ffmpeg 多个视频平铺_愚蠢的怪胎技巧:Windows 7中的平铺或层叠多个Windows

ffmpeg 多个视频平铺_愚蠢的怪胎技巧:Windows 7中的平铺或层叠多个Windows

ffmpeg 多个视频平铺

If you’ve got loads of windows open, and would like to tile or cascade just a couple of those windows, it’s a pain to minimize them, then unminimize the windows you want to tile, and then choose Tile from the taskbar context menu… but there’s a better way!


Back in the Windows XP and Vista days, you could just Ctrl-Click on multiple taskbar buttons, and then select “Show Windows Side by Side” or one of the other options to tile just those windows—and it worked with as many windows as you felt like using.

在Windows XP和Vista时代,您可以按住Ctrl键单击多个任务栏按钮,然后选择“并排显示Windows”或其他选项之一来平铺这些窗口,并且它可以与你觉得喜欢用。

Note: We’ve covered this trick in full in our article: Stupid Geek Tricks: Select Multiple Windows on the Taskbar.

注意:我们已经在文章中全面介绍了该技巧: 愚蠢的怪胎技巧:在任务栏上选择多个Windows

ffmpeg 多个视频平铺_愚蠢的怪胎技巧:Windows 7中的平铺或层叠多个Windows

In Windows 7, this ability was removed in favor of Aero Snap—just drag a window to the side of the screen, and it’ll snap to fill half of the screen. Without a doubt, one of the great features in Windows 7… but what about tiling vertically? Or more than two windows?

在Windows 7中,此功能已被删除,转而使用Aero Snap(Aero Snap)—只需将一个窗口拖动到屏幕的一侧即可捕捉到屏幕的一半。 毫无疑问,这是Windows 7的强大功能之一……但是垂直平铺呢? 还是两个以上的窗户?

ffmpeg 多个视频平铺_愚蠢的怪胎技巧:Windows 7中的平铺或层叠多个Windows

So what you can do instead is simply open up Task Manager via any of a number of routes, my personal favorite being Ctrl+Shift+Esc—and then hold down the Ctrl button while you select multiple applications in the list.

因此,您可以做的只是通过多种途径中的任何一种来打开任务管理器,我个人最喜欢的是Ctrl + Shift + Esc,然后在列表中选择多个应用程序时按住Ctrl键。

ffmpeg 多个视频平铺_愚蠢的怪胎技巧:Windows 7中的平铺或层叠多个Windows

Right-click on one of the selected windows in the list, and then you can choose to Tile Horizontally, vertically, cascade, etc. That’s it!  (Note: hat tip to Windows Secrets for the idea)

右键单击列表中选定的窗口之一,然后可以选择水平,垂直,层叠等进行平铺。 (注意: Windows Secrets的 技巧 的想法)

More Stupid Geek Tricks!


We wouldn’t leave you with just that one trick, would we? (alright, maybe we would, but not today). Here’s a couple of our favorite stupid geek tricks that we’ve covered over the years:

我们不会只剩下一个窍门,对吧? (好的,也许我们会的,但不是今天)。 这是多年来我们最喜欢的愚蠢怪胎技巧:

Got your own stupid geek trick that you use to show off to your friends? Share it in the comments.

有自己的愚蠢怪胎技巧,用来向朋友们炫耀吗? 在评论中分享。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/11073/stupid-geek-tricks-tile-or-cascade-multiple-windows-in-windows-7/

ffmpeg 多个视频平铺