



Intel’s graphics drivers will refuse to install on some computers, even if they use Intel graphics chips. If you see this error message, your computer manufacturer wants you to install drivers from their website, not directly from Intel. But there’s a way to bypass this message and install the Intel drivers anyway.

英特尔的图形驱动程序将拒绝在某些计算机上安装,即使它们使用英特尔的图形芯片也是如此。 如果您看到此错误消息,则您的计算机制造商希望您从其网站而不是直接从Intel安装驱动程序。 但是有一种方法可以绕过此消息并仍然安装Intel驱动程序。

为什么制造商可能会阻止您安装驱动程序 (Why Your Manufacturer May Prevent You From Installing Drivers)

If the drivers can’t be installed, you’ll see a “The driver being installed is not validated for this computer. Please obtain the appropriate driver from the computer manufacturer.” message and the installation will setup process will stop.

如果无法安装驱动程序,您将看到“未针对该计算机验证正在安装的驱动程序。 请从计算机制造商那里获取适当的驱动程序。” 消息,安装过程将停止。

This occurs because your computer manufacturer has changed a setting in the Intel graphics drivers it preinstalled, indicating the standard Intel graphics drivers from Intel.com shouldn’t be allowed. Your system manufacturer (in my case, HP) wants you to get your graphics driver updates from their website, not Intel’s.

发生这种情况是因为您的计算机制造商已更改了它预先安装的Intel图形驱动程序中的设置,这表明不应允许Intel.com提供标准的Intel图形驱动程序。 您的系统制造商(在我的情况下为HP)希望您他们的网站而不是Intel的网站上获取图形驱动程序更新。

Unfortunately, there are some big problems with this. Manufacturers often don’t keep these graphics drivers updated, and you may need a newer version of the graphics driver to fix bugs or achieve faster performance in some games. These newer versions may only be available from Intel directly.

不幸的是,这存在一些大问题。 制造商通常不更新这些图形驱动程序,并且您可能需要更新版本的图形驱动程序才能修复错误或在某些游戏中获得更快的性能。 这些较新的版本可能只能直接从Intel获得。

Manufacturers enable this setting because they’re cautious. They can only allow drivers they’ve tested to run on your PC. However, we don’t see any reason why the standard Intel drivers shouldn’t work on PCs with just Intel graphics. Computer manufacturers can’t customize this Intel graphics hardware, so Intel’s own drivers should be fine.

制造商会谨慎地启用此设置。 他们只能允许经过测试的驱动程序在您的PC上运行。 但是,我们看不出任何标准Intel驱动程序不能在仅带有Intel图形的PC上运行的原因。 计算机制造商无法自定义此Intel图形硬件,因此Intel自己的驱动程序应该可以。

Warning: There is one case where we’d be more cautious doing this. If your laptop has a dual GPU setup with both Intel integrated graphics as well as a dedicated NVIDIA or AMD graphics card, updating the Intel driver could potentially cause problems. We recommend against fiddling with your Intel drivers in this situation. If you have to install updated Intel drivers anyway, be sure to update your NVIDIA or AMD graphics drivers as well.

警告:在一种情况下,我们会更加谨慎。 如果您的笔记本电脑同时具有Intel集成显卡和专用NVIDIA或AMD显卡的双GPU设置,则更新Intel驱动程序可能会引起问题。 我们建议您在这种情况下不要摆弄您的Intel驱动程序。 如果仍然必须安装更新的Intel驱动程序,请确保也更新NVIDIA或AMD图形驱动程序。

如何手动安装驱动程序 (How to Manually Install the Drivers)

To do this, you’ll just be installing the Intel drivers manually via the Device Manager instead of using the nice installer package. This is only necessary the first time you do this, and you’ll be able to install Intel’s drivers normally in the future.

为此,您只需通过设备管理器手动安装Intel驱动程序,而不使用漂亮的安装程序包。 仅在您首次执行此操作时才需要这样做,以后您将能够正常安装英特尔的驱动程序。

First, you’ll need to download the graphics drivers you want to use from Intel. Download the .zip version of the package instead of the .exe version from Intel’s website.

首先,您需要从Intel下载要使用的图形驱动程序。 从英特尔网站下载软件包的.zip版本,而不是.exe版本。

Extract the downloaded zip file to a folder on your system. You can do this just by right-clicking the zip file and selecting “Extract All”, or with your favorite file extraction utility.

将下载的zip文件解压缩到系统上的文件夹中。 您可以通过右键单击zip文件并选择“全部提取”,或使用您喜欢的文件提取实用程序来执行此操作


Before you continue, you should tell Windows to show file name extensions if you haven’t done so previously. This will make it easier to find important files later in the process. On Windows 10, open File Explorer, click the “View” tab on the ribbon bar, and check the “File name extensions” box under Show/hide. On Windows 7, open Windows Explorer and click Organize > Folder and search options > View. Uncheck the “Hide extensions for known file types” box and click “OK”.

在继续之前,如果以前没有这样做,则应告诉Windows显示文件扩展名。 这将使以后在过程中查找重要文件变得更加容易。 在Windows 10上,打开“文件资源管理器”,单击功能区栏上的“查看”选项卡,然后选中“显示/隐藏”下的“文件扩展名”框。 在Windows 7上,打开Windows资源管理器,然后单击组织>文件夹和搜索选项>视图。 取消选中“隐藏已知文件类型的扩展名”框,然后单击“确定”。


Next, you’ll need to open the Device Manager. On Windows 10, right-click the Start button or press Windows+X on your keyboard and click “Device Manager”. On Windows 7, press Windows+R, type “devmgmt.msc”, and press Enter.

接下来,您需要打开设备管理器。 在Windows 10上,右键单击开始按钮,或在键盘上按Windows + X,然后单击“设备管理器”。 在Windows 7上,按Windows + R,键入“ devmgmt.msc”,然后按Enter。


Expand the “Display adapters” section in the Device Manager, right-click the “Intel(R) HD Graphics” device, and select “Properties”.

展开设备管理器中的“显示适配器”部分,右键单击“ Intel(R)HD Graphics”设备,然后选择“属性”。


Click the “Driver” tab in the properties window and click the “Update Driver” button.



Click “Browse my computer for driver software” here.



Click “Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer”. (Don’t click the “Browse” button near the top of the window.)

单击“让我从计算机上的可用驱动程序列表中选择”。 (不要单击窗口顶部附近的“浏览”按钮。)


Click the “Have Disk” button at the bottom right corner of the window.



Click the “Browse” button in the Install From Disk window.



Navigate to the folder where you extracted the driver and double-click the “Graphics” subfolder inside it.

导航到您提取驱动程序的文件夹,然后双击其中的“ Graphics”子文件夹。

Double-click the “igdlh64.inf” file if you’re using a 64-bit version of Windows, or double-click the “igdlh32.inf” file if you’re using a 32-bit version of Windows.

如果使用的是64位版本的Windows,请双击“ igdlh64.inf”文件;如果使用的是32位版本的Windows,请双击“ igdlh32.inf”文件。

Intel could change the name of this file in future versions of the graphics driver. If you don’t see the above .inf file, look in the Graphics subfolder for something ending in “.inf” and choose the one with 64 or 32 in its name, depending on which version of Windows you’re using.

英特尔可以在以后版本的图形驱动程序中更改此文件的名称。 如果看不到上面的.inf文件,请在“图形”子文件夹中查找以“ .inf”结尾的文件,然后选择名称中带有64或32的文件,具体取决于您使用的Windows版本。


Click “OK” and you’ll see the Intel driver you selected appear as the only option in the list of available drivers. Click the “Next” button to install it.

单击“确定”,您将看到所选的Intel驱动程序显示为可用驱动程序列表中的唯一选项。 单击“下一步”按钮进行安装。


Windows will install the driver and let you know when it’s done. We recommend restarting your PC to ensure the driver is completely installed.

Windows将安装驱动程序,并在完成时通知您。 我们建议重新启动PC,以确保驱动程序已完全安装。


In the extremely unlikely event that you experience problems with the new Intel graphics drivers, you can head to your computer manufacturer’s support site (again, in my case, that’d be HP), download the most recent graphics drivers they recommend for your hardware, and install them on your PC to get the “manufacturer-supported” drivers back.


您现在可以轻松地从Intel安装驱动程序 (You Can Now Easily Install Drivers From Intel)

You only have to go through the above process once. Once the standard Intel drivers are installed, you can download new drivers from the Intel website and install them directly on top of your current drivers just by running the standard .exe installer.

您只需执行一次以上过程。 一旦安装了标准的Intel驱动程序,您就可以通过运行标准的.exe安装程序,从Intel网站下载新的驱动程序,并将它们直接安装在当前驱动程序之上。


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/343287/how-to-fix-the-driver-being-installed-is-not-validated-for-this-computer-on-intel-computers/
