



Games have been a staple of app stores since the inception of smartphones. But back then, the most popular games were short and quick, not the in-depth adventures you’d find on gaming consoles. But times have changed.

自智能手机问世以来,游戏一直是应用程序商店的主要内容。 但是那时候,最受欢迎的游戏又短又快,而不是您在游戏机上可以找到的深入冒险。 但是时代变了。

Phones and tablets may not be quite up to par with PCs, Xboxes, and PlayStations when it comes to gaming, but high quality games you can sink your teeth into are becoming more common on mobile platforms. If you’re looking for something more console-like on your phone or tablet—i.e., not Angry Birds, Threes, or Hearthstone (as fun as those are)—here are some of the best mobile games that strive for console quality.

在游戏方面,手机和平板电脑可能无法与PC,Xbox和PlayStation媲美,但是您可以一口咬进的高质量游戏在移动平台上变得越来越普遍。 如果您在手机或平板电脑上寻找更像控制台的东西,例如,不是《 愤怒的小鸟》 ,《 Threes 》或《 炉石传说》(像它们那样有趣),那么这里有一些最好的手机游戏都在追求控制台质量。

移动游戏的问题状态 (The Problematic State of Mobile Gaming)


Mobile platforms may have the horsepower for quality games, but the ecosystem is in a tough spot right now economically. Once upon a time, you could find a lot of quality games for iOS and Android for less than $10 each. But lately, developers have shifted to a more controversial “free to play” model instead. Their games are free to download and play, but usually saddled with waiting times, high difficulty curves, or time limits to try and entice users to buy upgrades through in-app purchases. Strangely, this has proven to be much more profitable.

移动平台可能具有优质游戏的能力,但是从经济角度而言,生态系统处于困境。 曾几何时,您可以以不到10美元的价格找到许多适用于iOS和Android的优质游戏。 但是最近,开发人员已转而使用更具争议性的“免费游戏”模型。 他们的游戏可以免费下载和玩,但通常会受到等待时间,高难度曲线或时间限制的困扰,这些尝试试图诱使用户通过应用内购买购买升级产品。 奇怪的是,这被证明是要有利可图的。

Some gamers claim it’s because developers are overly greedy, while others claim quality games at $6 a pop just weren’t sustainable (especially considering those same games might cost $15, $30, or even more on console and PC). Most people are resistant to paying money for mobile apps, especially if it costs more than a buck or two. So now companies draw you in with “free”, then when you’re hooked on the game, make you pay up to win.

一些游戏玩家声称这是因为开发人员过于贪婪,而另一些游戏玩家则认为仅售6美元的优质游戏就难以为继(尤其是考虑到这些相同的游戏在主机和PC上的售价可能分别为15美元,30美元甚至更高)。 大多数人都拒绝花钱购买移动应用程序,尤其是当它花费一两美元以上时。 因此,现在公司会以“免费”吸引您,然后,当您迷上游戏时,就让您付出了一定的努力才能获胜。

Thankfully, all hope is not lost. There are still great premium games on mobile, you just have to know where to look. Many ports of old games are surprisingly good on phones and tablets, and newer indie games are often designed with touch in mind (even if they’re released on consoles as well). And, while many games are free to play, some may still have worthwhile single-player campaigns, or older predecessors that still carry the pay-once-and-play mentality. That’s what we’ll be focusing on in this guide.

值得庆幸的是,所有希望都没有丢失。 手机上仍然有出色的高级游戏,您只需要知道在哪里看即可。 许多旧游戏的端口在手机和平​​板电脑上都非常好,而新的独立游戏通常在设计时就考虑了触摸(即使它们也已在游戏机上发布)。 而且,尽管许多游戏都是免费的,但有些游戏可能仍然值得进行单人游戏,或者某些较早的游戏仍然具有按次付费的心态。 这就是我们在本指南中重点关注的内容。

Just know that you definitely won’t find many free games on this list—if you want something near console quality, you’ll have to pony up a few bucks, one way or another. Don’t be turned off: that’s a good thing, and the more you pay up front, the less “limited” a game will probably feel.

只是知道您绝对不会在此列表中找到很多免费游戏-如果您想要接近主机质量的东西,则必须以一种或另一种方式支付几美元。 不要关闭:这是一件好事,而且您预先支付的费用越多,游戏可能感觉到的“受限”就越少。

新旧游戏机的移动端口 (Mobile Ports of Console Games, Old and New)

Some of the best console-quality games on mobile are…well, games that actually appeared on consoles. There are a ton of console ports on mobile, both old and new, and some work better on a touch screen than you’d think—though you can always buy a gamepad for a more console-like experience (provided the game in question supports gamepads).

手机上一些最好的控制台品质游戏是……嗯,实际上是出现在控制台上的游戏。 移动设备上有大量的旧的和新的控制台端口,并且在触摸屏上的某些操作比您想象的要好-尽管您始终可以购买游戏手柄来获得更类似于控制台的体验(前提是该游戏支持游戏手柄)。

Rockstar, for example, has ported quite a few games from the Grand Theft Auto series to mobile devices. GTA: San Andreas ($6.99 on iOS, Android) is probably the most popular of the bunch, though GTA III and Vice City ($4.99 each) are also available, among others. Bully ($6.99 on iOS, Android) is also a popular console title Rockstar has brought to mobile.

例如,Rockstar已将《 侠盗猎车手》系列的很多游戏移植到移动设备上。 GTA:圣安地列斯 ($ 6.99上的iOSAndroid的 )可能是最流行的一群,虽然GTA III副市 ($ 4.99 )也可用,等等。 Bully ( iOSAndroid平台上的价格为6.99美元)也是Rockstar带给手机的热门游戏机名称。


If it’s RPGs you’re after, look no further than classic BioWare games like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic ($9.99 on iOS, Android), arguably one of the best RPGs of all time. You’ll also find the newer Jade Empire: Special Edition ($9.99 on iOS, Android) and the (much) older Baldur’s Gate series ($9.99 each*) on mobile, enhanced for the new millennium. RPG lovers might also check out the Final Fantasy series, Chrono Trigger ($9.99 on iOS, Android), and other games from Square Enix (though you may be better off emulating those old ones if you’d prefer to play without internet-connected DRM).

如果您要使用的是RPG,那么没有比经典的BioWare游戏更好的了,例如《星球大战:旧*的骑士》 (在iOSAndroid上为9.99美元),可以说是有史以来最好的RPG之一。 您还会发现较新的《 Jade Empire:Special Edition》 (在iOSAndroid上为9.99美元)和(很多)较旧的Baldur's Gate系列( 每个 9.99 美元 *),在新的千年中得到了增强。 角色扮演游戏的爱好者可能还会查看Final Fantasy 系列Chrono Trigger ( iOSAndroid上为9.99美元)和Square Enix的其他游戏(尽管如果您更喜欢在没有互联网连接的DRM的情况下玩,最好还是模仿那些旧游戏) )。


Plenty of newer indie games have also made it to mobile, and work surprisingly well on touch-based platforms—though many support gamepads if you prefer. Bastion ($4.99 on iOS) is top-down hack-and-slash game in which you rebuild a broken world. Think older Zelda games, but with modern graphics. Transistor ($4.99 on iOS) is a sci-fi turn-based RPG from the same developers, for gamers who like more complex combat. And if you’re more of an explorer, Terraria ($4.99 for iOS, Android) is a 2D side-scrolling sandbox—think Minecraft if it were made for the SNES.

许多更新的独立游戏也已经实现了移动化,并且在基于触摸的平台上表现出令人惊讶的出色效果-尽管您愿意的话,许多支持游戏手柄。 堡垒 ( iOS上为$ 4.99)是自上而下的hack-slash游戏,您可以在其中重建破碎的世界。 想想旧版的《 塞尔达传说》游戏,但带有现代图形。 Transistor ( iOS上为4.99美元)是同一开发人员的科幻回合RPG,适用于喜欢更复杂战斗的游戏玩家。 而且,如果您更喜欢探险家, Terraria ( iOS为4.99美元, Android4.9美元)是一个2D 横向滚动沙箱-如果它是为SNES制作的,请考虑Minecraft


Lastly, if you’re just looking for something with a solid story, TellTale games like The Walking Dead series (Free for episode 1, $4.99 for subsequent episodes on iOS, Android) are like interactive narratives that suck you in with great characters and voice acting. You might also like Device 6 ($3.99 on iOS) and 80 Days ($4.99 on iOS, Android), which combine deep narratives with a bit of puzzling for a fun interactive adventure.

最后,如果您只是想找一个有故事的故事,那么像《行尸走肉》系列(免费,第1集, iOSAndroid上的后续版本为4.99美元)这样 TellTale游戏就像是互动式叙事,以出色的角色和声音吸引您表演。 您可能还喜欢Device 6 ( iOS上为3.99美元)和80 Days ( iOS上为4.99美元, Android ),它们结合了深刻的叙述和令人费解的趣味性互动冒险。


Here are some other console-to-mobile ports that are worth checking out:


  • Crazy Taxi (Free with ads on iOS, Android): Drive a taxi and scare your passengers s***less with this fast-paced arcade game from Sega. Just as fun with touch controls as it is with a gamepad.

    疯狂的出租车 (在iOSAndroid上免费提供广告):借助这款来自世嘉的快节奏的街机游戏,您可以开一辆出租车,并吓到所有乘客。 触摸控制和游戏板一样有趣。

  • XCOM: Enemy Within ($9.99 on Android): Aliens have invaded Earth, and you are tasked with defending it in this turn-based tactical game, heralded by many as 2012’s game of the year.

    XCOM:敌人之内 ( Android上为9.99美元):外星人入侵了地球,您的任务是在这款基于回合制的战术游戏中为它辩护,该游戏被誉为2012年度最佳游戏。

  • Minecraft: Pocket Edition ($6.99 on iOS, Android): The mobile version doesn’t have quite as much as the PC version, but it’s getting closer. The bottom line, though, is that you can build worlds on the go with Minecraft on your phone or tablet.

    Minecraft:Pocket Edition (在iOS上为$ 6.99,在Android上为US $):移动版的功能不如PC版,但越来越近了。 不过,最重要的是,您可以在手机或平板电脑上使用Minecraft随时随地构建世界。

  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ($2.99 on iOS, Android): The now-classic, speedy side-scroller from the Sega Genesis plays surprisingly decently on mobile (and incredibly well with a gamepad). You can also get the first game (iOS, Android) and Sonic CD (iOS) for free with ads, or $1.99 without. Sadly, Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles are nowhere to be found.

    Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (在iOSAndroid上为2.99美元):Sega Genesis的现在经典,快速的侧滚动键,在移动设备上的播放效果出奇地出色(并且在游戏手柄上表现出色)。 您也可以免费获得带有广告的第一款游戏( iOSAndroid )和Sonic CD ( iOS ),无广告的价格为1.99美元。 可悲的是, 找不到 Sonic 3Sonic&Knuckles

  • Monster Hunter Freedom Unite ($14.99 on iOS): Originally a PSP game, Monster Hunter is just what it sounds like: you set out on missions to kill large monsters. It’s a little slow, grind-y, and occasionally unforgiving, but it prides itself on being a premium game with no hidden costs, and fans of the franchise will probably enjoy it.

    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite ( iOS上为$ 14.99):Monster Hunter最初是一个PSP游戏,听起来像是这样:您开始执行杀死大型怪物的任务。 这有点慢,有点刺耳,有时还很宽容,但它以没有隐藏成本的高级游戏而自豪,特许经营的粉丝可能会喜欢它。

  • Roller Coaster Tycoon Classic ($5.99 on iOS, Android): Relive your childhood and create your own massive theme park from nothing. Not to be confused with Roller Coaster Tycoon Touch, which is a more typical free-to-play mobile game. Yuck.

    过山车大亨经典游戏 (在iOS上为$ 5.99,在Android上为Android ):重温童年时光,从零开始创建自己的大型主题公园。 不要与过山车Tycoon Touch混淆,后者是更典型的免费手机游戏。 uck

  • Myst ($4.99 on iOS, $6.99 on Android): The classic puzzle adventure game is back with improved graphics for modern-day phones and tablets.

    Myst ( iOS上的$ 4.99, Android上的$ 6.99):经典的益智冒险游戏又回来了,改进了用于现代手机和平板电脑的图形。

  • The Bard’s Tale ($2.99 on iOS, Android): A humorous 3D fantasy hack-and-slash RPG from 2012, that mostly makes fun of fantasy hack-and-slash RPGs. Also includes the original Bard’s Tale trilogy from 1985, if you’re in the mood for a classic text adventure.

    The Bard's Tale ( iOSAndroid上为2.99美元):2012年推出的幽默3D幻想砍刀RPG,主要是嘲笑幻想砍刀RPG。 如果您想进行经典的文字冒险,还可以包括1985年的原始《 巴德**》三部曲。

  • Titan Quest ($7.99 on iOS, Android): Diablo fans, look no further. This is the closest thing you’ll find to your beloved top-down hack-and-slash on mobile, taking you through ancient Greece, Egypt, and China. It’s long, too, so the hours-to-dollars ratio doesn’t get much better than this.

    Titan Quest (在iOS上为$ 7.99,在Android上为Android ):暗黑破坏神迷,再也没有。 这是您在移动设备上最受喜爱的自上而下的砍刀和砍刀过程中找到的最接近的东西,它带您穿越了古希腊,埃及和中国。 它的时间也很长,因此小时与美元的比率不会比这更好。

  • Legends of Grimrock ($4.99 on iOS): Based on 1987’s Dungeon Master, this first-person, grid-based dungeon crawler harkens back to a lot of classic puzzle-y dungeon games. There’s not a lot of story or dialogue, but there is a lot of fun to be had.

    Grimrock的传说 ( iOS上为4.99美元):基于1987年的Dungeon Master ,该第一人称,基于网格的Dungeon爬虫使人回想起许多经典的益智类Dungeon游戏。 没有太多的故事或对话,但是有很多乐趣。

  • Goat Simulator ($4.99 on iOS, Android): This game is more fun than its name would have you think. Imagine Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater mixed with The Incredible Hulk, except you’re a goat. Get it on sale and thank me later.

    Goat Simulator (在iOS上为$ 4.99,在Android上为Android ):此游戏比您想的名字更有趣。 想象一下, 托尼·霍克(Tony Hawk)的职业滑板手《绿巨人》 ( The Incredible Hulk)混血,除了你是山羊。 出售它,稍后再感谢我。

This is far from an exhaustive list, and you should browse around for even more games—SHIELD users in particular have a lot of ports available, including Portal ($9.99), Half-Life 2 ($9.99), and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance ($14.99).

这并不是一个详尽的清单,您应该浏览更多游戏—特别是SHIELD用户有很多可用的端口,包括Portal ( $ 9.99 ), Half-Life 2 ( $ 9.99 )和Metal Gear Rising:Revengeance ( $ 14.99 )。

专为手机和平板电脑设计的现代AAA风格游戏 (Modern, AAA-Style Games Designed for Phones and Tablets)

Despite a big move to free-to-play, there are still some great graphically-intense, console-reminiscent games designed for mobile platforms. That means they were made with touch controls in mind, though a gamepad may still be more comfortable for the games that support it. (Some of these were later released to PC and consoles, but all originated on mobile platforms.)

尽管免费游戏已大踏步前进,但仍有一些出色的图形化,控制台联想游戏适合移动平台。 这意味着它们是在考虑触摸控制的情况下制作的,尽管游戏板对于支持它的游戏可能仍然更舒适。 (其中一些后来发布到PC和控制台,但全部起源于移动平台。)

République ($1.99 for episode 1, $2.99 for subsequent episodes on iOS, Android) is a five-part stealth game developed by console veterans who worked on Metal Gear Solid 4, Halo 4, and other franchises, in an attempt to boost the standards of mobile gaming. It’s an indie game that feels like a big-budget title: you play a hacker helping a young woman escape captivity by watching her through security cameras, hacking computers, and distracting patrolmen. The story goes off the rails a bit in the last two chapters, but it’s the perfect example of what high-end mobile gameplay can and should be.

République (第1集为$ 1.99,在iOSAndroid上为第2集,$ 2.99)是由游戏机资深开发人员开发的五部分隐形游戏,这些游戏开发者致力于Metal Gear Solid 4Halo 4和其他特许经营,试图提高其标准。手机游戏。 这是一款独立游戏,感觉像是一部大预算游戏:您扮演一名黑客,通过监控摄像头,入侵计算机和分散巡逻员的目光,帮助一名年轻女子摆脱*。 故事在前两章中有些偏离 ,但这是高端移动游戏可以而且应该做到的完美典范。


Fantasy fans can find similar solace in two games from indie studio Crescent Moon. Ravensword: Shadowlands ($6.99 on iOS, Android) and Aralon: Forge and Flame ($4.99 on iOS, Android) are both open world RPGs in the style of The Elder Scrolls series. There’s a main quest along with a large world to explore, side quests to keep you busy, and lots of skills to learn. Ravensword contains Skyrim-like real-time combat, while Aralon uses more semi-turn-based combat, à la Dragon Age.

幻想迷可以在独立工作室Crescent Moon的两场比赛中找到类似的慰藉。 Ravensword:Shadowlands ( iOSAndroid上为$ 6.99)和Aralon:Forge and Flame ( iOSAndroid为$ 4.99)都是The Elder Scrolls系列风格的开放世界RPG。 有一个主要的任务,还有一个广阔的世界可供探索,有一个让您忙碌的辅助任务,还有很多要学习的技能。 Ravensword包含类似于 Skyrim的实时战斗,而Aralon使用更多基于半回合的战斗,如Dragon Age


Lastly, while Gameloft may not have a great reputation—their recent titles are brimming with frustrating limits and in-app purchases—they have some of the most impressive games on mobile platforms. N.O.V.A. 3 (free with ads, $6.99 without ads on iOS*) is still a fun shooter with surprisingly good graphics for mobile, and the campaign doesn’t require any grinding or payments to complete. Call of Duty fans should check out the Modern Combat series (iOS, Android) and Madfinger Games’ Unkilled (Free on iOS, Android) Unfortunately, we recommend sticking with older titles from this Gameloft. Their newer games, like Dungeon Hunter 5 (a Diablo-like RPG) and Order & Chaos 2: Redemption (a World of Warcraft-esque MMO) are tougher to recommend thanks to their free-to-play nature, despite how impressive they look on the surface.

最后,虽然Gameloft的声誉不高-他们最近的游戏充斥着令人沮丧的限制和应用内购买-但它们在移动平台上拥有一些最令人印象深刻的游戏。 NOVA 3 ( 带广告免费, iOS *上不含广告6.99美元 )仍然是一款有趣的射击游戏,具有出色的移动图形效果,并且该广告系列无需花钱就能完成。 使命召唤的粉丝应该查看Modern Combat系列( iOS,Android )和Madfinger Games的Unkilled ( iOS上免费, Android )不幸的是,我们建议坚持使用该Gameloft中的旧游戏。 他们的较新游戏,例如地牢猎人5 (类似《暗黑破坏神》的角色扮演游戏)和《混乱与混乱2:救赎》 (类似魔兽世界的MMO),由于其免费游戏的性质而很难推荐,尽管它们看起来令人印象深刻。在表面上。


Got a hankerin’ for more graphics-heavy games? You might also like:

想要更多图形丰富的游戏吗? 您可能还喜欢:

  • Implosion: Never Lose Hope ($9.99 on iOS, Android): another attempt to bring console-quality gaming to mobile, this is a futuristic hack-and-slash action game with solid voice acting, great graphics, and no in-app purchases.

    内爆:永不失落的希望 ( iOSAndroid上为9.99美元):这是将游戏机品质的游戏带入移动设备的另一种尝试,这是一款具有坚实声效,出色图形效果且无需在应用内购买的超前途的砍杀游戏。

  • Godfire: Rise of Prometheus ($2.99 on iOS, Free on Android): Imagine a hack-and-slash like God of War with slightly slower-paced combat, similarly set in Greek mythology, with some of the best graphics you’ll see on mobile. That’s Godfire: Rise of Prometheus.

    Godfire:Prometheus的崛起 ( iOS上为2.99美元, Android上免费):想象一下像《 战神》那样的**和斜线游戏节奏稍慢一些,类似的希腊神话中的故事,还有一些您会在上面看到的最佳图形移动。 那就是上帝火:普罗米修斯的崛起

  • Galaxy on Fire 2 (Free on iOS, Android): Buy a ship, explore the galaxy, and fight space pirates in this open-universe adventure. The story is short, but when it’s done, you can spend forever exploring, trading, and doing side quests, or buy one of the many DLC stories for more direction. Avoid Galaxy On Fire 3, as it’s a free-to-play trap.

    Galaxy on Fire 2 (在iOSAndroid上免费):在此开放宇宙的冒险活动中,购买船只,探索银河系并与太空海盗作战。 这个故事很短,但是一旦完成,您就可以永远花时间探索,交易和完成附带任务,或者购买许多DLC故事之一以获得更多指导。 避免使用Galaxy On Fire 3 ,因为它是一个免费游戏陷阱。

  • Vainglory (Free on iOS, Android): If you’re a fan of MOBAs like League of Legends or DOTA, and want that same fun on your phone or tablet, look no further than Vainglory. It’s also a rare example of freemium done right.

    虚荣 (免费的iOS版Android版 ):如果你像传说DOTA 联盟 MOBAs的粉丝,并希望自己的手机或平板电脑上相同的乐趣,那没有比虚荣 。 这也是正确执行免费增值的罕见示例。

  • Oceanhorn ($7.99 on iOS, Android): An action RPG very reminiscent of Zelda. Open-world exploration, puzzles, chopping down plants to find power-ups, it’s all here. We don’t want to make it sound like an outright clone, but if you want something similar to Zelda on mobile, this is undeniably your best bet.

    Oceanhorn ( iOSAndroid上为7.99美元):动作RPG,非常让人联想到Zelda 。 开放世界的探索,困惑,砍倒植物以寻找能量道具,一切都在这里。 我们不想让它听起来像是一个完全克隆的产品,但是如果您想在移动设备上获得类似于Zelda的功能,那么毫无疑问,这是您最好的选择。

  • Deus Ex: The Fall ($4.99 on iOS, Android): Much like its console counterparts, you guide an augmented action hero through a gold-brushed world with a deep, branching story—and you can choose to do it stealthily or guns blazing. It really is Deus Ex on mobile, and while it has its flaws, it should appease fans of the franchise.

    Deus Ex:The Fall ( iOSAndroid上为$ 4.99):与主机游戏机一样,您可以在一个有着深厚分支故事的刷金世界中引导增强动作英雄,而且您可以选择隐身或火力全开。 它确实是移动设备上的Deus Ex ,虽然它有缺陷,但它应该可以安抚专营权的粉丝。

  • Call of Duty: Strike Team ($6.99 on iOS, Android): Instead of merely cloning Call of Duty for mobile, as Deus Ex attempted to do, Strike Team merges the best of console and mobile by mixing first-person shooting with third-person, XCOM-like real-time strategy. It’s a little thin on gameplay, but it should keep you entertained more than enough for a graphics-heavy mobile game.

    使命召唤:罢工团队 ( iOSAndroid上为$ 6.99): 罢工团队不仅Deus Ex尝试克隆了《 使命召唤 》,还通过将第一人称射击与第三人称射击相结合,融合了主机和手机的最佳功能, 类似XCOM的实时策略。 它在游戏玩法上略显薄弱,但它应该可以让您获得足够娱乐的体验,以处理大量图形游戏。

  • Assassin’s Creed: Identity ($3.99 on Android): Assassin’s Creed doesn’t translate perfectly to mobile, but it does feel like Assassin’s Creed—just a bit more cramped. Missions are quick and simple compared to its console brethren, but it’s quite pretty, and works well enough for an on-the-go fix.

    刺客信条:身份 ( Android上为3.99美元):刺客信条无法完美地转换为移动设备,但确实感觉像刺客信条-更加局促。 与控制台管理员相比,任务既快速又简单,但是它非常漂亮,并且可以很好地解决移动中的问题。

  • Shadowgun ($4.99 on iOS*, Android): A cover-based third-person shooter, à la Quake 2, for mobile. It’s a mostly mindless shooter, with the occasional puzzle here and there—but sometimes that’s exactly what you want.

    Shadowgun ( iOS *, Android上为4.99美元, 适用于移动设备 ):一款基于封面的第三人称射击手àla Quake 2 。 这是一个几乎没有头脑的射击游戏,偶尔到处都是困惑,但是有时候正是您想要的。

  • Iesabel ($5.99 on iOS*, Android): A very Diablo-like hack-and-slash RPG. It supports online play so you can adventure with your friends, and there isn’t an in-app purchase in sight.

    Iesabel ( iOS *, Android上为5.99美元, Android ):非常类似于《 暗黑破坏神》的hack-and-slash RPG。 它支持在线游戏,因此您可以与朋友一起冒险,而且看不到应用内购买。

These are definitely not the only AAA-feeling games on mobile, but they are definitely some of the best and most oft-recommended. Feel free to go searching for others, just be wary of anything free-to-play.

这些绝对不是手机上仅有的具有AAA感觉的游戏,但它们绝对是一些最好且最经常推荐的游戏。 随意去寻找其他人,只要警惕任何免费游戏。

图形化的笨拙平台,SIM和拼图游戏,可在移动设备上在家中使用 (Graphically Un-Intense Platformers, SIMs, and Puzzlers That Feel At Home on Mobile)

If you’re willing to stretch your definition of “console-like” just a little bit, you will find a ton of truly great games on mobile. These may not have the greatest graphics or be first-person 3D romps, but they are some of the best games you can play on mobile right now—and many of these hybrids of retro and modern are also available on other platforms.

如果您愿意稍微扩展一下“类似游戏机”的定义,您将在移动设备上找到大量真正出色的游戏。 这些游戏可能没有最好的图形,也不是第一人称3D游戏,但是它们是您现在可以在移动设备上玩的一些最好的游戏-复古和现代的许多混合版本也可以在其他平台上使用。

Some Indie console games feel even more at home on mobile than they do on PC. Papers, Please ($7.99 on iPad) is a fascinating and occasionally soul-crushing game in which you approve or deny immigrants into a fictional country. The Room (prices vary on iOS, Android) is a series of Myst-like puzzle games that really show how perfect touch controls can be for certain genres. And if you’ve ever wished you could experience a Star Trek-like space battle, yelling commands to your crew to keep your ship intact, FTL: Faster Than Light ($9.99 on iPad) is the roguelike for you. It can be punishingly difficult at times, but it translates to touch beautifully.

某些独立游戏机在移动设备上的感觉比在PC上更让人感到宾至如归。 Papers,Please (在iPad上为7.99美元)是一款引人入胜的游戏,有时甚至令人心碎,您可以批准或拒绝移民进入虚构的国家。 Room (在iOS和Android上价格不同)是一系列类似于Myst的益智游戏,它们确实显示了某些类型的完美触摸控制。 而且,如果您曾经希望体验过像《星际迷航》一样的太空战斗,向船员大喊命令以保持舰船完好无损,那么FTL:Faster Than Light ( iPad上的价格为9.99美元)对您来说是流氓。 有时可能很难做到这一点,但是它可以使您感觉很漂亮。


No discussion of mobile gaming would be complete without mentioning Monument Valley ($3.99 on iOS, Android) and Monument Valley 2 ($4.99 on iOS), and while it’s definitely a game designed for mobile, it’s reminiscent of more console-like indie titles. Think Fez meets M.C. Escher: an incredibly relaxing puzzler with great sound design that just feels perfect. (Oh, and speaking of Fez, it’s now available on iOS for $4.99 too.) If you’ve already played Fez and Monument Valley, you should also check out Superbrothers: Sword & Sorcery EP ($3.99 on iOS, Android), which has a similarly relaxing feel.

没有提及纪念碑谷 ( iOSAndroid为3.99美元)和纪念碑谷2 ( iOS为4.99美元),对移动游戏的讨论将是不完整的,尽管它绝对是一款专为移动游戏而设计的游戏,但让人想起更多类似游戏机的独立游戏。 Think Fez与MC Escher相遇:这是一款令人难以置信的轻松益智游戏,其出色的声音设计让人感觉完美。 (哦,说到Fez ,它现在也可以在iOS上以$ 4.99的价格购买。)如果您已经玩过FezMonument Valley ,还应该看看Superbrothers:Sword&Sorcery EP ( iOSAndroid上为$ 3.99),该游戏具有同样放松的感觉。


If you want something from a more AAA studio, Super Mario Run ($9.99 on iOS, Android) and the Rayman series (Price varies on iOS, Android) are great platformers that feel a lot like their console counterparts. They may be a little watered down for mobile, but they’re still lots of fun, and are more than good enough for on-the-go gaming. You can pick them up and play for a few minutes, or you can sit down and really dig in.

如果您想从更高级的 AAA工作室东西, Super Mario Run ( iOSAndroid上为9.99美元)和Rayman系列( iOSAndroid上的价格有所不同)都是很棒的平台游戏,感觉上很像它们的主机。 对于移动设备来说,它们可能有些不足,但是它们仍然很有趣,并且足以满足移动游戏的需求。 您可以捡起它们玩几分钟,也可以坐下来进行深入挖掘。


If quality, modern, 2D platformers are your thing, you should also try:


  • Wayward Souls ($6.99 on iOS, Android): Make your way through procedurally-generated dungeons in this 16-bit-style roguelike adventure. Things are a little different every time you play, and there are zero in-app purchases—even for the hats (yes, there are hats).

    Wayward Souls (在iOS上为$ 6.99,在Android上为Android ):在这个16位风格的roguelike冒险中,通过程序生成的地牢一路走。 每次玩游戏时情况都会有所不同,应用内购买为零,即使是戴着帽子(是的,也有帽子)。

  • Limbo ($3.99 on iOS, $4.99 on Android with a free demo): Chances are you’ve heard of Limbo, the eerie puzzle platformer that shook the gaming world in 2010. If you haven’t played it yet, well, now you can play it on-the-go.

    Limbo ( iOS上为3.99美元, Android上为4.99美元,带有免费演示 ):您可能听说过Limbo ,这是一款令人毛骨悚然的益智游戏平台游戏,在2010年震惊了游戏界。如果您还没有玩过它,那么现在,您可以随时随地播放。

  • Leo’s Fortune ($4.99 on iOS, Android): A smooth, physics-based puzzle platformer designed for touch. Think Rayman meets Limbo.

    Leo's Fortune (在iOS上为4.99美元,在Android上为Android ):一款基于物理的平滑,益智的平台游戏,专为触摸而设计。 认为雷曼遇见凌波

  • Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (Free for first 3 chapters, $9.99 for the rest on iOS): In this story-focused point-and-click adventure game, you play a ghost with no memory of who he was when he was alive. By possessing different objects throughout the world and manipulating time, you can solve the mystery of your own death.

    Ghost Trick:Phantom Detective (前三章免费, iOS上其余版本为9.99美元):在这款以故事为重点的点击式冒险游戏中,您扮演的幽灵根本无法记住他还活着的时候的身份。 通过在世界各地拥有不同的物体并操纵时间,您可以解决自己死亡的奥秘。

  • Goblin Sword ($1.99 on iOS): A simple, retro-style platformer in which you fight monsters to save a fantasy world. You won’t find anything particularly inventive here for 2017, but if you like classic SNES platformers, you’ll probably dig this.

    Goblin Sword (在iOS上为1.99美元):一个简单的复古风格平台游戏,您可以在其中与怪物战斗以拯救幻想世界。 对于2017年,您在这里找不到什么特别有创造力的东西,但是如果您喜欢经典的SNES平台游戏,您可能会对此进行挖掘。

  • Shadow Blade ($1.99 on iOS, Android with a free demo for Android): You are a ninja in this cartoonishly gory series of platformers that’s all about timing your jumps and attacks perfectly. Each level has different objectives, so things don’t get stale too quickly, either. If you like it, the sequel Shadow Blade: Reload is $4.99 on iOS and Android.

    Shadow Blade (在iOS上为1.99美元,在Android为Android进行免费演示 ,价格为1.99美元):您是这个卡通风格的平台游戏系列中的忍者,它们可以完美地安排您的跳跃和攻击时间。 每个级别都有不同的目标,因此事情也不会过时。 如果喜欢的话,续集Shadow Blade:ReloadiOSAndroid上的售价为$ 4.99。

As I mentioned earlier, this is far from an exhaustive list. There are a lot of surprisingly good games on mobile, you just need to sift through a lot of crap to find it. Consider this list a starting point—then, when you’ve played all the games you want to play, you can go back and browse the App Store, visit the web sites of the developers you like to see what other games they offer, or check out communities like /r/iosgaming and /r/androidgaming on Reddit. Let people know what games you liked and ask for other similar games—you’d be surprised what you might find. Don’t forget that you can stream games from your PC to your phone or tablet with Moonlight, too.

正如我前面提到的,这并不是一个详尽的清单。 移动设备上有很多令人惊讶的好游戏,您只需要仔细筛查就可以找到它。 以该列表为起点-然后,当您玩完所有要玩的游戏时,可以返回并浏览App Store,访问您喜欢的开发人员的网站以查看他们提供的其他游戏,或者在Reddit上查看/ r / iosgaming/ r / androidgaming等社区。 让人们知道您喜欢的游戏,并要求其他类似的游戏-您会惊讶于发现的东西。 别忘了,您也可以使用Moonlight将游戏从PC传输到手机或平板电脑

*Games with an asterisk have not yet been updated for iOS 11, and may break/disappear permanently when you upgrade. If you still have iOS 10, they may be available or playable, at least until they disappear completely.

* 带有星号的游戏尚未针对iOS 11进行更新,并且在升级时可能会永久中断/消失。 如果您仍然拥有iOS 10,则它们可能会可用或可以播放,至少要等到它们完全消失为止。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/310706/the-best-console-like-games-for-iphone-ipad-and-android/
