xbox蓝牙手柄驱动_如何通过蓝牙将Xbox One控制器连接到Windows

xbox蓝牙手柄驱动_如何通过蓝牙将Xbox One控制器连接到Windows


xbox蓝牙手柄驱动_如何通过蓝牙将Xbox One控制器连接到Windows

The latest version of the Xbox controller—the one included with the Xbox One S and the upcoming One X—includes Bluetooth! Microsoft finally included Bluetooth along with the older proprietary Xbox wireless connection, so Windows users can hook it up without an extra dongle. Here’s how to connect it to your Bluetooth-equipped laptop or desktop.

Xbox控制器的最新版本(包括Xbox One S和即将推出的One X)包括蓝牙! 微软最终将蓝牙与较早的专有Xbox无线连接一起包括在内,因此Windows用户无需额外的加密狗就可以将其连接起来。 以下是将其连接到配备蓝牙的笔记本电脑或台式机的方法。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

First of all, you need to see if your Xbox One controller is the updated kind or the older one that needs a dongle. There’s an easy way to tell: the newer design has its central “Xbox button” molded into the same plastic piece as the face buttons (like A, B, X, and Y). The older design molds that button into the plastic on the top of the controller, the same part that has the shoulder buttons and triggers. To put it simply, the new version has Bluetooth, the old version doesn’t.

首先,您需要查看您的Xbox One控制器是更新的型号还是需要加密狗的较旧型号。 有一个简单的说法:较新的设计将其中心的“ Xbox按钮”模制成与面部按钮相同的塑料件(例如A,B,X和Y)。 较早的设计将该按钮模制到控制器顶部的塑料中,该部件具有肩部按钮和触发器。 简单来说,新版本具有蓝牙功能,而旧版本则没有。

xbox蓝牙手柄驱动_如何通过蓝牙将Xbox One控制器连接到Windows

You’ll also need a PC running Windows 10, with at least the Anniversary Update (August, 2016). And of course, you’ll also need Bluetooth. If you’ve bought a laptop in the last five years or so it’s almost certainly capable, but many desktops (if they don’t include a Wi-Fi card) don’t have it installed by default. In that case, you’ll need a USB Bluetooth dongle. And sure, it’s still a dongle, but at least it’s useful for more than just an Xbox controller.

您还需要一台运行Windows 10且至少具有周年更新(2016年8月)的PC。 当然,您还需要蓝牙。 如果您在过去五年左右的时间里购买了一台笔记本电脑,几乎可以肯定它是有能力的,但是许多台式机(如果它们不包括Wi-Fi卡)默认情况下不会安装它。 在这种情况下,您将需要一个USB蓝牙加密狗。 可以肯定的是,它仍然是一个加密狗,但至少它不仅对Xbox控制器有用。

连接控制器 (Connect the Controller)

Connecting the controller to Bluetooth is fairly simple. We’re using a Windows desktop because it’s one of the only things that the controller is explicitly designed to work with. You can connect it to other things, like an Android phone, but the proprietary layout means it probably won’t work for any actual gaming.

将控制器连接到蓝牙非常简单。 我们正在使用Windows桌面,因为它是控制器专门设计用来工作的仅有的东西之一。 您可以将其连接到其他设备(例如Android手机),但是专有布局意味着它可能不适用于任何实际游戏。

xbox蓝牙手柄驱动_如何通过蓝牙将Xbox One控制器连接到Windows

To begin, make sure there’s nothing else turned on in the room that might interfere with the connection—like an Xbox One console or an Xbox Windows adapter dongle. Turn the controller on by pressing the center Xbox button, then press and hold the wireless connection button on the top of the controller, to the left of the charging port. The light in the Xbox button should begin flashing rapidly.

首先,请确保房间中没有打开可能干扰连接的其他任何东西,例如Xbox One控制台或Xbox Windows适配器加密狗。 通过按中心的Xbox Xbox按钮打开控制器,然后按住控制器顶部充电端口左侧的无线连接按钮。 Xbox按钮中的指示灯应开始快速闪烁。

xbox蓝牙手柄驱动_如何通过蓝牙将Xbox One控制器连接到Windows

On your computer, open the “Bluetooth and other devices” page from the main Settings menu, or just click the Start button and type “Bluetooth” to find the link quickly.  Click “Add Bluetooth or other device,” then click “Bluetooth” again.

在计算机上,从“设置”主菜单中打开“蓝牙和其他设备”页面,或单击“开始”按钮并键入“蓝牙”以快速找到链接。 单击“添加蓝牙或其他设备”,然后再次单击“蓝牙”。

xbox蓝牙手柄驱动_如何通过蓝牙将Xbox One控制器连接到Windows

Select your controller from the list, and then click it. It should connect automatically. Now you’re ready to start playing any game compatible with the standard Xbox controller input.

从列表中选择您的控制器,然后单击它。 它应该自动连接。 现在,您可以开始玩任何与标准Xbox控制器输入兼容的游戏了。

