

Once a week we dip into the reader mailbag and answer your tech questions. This week we’re looking at mobile credit card processing for Android, resizing hard drive partitions, and tethering your Android phone to your laptop.

每周一次,我们浸入阅读器邮袋并回答您的技术问题。 本周,我们将研究适用于Android的移动信用卡处理,调整硬盘驱动器分区的大小以及将您的Android手机绑定到笔记本电脑。

适用于Android的移动信用卡处理 (Mobile Credit Card Processing for Android)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I am an independent business owner that does all of my work in the field. I currently can only accept cash and checks as payment from my clients. I think being able to accept credit cards would help expand my business. I was wondering what the best, most secure and cost effective app for Android is that will allow me to accept credit cards over my phone?

我是一位独立的企业主,负责该领域的所有工作。 我目前只能接受客户的现金和支票付款。 我认为能够接受信用卡将有助于扩大我的业务。 我想知道最好的,最安全,最具成本效益的Android应用程序能使我通过手机接受信用卡吗?



Seeking Better Business Strategies


Dear Seeking,


Since we don’t use mobile credit card readers around the HTG office, this would be a great time for readers with field experience to sound off with their Android-based solutions. That said, we can point you in the right direction.

由于我们不在HTG办公室附近使用移动信用卡读卡器,因此对于具有现场经验的读卡器来说,这是一个绝佳的时机,他们可以使用基于Android的解决方案。 也就是说,我们可以为您指明正确的方向。

While there are a smattering of credit card processing applications in the Android Market we’re going to direct you towards Square. Square, Inc. has been making waves for years now in the mobile payment processing market with their iPhone app + free mobile reader combo. They’ve brought the same application and reader to the Android market. Not only can you accept credit cards through the mobile interface but with the free reader you can even swipe them. The fee structure is a basic and straight forward 2.75% per transaction with no additional fees, service charges, or other maintenance costs. You can download the Android app here and read more about the service on their main site here.

尽管Android Market中有少量的信用卡处理应用程序,但我们将引导您进入Square。 Square,Inc.多年来凭借其iPhone应用程序和免费的移动阅读器组合在移动支付处理市场上掀起了波澜。 他们将相同的应用程序和阅读器带入了Android市场。 您不仅可以通过移动界面接受信用卡,而且还可以使用免费阅读器刷卡。 费用结构是每笔交易的基本且直接的2.75%,没有额外费用,服务费或其他维护成本。 您可以在此处下载Android应用,并在其主要网站上了解有关该服务的更多信息。

调整Windows 7分区的大小 (Resizing Your Windows 7 Partition)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I’ve outgrown the primary partition on my Windows 7 machine. Is it possible to resize it and it and siphon some of the space off the secondary data partition?

我的Windows 7计算机上的主分区已不可用。 是否可以调整它的大小并从辅助数据分区中抽出一些空间?



Squeezed in Syracuse


Dear Squeezed,


First, make sure all your data is properly backed up. Fiddling with partitions has gotten easier over the years, but better safe than sorry. After that you can opt to approach the problem one of two ways. You can use the built-in partition resizing tools in Windows or you can use the GParted Live CD to enjoy finer control over the process.

首先,请确保正确备份了所有数据。 这些年来,摆弄分区变得越来越容易,但是安全胜过遗憾。 之后,您可以选择解决问题的两种方法之一。 您可以使用Windows中内置分区大小调整工具,也可以使用GParted Live CD来更好地控制该过程。

将您的Android手机用作数据调制解调器 (Use Your Android Phone as a Data Modem)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

My buddy just got a new Android phone with a built-in Hot Spot feature. I’m jealous… my phone has no such feature. I don’t really care about the whole “can serve up to 8 Wi-Fi devices” bit he’s bragging about, I just want to hook my Android phone to my laptop when I’m out and about without having to void any warranties or break anything. What can I do?

我的好友刚刚买了一部带有内置热点功能的新Android手机。 我很嫉妒……我的手机没有这种功能。 我不太在乎他吹牛的整个“最多可以提供8个Wi-Fi设备”,我只想在外出时将Android手机挂在笔记本电脑上,而不必取消任何担保或打破任何东西。 我能做什么?



Mobile Data Envy in Delaware


Dear Envy,


You’re in luck. If you wanted to emulate the Wi-Fi Hot Spot functionality you’d need to root your device in order to enable it. Since all you want to do is tether your Android device to your laptop all you’ll need is to do is get a USB cable sync cable for your phone and follow along with our guide to tethering Android phones using PDAnet.

你真幸运。 如果您想模拟Wi-Fi热点功能,则需要将您的设备植根以启用它。 由于您要做的就是将Android设备绑定到笔记本电脑,所以您要做的就是获取手机的USB电缆同步电缆,并按照我们的指南使用PDAnet绑定Android手机

Have a pressing tech question? Send us a email at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer them.

有紧迫的技术问题吗? 给我们发送电子邮件至[email protected] ,我们将竭尽所能予以答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/70635/ask-htg-smartphone-credit-card-apps-resizing-partitions-and-android-tethering/