

本文为奥地利维也纳科技大学(作者:Dimitar Naydenov)的学士论文,共36页。


Autonomous robot navigation has becomeimportant for the scientific community due to the increasing interest inself-driving vehicles. In order to navigate in its environment, a robot needsto perform first an estimation of its current position, so that it could planits route and follow it accordingly. There are several approaches to accomplishthat: one example is the Simultaneous Localisation And Mapping (SLAM)technique, where a comprehensive scan of the surroundings of the robot isperformed, so that an obstacle map with the position of the robot in it couldbe created. In this thesis a position tracking system for detecting thecoordinates of a mobile station is developed to support the method of SLAM. Itrelies on combining data from the input throttle and steering angle withmeasurements from two separate sensors, using an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)as a correction mechanism. The sensor measurements rely on detecting theorientation of the mobile base with an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) anddetermining the travelled distance by estimating the displacement of the robotrelative to the ground beneath it with the help of a laser mouse sensor. Thisapproach has been implemented and evaluated, achieving accuracy of 3% in theestimation of the robot’s coordinates for distances up to 10m on a flat surface.

1 引言
1.1 问题描述
1.2 相关方法
1.3 评估平台
2 实验设置
2.1 硬件配置
2.2 软件设计
3 结果
3.1 力学模型
3.2 传感器模型
3.3 扩展卡尔曼滤波器
4 总结
附录A 传感器测量
