


One of the text message utilities I have been using for years is Teleflip.  Rather than waste my money on text messaging friends and colleagues from my cell phone.  I use this service.  I find it much faster to type out a quick email to them than screwing around with the keys on my phone.  Just click on the image below to try out Teleflip.

我使用多年的短信实用程序之一是Teleflip。 不要浪费我的钱在手机上发短信给朋友和同事。 我使用这项服务。 我发现向他们发送快速电子邮件比用手机上的按键快得多。 只需单击下面的图片即可尝试Teleflip。


Another cool thing you can do with Teleflip is enter in the cell number you want to contact into your email.  I find this a lot more beneficial than going to their website every time.  You just need to type in 1(555)[email protected] and send the text message on its way.  Then you can save that contact to easily text message your contacts from email.  *Note I have only tried this with my Yahoo Email account and it works, so I cannot speak for any other services.  If you have information on other services definitely share them with us!

您可以使用Teleflip进行的另一项很酷的操作是在电子邮件中输入要联系的手机号码。 我发现这比每次访问他们的网站都有益。 您只需要输入1(555)[email protected]并发送文本消息即可。 然后,您可以保存该联系人,以轻松地从电子邮件发送短信给您的联系人。 *请注意,我仅使用Yahoo电子邮件帐户尝试过此方法,并且该方法有效,因此我无法代表任何其他服务。 如果您有其他服务的信息,请务必与我们共享!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/79962/send-text-messages-via-email-for-free/
