[Erlang 0068] Erlang dict

 dict是动态哈希表实现的字典.在接口上和orddict保持一致,在实现上和array动态扩展的思路类似, 与proplists,orddict相比它能够支持更大的数据量,你可以在数据量膨胀的时候从orddict转为dict.dict使用的是动态哈希技术实现,理论依据是论文: "The Design and Implementation of Dynamic Hashing for Sets and Tables in Icon" ,论文地址: http://www.2007.cccg.ca/~morin/teaching/5408/refs/a99.pdf


   The hash function is used to transform the key into the index (the hash) of an array element (the slot or bucket) where the corresponding value is to be sought.
[Erlang 0068] Erlang dict
fetch(Key, D) ->
    Slot = get_slot(D, Key),
    Bkt = get_bucket(D, Slot),
    try fetch_val(Key, Bkt)
           badarg -> erlang:error(badarg, [Key, D])
%% get_slot(Hashdb, Key) -> Slot.
%%  Get the slot.  First hash on the new range, if we hit a bucket
%%  which has not been split use the unsplit buddy bucket.

get_slot(T, Key) ->
    H = erlang:phash(Key, T#dict.maxn),
     H > T#dict.n -> H - T#dict.bso;
     true -> H

%% get_bucket(Hashdb, Slot) -> Bucket.
get_bucket(T, Slot) -> get_bucket_s(T#dict.segs, Slot).
[Erlang 0068] Erlang dict


     Segment大小固定我们只需要随着数据大小不断修改顶层tuple的size就可以.Segments tuple的最后一个元素是一个空的segment用于后续扩展.Segments每次成倍扩展收缩,这对性能并无很大损害.注意dict对外暴露的接口并没有包含数据实际的位置信息.store/3,append/3,append_list/3,update/3,update/4,update_counter/3这些接口都检查是否需要进行扩展,

filter/2 erase/2会检查是否需要进行收缩.由于dict能够随着数据量的变化动态调整进行缩放,兼顾了内存消耗和访问效率.

[Erlang 0068] Erlang dict
%% Note: mk_seg/1 must be changed too if seg_size is changed.
-define(seg_size, 16).
-define(max_seg, 32).
-define(expand_load, 5).
-define(contract_load, 3).
-define(exp_size, (?seg_size * ?expand_load)).
-define(con_size, (?seg_size * ?contract_load)).

%% Define a hashtable.  The default values are the standard ones.
     {size=0                 %元素的数量
     n=?seg_size          % 已经**的slot数量
     maxn=?seg_size     % 最大slots数
     bso=?seg_size div 2  %最大bucket数散列表中当前允许的最大 bucket 数量,扩张操作需要据此判断是否要增加新的 bucket 区段,初始为 16;
     exp_size=?exp_size    %扩张阈值 初始值为16*5=80
     con_size=?con_size    %收缩阈值 初始值为16*3=48
     empty                :: tuple(),          % Empty segment
     segs                :: tuple()                % Segments 所有的数据存放的地方
[Erlang 0068] Erlang dict


new() ->
    Empty = mk_seg(?seg_size),

mk_seg(16) -> {[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]}. %%16估计也是测试经验值



-define(kv(K,V), [K|V]).               % Key-Value pair format
dict的键值存储不是improper list,看下面append_bkt的实现,猜测这样做的目的是把Bag当做一个整体处理.
[Erlang 0068] Erlang dict
Eshell V5.9.1  (abort with ^G)
1> dict:new().
2> dict:store(k,v,v(1)).
3> dict:store(k2,v2,v(2)).
[Erlang 0068] Erlang dict


[Erlang 0068] Erlang dict
%% append_bkt(Key, Val, Bucket) -> {NewBucket,PutCount}.
append_bkt(Key, Val, [?kv(Key,Bag)|Bkt]) -> {[?kv(Key,Bag ++ [Val])|Bkt],0};
append_bkt(Key, Val, [Other|Bkt0]) ->
    {Bkt1,Ic} = append_bkt(Key, Val, Bkt0),
append_bkt(Key, Val, []) -> {[?kv(Key,[Val])],1}.

%% app_list_bkt(Key, L, Bucket) -> {NewBucket,PutCount}.

app_list_bkt(Key, L, [?kv(Key,Bag)|Bkt]) -> {[?kv(Key,Bag ++ L)|Bkt],0};
app_list_bkt(Key, L, [Other|Bkt0]) ->
    {Bkt1,Ic} = app_list_bkt(Key, L, Bkt0),
app_list_bkt(Key, L, []) -> {[?kv(Key,L)],1}.
[Erlang 0068] Erlang dict


When should you use gb_trees over dicts? Well, it's not a clear decision. As the benchmark module I have written will show, gb_trees and dicts have somewhat similar performances in many respects. However, the benchmark demonstrates that dicts have the best read speeds while the gb_trees tend to be a little quicker on other operations. You can judge based on your own needs which one would be the best.

Oh and also note that while dicts have a fold function, gb_trees don't: they instead have aniterator function, which returns a bit of the tree on which you can call gb_trees:next(Iterator) to get the following values in order. What this means is that you need to write your own recursive functions on top of gb_trees rather than use a generic fold. On the other hand, gb_trees let you have quick access to the smallest and largest elements of the structure with gb_trees:smallest/1and gb_trees:largest/1.

link: http://learnyousomeerlang.com/a-short-visit-to-common-data-structures


[2] Working with dictionaries in Erlang


[Erlang 0068] Erlang dict