抱歉,iPhone用户:集成Windows 10短信仅适用于Android

抱歉,iPhone用户:集成Windows 10短信仅适用于Android

Windows 10 will support sending text messages from your PC, but it seems like it will only work with Android.

Windows 10将支持从您的PC发送文本消息 ,但似乎仅适用于Android。

Future versions of Windows will include an app called Your Phone, which aims to bring phone features like photos, notifications, and text messaging to the PC. It’s kind of like Pushbullet, but integrated with Windows itself.

Windows的未来版本将包括一个名为“您的电话”的应用程序,旨在将照片,通知和文本消息等电话功能引入PC。 有点像Pushbullet ,但与Windows本身集成在一起。

Your Phone app works with both Android and iPhone, but one feature only works with Android right now: sending and receiving SMS messages. Here’s Microsoft’s Shilpa Ranganathan, talking to Tom Warren for The Verge:

您的手机应用程序可同时用于Android和iPhone,但其中一项功能目前仅适用于Android:发送和接收SMS消息。 这是微软的希尔帕·兰加纳森(Shilpa Ranganathan),与汤姆·沃伦(Tom Warren)谈了《边缘》

I want to do this in a supported way with a respect for the ecosystem we’re building on and at the same time make it a delightful experience. Messages is one where we’re not currently where we need to be compared to Android, but we need to work with Apple.

我想以一种受支持的方式做到这一点,同时尊重我们正在构建的生态系统,同时使其成为令人愉快的体验。 消息是目前我们不需要与Android进行比较的地方,但我们需要与Apple合作。

It sounds like Microsoft is hoping Apple will help offer a solution, but I’m skeptical that will happen. Apple’s entire appeal is how tightly integrated their ecosystem is, and you can already send text messages from a Mac using Continuity. Integrating with Windows goes against Apple’s whole strategy, at least as I understand it.

听起来微软似乎希望苹果公司能够提供解决方案,但我对此表示怀疑。 Apple的全部吸引力在于其生态系统的紧密集成,您已经可以使用Continuity从Mac发送文本消息 。 至少据我了解,与Windows集成违背了苹果的整体战略。

Your Phone isn’t a completely lost cause for iPhone users: notifications and photos will both work. But I’m sure iPhone users would love access to Messages as well.

对于iPhone用户,您的手机并不是完全丢失的原因:通知和照片都可以使用。 但是我敢肯定,iPhone用户也会喜欢使用Messages。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/sorry-iphone-users-integrated-windows-10-texting-is-android-only/