编辑Windows Live Writer自定义词典

Windows Live Writer is a great tool for writing and publishing posts to your blog, but its spell check unfortunately doesn’t include many common tech words.  Here’s how you can easily edit your custom dictionary and add your favorite words.

Windows Live Writer是用于将帖子撰写和发布到博客的出色工具,但是不幸的是,它的拼写检查没有包含许多常见的技术单词。 这是您可以轻松编辑自定义词典并添加喜欢的单词的方法。

Customize Live Writer’s Dictionary


Adding an individual word to the Windows Live Writer dictionary works as you would expect.  Right-click on a word and select Add to dictionary.

将单个单词添加到Windows Live Writer词典中可以正常工作。 右键单击一个单词,然后选择添加到词典

编辑Windows Live Writer自定义词典

And changing the default spell check settings is easy too.  In the menu, click Tools, then Options, and select the Spelling tab in this dialog.  Here you can choose your dictionary language and turn on/off real-time spell checking and other settings.

更改默认拼写检查设置也很容易。 在菜单中,单击“工具”,然后单击“选项”,然后在此对话框中选择“拼写检查”选项卡。 在这里,您可以选择您的词典语言并打开/关闭实时拼写检查和其他设置。

编辑Windows Live Writer自定义词典

But there’s no obvious way to edit your custom dictionary.  Editing the custom dictionary directly is nice if you accidently add a misspelled word to your dictionary and want to remove it, or if you want to add a lot of words to the dictionary at once.

但是没有明显的方法可以编辑自定义词典。 如果您不小心将拼写错误的单词添加到词典中并想要删除它,或者想要一次将大量单词添加到词典中,则直接编辑自定义词典会很好。

Live Writer actually stores your custom dictionary entries in a plain text file located in your appdata folder.  It is saved as User.dic in the C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\Windows Live Writer\Dictionaries folder.  The easiest way to open the custom dictionary is to enter the following in the Run box or the address bar of an Explorer window:

Live Writer实际上将您的自定义词典条目存储在位于appdata文件夹中的纯文本文件中。 它是在C保存为USER.DIC:\ Users \用户 \ AppData的\漫游\的Windows Live作家\字典文件夹。 打开自定义词典的最简单方法是在“运行”框中或“资源管理器”窗口的地址栏中输入以下内容:

%appdata%\Windows Live Writer\Dictionaries\User.dic

%appdata%\ Windows Live Writer \ Dictionaries \ User.dic

编辑Windows Live Writer自定义词典

This will open the User.dic file in your default text editor.  Add any new words to the custom dictionary on separate lines, and delete any misspelled words you accidently added to the dictionary.

这将在默认的文本编辑器中打开User.dic文件。 在单独的行上将任何新单词添加到自定义词典中,并删除您不小心添加到词典中的所有拼写错误的单词。

编辑Windows Live Writer自定义词典

Microsoft Office Word also stores its custom dictionary in a plain text file.  If you already have lots of custom words in it and want to import them into Live Writer, enter the following in the Run command or Explorer’s address bar to open Word’s custom dictionary.  Then copy the words, and past them into your Live Writer custom dictionary file.

Microsoft Office Word还将其自定义词典存储在纯文本文件中。 如果您已经有很多自定义单词,并且想要将它们导入Live Writer,请在“运行”命令或资源管理器的地址栏中输入以下内容,以打开Word的自定义词典。 然后复制单词,并将其粘贴到Live Writer自定义词典文件中。


%AppData%\ Microsoft \ UProof \ Custom.dic

Don’t forget to save the changes when you’re done.  Note that the changes to the dictionary may not show up in Live Writer’s spell check until you restart the program.  If it’s currently running, save any posts you’re working on, exit, and then reopen, and all of your new words should be in the dictionary.

完成后,请不要忘记保存更改。 请注意,在重新启动程序之前,对词典的更改可能不会显示在Live Writer的拼写检查中。 如果它当前正在运行,请保存您正在处理的所有帖子,退出,然后重新打开,所有新单词都应在词典中。

编辑Windows Live Writer自定义词典



Whether you use Live Writer daily in your job or occasionally post an update to a personal blog, adding your own custom words to the dictionary can save you a lot of time and frustration in editing.  Plus, if you’ve accidently added a misspelled word to the dictionary, this is a great way to undo your mistake and make sure your spelling is up to par!

无论您是每天在工作中使用Live Writer还是偶尔将更新发布到个人博客中,在字典中添加自己的自定义单词都可以节省大量时间和编辑上的麻烦。 另外,如果您不小心在字典中添加了拼写错误的单词,这是消除错误并确保拼写达到标准的好方法!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/16940/edit-the-windows-live-writer-custom-dictionary/