java 初学者_初学者:如何在Office 2013中启用触摸模式

java 初学者_初学者:如何在Office 2013中启用触摸模式

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java 初学者_初学者:如何在Office 2013中启用触摸模式

By default, even if you are on a touch enabled PC, Office 2013 doesn’t open with a touch optimized interface. This makes it hard to use because the interfaces elements are too close together. Here’s how to fix that.

默认情况下,即使您使用的是支持触摸的PC,Office 2013也无法使用优化的触摸界面打开。 由于接口元素之间的距离太近,因此很难使用。 解决方法如下。

Note: this was based on our testing, but it’s likely they will iron out any problems in the final release. Enabling or disabling touch mode will likely stay the same, so if you wanted to disable it, this would work in reverse.

注意:这是基于我们的测试,但很可能他们会消除最终版本中的任何问题。 启用或禁用触摸模式可能保持不变,因此,如果要禁用它,则相反。

启用触摸模式 (Enabling Touch Mode)

Click on the Customize Quick Access Toolbar and enable Touch Mode.


java 初学者_初学者:如何在Office 2013中启用触摸模式

You will see a new button appear in the Quick Access toolbar, click on it.


java 初学者_初学者:如何在Office 2013中启用触摸模式

You will immediately notice the interface spread out and become more spacious.


java 初学者_初学者:如何在Office 2013中启用触摸模式

That’s all there is to enabling touch mode.



java 初学者