。 [ 街区 ]

Amazon may be working on an emotion tracking Alexa gadget: Based on some patents and “sources,” Amazon may be working on a wearable that knows how you feel. The proof of concept shows an Echo that notices someone sick and offering chicken soup and cough drops. There’s not much to go on here, and Amazon isn’t commenting. So file this under “may never happen.” [Gizmodo]

亚马逊可能正在开发一种可追踪情绪的Alexa小工具:基于某些专利和“资源”,亚马逊可能正在开发一款可了解您的感受的可穿戴设备。 概念证明显示出回声,该回声注意到有人生病并提供鸡肉汤和止咳药水。 这里没有太多事情要做,亚马逊也没有发表评论。 因此,请将其归档为“可能永远不会发生”。 [ Gizmodo ]

Amazon patent shows more natural wake-work language: If you’ve ever thought it’s weird to start every command with “Alexa” an Amazon patent is thinking of you. Basically, the idea is to look let you say “turn off the lights, Alexa” and the Echo could look back a few seconds from the wake-work for a command. This is just a patent though, so also file this under “may never happen.” [Engadget]

亚马逊专利显示了更自然的唤醒工作语言:如果您曾经想过以“ Alexa”开始每个命令都是很奇怪的,那么亚马逊专利正在考虑您。 基本上,主意是让您说“关掉灯,Alexa”,而Echo可能会在唤醒工作后回头看几秒钟以获取命令。 不过,这只是一项专利,因此也请在“可能永远不会发生”下提交此专利。 [ Engadget ]

Google’s Search, Maps, and Assistant apps make ordering food easier: We’ve all decided last minute to give in to a craving for Chinese food. The first step is to search for a local restaurant and find the menu and number. Google wants to make that easier, so now you can order straight from the very apps you used to find the restaurant. Nice! Now it’s time to order some General Tso’s. [Digital Trends]

Google的“搜索”,“地图”和“助手”应用程序使点菜变得更加容易:我们都在最后一刻决定屈服于对中国菜的渴望。 第一步是搜索当地餐厅,然后找到菜单和编号。 Google希望简化操作,因此现在您可以直接从用于查找餐厅的应用中订购。 真好! 现在是时候订购一些左宗棠将军的了。 [ 数字趋势 ]

If you have a telescope, you should get it out this weekend. An asteroid is on course to make a close flyby to the Earth Saturday night, though not quite so close you can see it with the naked eye.

如果您有望远镜,这个周末应该把它拿出来。 小行星正准备在周六晚上近距离飞越地球,尽管距离并不太近,您无法用肉眼看到它。

But this is no ordinary asteroid; it has a moon. Asteroid 1999 KW4 is about a mile wide, and its moon is about .3 miles wide. Binary objects like this don’t pass near the Earth often—scientists even say it’s one of the closest flybys in recent history.

但这不是普通的小行星。 它有一个月亮。 小行星1999 KW4约宽1英里,其卫星约宽0.3英里。 这样的二元物体并不经常在地球附近通过-科学家甚至说它是最近历史上最接近的飞越动物之一。

If you miss your chance to catch a glimpse this weekend, you’ll have to wait until 2036 to try again. And don’t worry, the dynamic duo shouldn’t get any closer than 3 million miles away, so no need to pack up for Armageddon. At least not this weekend. [Futurism]

如果您错过本周末瞥见的机会,则必须等到2036年再试一次。 不用担心,动态二人组的距离不应该超过300万英里,因此不必为世界末日大战打包。 至少不是这个周末。 [ 未来主义 ]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/daily-news-roundup-samsung-made-the-mona-lisa-talk/