健康工作,开心玩耍!Ergonomic Health篇


er·go·nom·ics - The study of the relationship between workers and their environment to optimize well-being and productivity.

The three keys to ergonomic health are:

  1. Move often while maintaining good posture

  2. Stretch

  3. Take a Break

Move Often
Reduce risk of pain and discomfort by changing your work position every 60-90 min at minimum. For those of you with sit stand desks, do so by sitting and standing. For those without sit stand desks, stretch or take a break at the same interval (more often if possible).

When working, maintain a supported, neutral position using the following guidelines.

  • Adjust your workstation (chair and desk) before work and again after lunch. Your body changes throughout the day and so should your environment.

  • Maintain 90 degree angles at: Forearm to Bicep, Torso to Thigh, Shin to Thigh.

  • Align: Head over Shoulders, Shoulders over Pelvis, Wrists over Elbows.

  • Arrange your workstation so that items you frequently use are within close reach.

  • Raise your computer monitor so your eyes are at the top 1/3 of the screen.

  • Feet are fully supported flat on the floor with legs supported by seat.

  • Back is supported by lumbar support.

  • Elbows are supported by arm rests.

健康工作,开心玩耍!Ergonomic Health篇

Information on how to adjust your chair is attached below, Lively Ergonomics Guide.


If you are experiencing discomfort or tension, stretch the area! When stretching:

  • Inverse your static position.

  • Hold each stretch for 5-10 seconds.

  • Stretch through tension not pain.

Recommended stretches based on the tasks you are performing are demonstrated on the attached stretch card.

Taking breaks throughout the day promotes change in your static positioning which lowers risk of accidents, musculoskeletal disorders and eye strain. Breaks are also proven to prevent fatigue and promote productivity.

Specialists recommend taking at least 1 minute of break time per hour.

A few ideas of things to do during a break:

  • Drink a glass of water

  • Grab a snack

  • Go for a walk outside

  • Stretch

  • Play a game of pool or ping pong

Further Resources

To request an ergonomic keyboard, mouse, or monitor stand - contact local help desk.