
本文为荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(作者:Justin Stook)的硕士论文,共145页。

近年来,导航业蓬勃发展。著名的导航服务如TomTom、Garmin和Google navigation,正在主导户外道路导航市场,这些应用程序能够确定平台位置这一事实一直吸引着作者。简单的位置确定在专门的应用程序和功能中得到了进一步利用,例如记录位置移动并插入多个单元的SportyPal,或者照片的地理标记。因此,这进一步激发了人们研究室内环境定位问题的兴趣,因为人们必须超越自己的视线。然而,导航这个词也可以用来比喻一个人的人生旅程。作为一个人,怎样才能导航并规划自己的人生?在人生的道路上,一个人必须通过做出满足期望和影响你未来的决定,在一个复杂的问题网络中寻觅自己的方向。决策可能基于过去的经验和/或知识,没有“回头”的选择,在不可预见的情况下,无论是积极的还是消极的,任何事情都可能严重改变人生道路。导航是基于抽象层次的,作者也几乎朝着另一个方向前进。生活中不可预见的情况迫使一个人选择一种不同于预期的流动方式,其结果是在本论文的研究项目中投入了大量的时间和精力。作者希望这篇论文是可阅读和可理解的,希望每个聪明人都应该遵循自己的方向,因此,导航应用程序将有助于做出这些决定。

Navigation has become booming businessrecently. Well-known navigation services, such as TomTom, Garmin and GoogleNavigation, are dominating the market for outdoor, road based navigation. The factthat such applications are able to determine a location on a platform hasalways fascinated the author. Simple location determination is further utilizedin specialized applications and functions, such as SportyPal, which logs themovements and interpolates several units, or the geotagging of photos. And so,this further piqued the interest to investigate matters in the indoorenvironment, as one has to look beyond what one sees. However, navigation as aword can also be used as a metaphor to describe one man’s life journey. How canone navigate as a human being? On the paths of life, one has to navigatethrough a web of complicated matters by fulfilling expectations and by makingdecisions that will influence your future. Decisions might be based on pastexperience and/or knowledge, there is no ‘turn back’ option, and things mightheavily alter the path of life in unforeseen circumstances, both positive andnegative. Navigation is then based on the abstract level. The author, too,almost navigated towards another direction. Unforeseen circumstances in theprivate life forced him to choose a different flow than intended. The result isthis thesis project, in which much time and effort has been put. The authorhopes that the thesis is readable and understandable. He hopes that every wiseman should follow his own direction and that as such, navigation applicationswill contribute in making those decisions.

  1. 引言
  2. 目标、展望与局限性
  3. 本文研究的问题
  4. 传感器技术
  5. 定位技术
  6. 导航
  7. 基于标准的应用构建
  8. 涉及的用户
  9. 用户分配:网关服务
  10. 目录和地理编码服务
  11. 建模与属性
  12. 可视化:演示服务
  13. 导航服务
  14. 架构:功能与技术设计
  15. 测量与数据库
  16. 位置确定算法
  17. 相关结果
  18. 结论
  19. 反思:讨论、局限与建议
  20. 关于隐私和法律问题的补充说明
    附录A 表格与插图
    附录B 背景文献
    附录C 结果
