火狐插件侧边翻译_在Firefox侧边栏中调整Google Reader iPhone版

火狐插件侧边翻译_在Firefox侧边栏中调整Google Reader iPhone版


If you are a big fan of both Google Reader and Firefox, you’ll be interested to know that Google’s iPhone version of Reader is a perfect fit for the Firefox sidebar, and with a few tweaks we can make it really fit well.


We can customize it to remove the header, choose our start page, tone down the fonts and even remove the excerpts to give us a nice clean list like this one:


火狐插件侧边翻译_在Firefox侧边栏中调整Google Reader iPhone版

Add Google Reader iPhone Edition to the Firefox Sidebar

将Google Reader iPhone版添加到Firefox侧边栏

All you have to do is right-click anywhere on the bookmarks bar and choose New Bookmark, give it a name (or leave that blank) and put in the following URL:




Make sure you check the box for “Load this bookmark in the sidebar”, and you are done.


火狐插件侧边翻译_在Firefox侧边栏中调整Google Reader iPhone版

Now when you click the bookmark, you’ll see that it opens in the sidebar.


火狐插件侧边翻译_在Firefox侧边栏中调整Google Reader iPhone版

Change Bookmark to Open Specific Tag (or page)


The first problem is that the bookmark opens to the all items view by default, which is bad for those of us with a very large number of subscriptions. I prefer to open Reader with my “favorites” tag selected by default, so we’ll have to adjust this.

第一个问题是,默认情况下,书签打开到所有项目视图,这对于订阅量非常大的我们来说是不利的。 我更喜欢在打开Reader时默认选择“我的最爱”标签,因此我们必须对此进行调整。

Navigate in the sidebar to the tag that you want, and then right-click in an empty area of the page and choose “View Page Info”


火狐插件侧边翻译_在Firefox侧边栏中调整Google Reader iPhone版

Now you’ll see the direct URL to that page, which you can copy to the clipboard…


火狐插件侧边翻译_在Firefox侧边栏中调整Google Reader iPhone版

And then either use in a new bookmark, or customize the existing bookmark that you created.


火狐插件侧边翻译_在Firefox侧边栏中调整Google Reader iPhone版

Now whenever you click on the bookmark, you’ll see the page you’d prefer to see.


Remove the Ugly Blue Border


Note: For the rest of the tweaks you’ll need to have the Stylish extension installed, or you can create a file named userContent.css in your Firefox theme directory and put the code there.

注意:对于其余的调整,您将需要 安装 Fashion扩展 程序,或者可以在Firefox主题目录中创建一个名为userContent.css的文件,并将代码放在此处。

For whatever reason, the Google Reader logo has this annoying blue border around it, but we can remove that with a quick Stylish script.


火狐插件侧边翻译_在Firefox侧边栏中调整Google Reader iPhone版

Click on the Stylish icon, choose Write Style and then Blank Style.


火狐插件侧边翻译_在Firefox侧边栏中调整Google Reader iPhone版

Give the style a descriptive name, and then paste in the following text:


@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document url-prefix(http://www.google.com/reader/i) {.logo img {border:0px !important;}}

@ -moz-document url-prefix(http://www.google.com/reader/i){.logo img {border:0px!important;}}

火狐插件侧边翻译_在Firefox侧边栏中调整Google Reader iPhone版

You can click the preview button to see the changes right away:


火狐插件侧边翻译_在Firefox侧边栏中调整Google Reader iPhone版

Remove Header Entirely


Instead of just changing the border, you can remove the entire header image section, since it’s not really necessary. Adjust the stylish script to be the following instead:

您不必删除整个边框,而是可以删除整个标题图像部分,因为这并不是必须的。 将时尚脚本调整为以下内容:

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document url-prefix(http://www.google.com/reader/i) {.logo {display:none !important;}}

@ -moz-document url-prefix(http://www.google.com/reader/i){.logo {display:none!important;}}

Clicking the Preview button will show the new changes…


火狐插件侧边翻译_在Firefox侧边栏中调整Google Reader iPhone版

Adjust the Font Size


The iPhone site is optimized for a tiny touch screen display, so the font is just way too big for my tastes. We can add the following line to the stylish script to make the font slightly smaller:

iPhone网站针对小型触摸屏显示器进行了优化,因此字体对于我的口味来说太大了。 我们可以在时尚的脚本中添加以下行,以使字体略小:

* {font-size:0.97em !important; }

* {font-size:0.97em!important; }

If you are following along, the full script should now be:


@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document url-prefix(http://www.google.com/reader/i) {.logo {display:none !important;}* {font-size:0.97em !important; }}

@ -moz-document url-prefix(http://www.google.com/reader/i){.logo {display:none!important;} * {font-size:0.97em!important; }}

Now we’ve got a much more compact view, easier to read:


火狐插件侧边翻译_在Firefox侧边栏中调整Google Reader iPhone版

Change List to Headlines Only


You’ll notice that you can see the first few words of the post in the list view… personally I’d rather just show the headlines. Add the following to your script:

您会注意到,您可以在列表视图中看到帖子的前几个单词……就我个人而言,我只想显示标题。 将以下内容添加到您的脚本中:

span.item-snippet {display:none !important;}span.item-source-title{font-size:0.9em !important}

span.item-snippet {display:none!important;} span.item-source-title {font-size:0.9em!important}

Now we’ve got a really useful sidebar application:


火狐插件侧边翻译_在Firefox侧边栏中调整Google Reader iPhone版

Full Script


Here’s the final version of this script, with the logo bar removed, font size smaller, and no excerpts.


@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);@-moz-document url-prefix(http://www.google.com/reader/i) {   .logo {display:none !important;}   * {font-size:0.97em !important; }   span.item-snippet {display:none !important;}   span.item-source-title{font-size:0.9em !important}}

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); @-moz-document url-prefix(http://www.google.com/reader/i){.logo {display:none!重要;} * {font-size:0.97em!important; } span.item-snippet {display:none!important;} span.item-source-title {font-size:0.9em!important}}

This should illustrate why I’m such a big fan of Stylish.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/tweak-google-reader-iphone-edition-in-your-firefox-sidebar/
