如何选择Apple Watch上显示哪个邮箱

如何选择Apple Watch上显示哪个邮箱

The Mail app on your Apple Watch makes it possible to view emails and even reply to some. However, if you have several email accounts and get a lot of email, you might want to limit how much email you see at once.

Apple Watch上的Mail应用程序使您可以查看电子邮件,甚至回复某些电子邮件。 但是,如果您有多个电子邮件帐户并收到大量电子邮件,则可能要限制一次看到的电子邮件数量。

Your Apple Watch will show you mail from any inbox or smart mailbox–but only one. You could set it to “All inboxes”, showing mail from all your accounts, but that’s awfully cluttered. If you’d rather only see unread email, or flagged messages, this allows you to do just that.

Apple Watch将向您显示来自任何收件箱或智能邮箱的邮件,但只有一个。 您可以将其设置为“所有收件箱”,以显示来自您所有帐户的邮件,但情况非常混乱。 如果您只希望看到未读的电子邮件或标记的消息,则可以执行此操作。

You need to use the Watch app on your iPhone to change which mailbox shows up on your watch, so tap the “Watch” app icon on your Home screen.


如何选择Apple Watch上显示哪个邮箱

Make sure the My Watch screen is active. If it isn’t, tap “My Watch” at the bottom of the screen.

确保“我的手表”屏幕处于活动状态。 如果不是,请点击屏幕底部的“我的手表”。

如何选择Apple Watch上显示哪个邮箱

Scroll down and tap on “Mail”.


如何选择Apple Watch上显示哪个邮箱

On the Mail screen, tap “Include Mail”.


如何选择Apple Watch上显示哪个邮箱

The Include Mail screen lists the inboxes for all the email accounts you added to your iPhone. For our example, we want to see unread emails on our watch, so we tap “Unread”.

“包含邮件”屏幕列出了添加到iPhone的所有电子邮件帐户的收件箱。 对于我们的示例,我们希望在手表上看到未读的电子邮件,因此我们点击“未读”。

如何选择Apple Watch上显示哪个邮箱

The chosen mailbox is indicated with a check mark. The change is saved immediately, but if you want to return to the My Watch screen, tap the back arrow in the upper-left corner on the Include Mail screen and again on the Mail screen.

所选邮箱带有复选标记。 更改将立即保存,但是如果要返回“我的手表”屏幕,请点击“包括邮件”屏幕左上角的向后箭头,然后再次点击“邮件”屏幕。

如何选择Apple Watch上显示哪个邮箱

Now, when you open the Mail app on your Apple Watch…

现在,当您在Apple Watch上打开Mail应用程序时…

如何选择Apple Watch上显示哪个邮箱

…all unread messages from all the email accounts on your iPhone are listed on your watch.


如何选择Apple Watch上显示哪个邮箱

NOTE: If messages are not removed from the list of emails in the Unread folder on your watch after you read them, press the digital crown to return to the app icon screen and then tap the Mail icon to open the app again. The emails you’ve read should not be in the list anymore.

注意:如果您在阅读邮件后未将其从手表的“未读”文件夹中的电子邮件列表中删除,请按数字表冠以返回到应用程序图标屏幕,然后点击邮件图标再次打开该应用程序。 您已阅读的电子邮件不再应该在列表中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/245107/how-to-choose-which-mailbox-shows-up-on-your-apple-watch/