y型usb线 走线_将Y型电缆与USB外围设备一起使用是否有任何风险?

y型usb线 走线_将Y型电缆与USB外围设备一起使用是否有任何风险?

y型usb线 走线

y型usb线 走线_将Y型电缆与USB外围设备一起使用是否有任何风险?

Sometimes it can be confusing when a tech specification ‘prohibits’ the use of a particular accessory item, yet everyone seems to think using the item in question is completely fine. Who is correct in the end? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post has the answer to a worried reader’s question.

有时,当技术规范“禁止”使用特定的配件时,可能会造成混淆,但每个人似乎都认为使用所涉及的配件完全可以。 到底谁是正确的? 今天的《超级用户问答》帖子解答了一个担心的读者的问题。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

Photo courtesy of Dennis S. Hurd (Flickr).

图片由Dennis S. Hurd(Flickr)提供

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader muttley91 wants to know if there are any risks involved in using Y-cables with USB peripheral devices:


I have been advised to use a Y-cable to power a portable USB hard drive from two ports since it is unable to draw enough power from a single port. Are there any risks or dangers of overloading or damaging the hard drive by using a Y-cable this way?

建议我使用Y型电缆从两个端口为便携式USB硬盘驱动器供电,因为它无法从单个端口获取足够的功率。 这样使用Y型电缆是否存在使硬盘驱动器过载或损坏的风险或危险?

Are there any risks involved in using Y-cables with USB peripheral devices?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributors misha256 and Dmitry Grigoryev have the answer for us. First up, misha256:

超级用户贡献者misha256和Dmitry Grigoryev为我们找到了答案。 首先,是misha256:

The USB specification prohibits the use of Y-cables:


  • Use of a Y-cable (a cable with two A-plugs) is prohibited on any USB peripheral. If a USB peripheral requires more power than allowed by the USB specification to which it is designed, then it must be self-powered.

    禁止在任何USB外设上使用Y型电缆(带有两个A插头的电缆)。 如果USB外设需要的功率超过了其设计所要求的USB规范所允许的功率,则它必须是自供电的。

But the real world said “forget your silly rules” and uses Y-cables all the time. Technically, there is pretty much zero risk of anything bad happening, just do not use Y-cables via an unpowered USB hub. Plug the connectors straight into the computer’s USB ports.

但是现实世界说“忘了愚蠢的规则”,并一直使用Y型电缆。 从技术上讲,发生任何不良情况的风险几乎为零,只是不要通过未供电的USB集线器使用Y型电缆。 将连接器直接插入计算机的USB端口。

“Are there any risks or dangers of overloading or damaging the hard drive by using a Y-cable this way?”


Using a Y-cable does not increase the voltage, it only makes more current available, so it is all good. The hard drive will take as much current as it needs.

使用Y型电缆不会增加电压,只会提供更多电流,因此一切都很好。 硬盘将消耗所需的电流。

You are far more likely to damage the contents of a hard drive by running it under-powered. There is nothing worse than write operations failing midway through. So I implore you, use the Y-cable.

如果电源不足,则硬盘损坏的可能性更大。 没有比写操作中途失败更糟糕的了。 因此,恳请您使用Y型电缆。

Followed by the answer from Dmitry Grigoryev:

随后是Dmitry Grigoryev的回答:

Y-cables are forbidden by the USB specification for a reason. Connecting the A-plugs of a Y-cable into two different host ports (i.e. two different computers, a computer and a hub, etc.) can lead to multiple electrical problems:

由于某种原因,USB规范禁止使用Y型电缆。 将Y型电缆的A插头连接到两个不同的主机端口(即两台不同的计算机,一台计算机和一个集线器等)可能会导致多种电气问题:

  1. One of the hosts may be unpowered while the other one is powered on. This will result in the powered host pushing current to the unpowered one in the wrong direction, possibly resulting in damage.

    其中一台主机可能未通电,而另一台已通电。 这将导致有电的主机以错误的方向将电流推向无电的主机,从而可能导致损坏。
  2. Even if both hosts are powered, one will provide a slightly higher voltage than the other, resulting in a problem similar to problem #1 above (perhaps less severe).

  3. If you are extremely unlucky, you may get two computers with poorly isolated PSUs connected to different mains (120V or 240V) networks. Connecting those with a common ground cable (which is a Y-shaped USB) will zap both computers instantly. Though in this case I would be more concerned about electrical safety in general rather than about Y-cable usage.

    如果非常不走运,则可能会导致两台计算机的PSU隔离不良,它们连接到不同的主电源(120V或240V)网络。 使用公共接地电缆(Y型USB)连接这些计算机将立即使两台计算机均电。 尽管在这种情况下,我会更关心一般的电气安全性,而不是Y电缆的使用。

If you make sure to connect both A-plugs to the same USB host, using a Y-cable is fine (I have one myself). Do not worry about over-powering the drive, it will take just as much current as it needs.

如果您确保将两个A插头都连接到同一USB主机,则使用Y型电缆就可以了(我自己一个)。 不必担心驱动器功率过大,它会消耗所需的电流。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/238683/are-there-any-risks-in-using-y-cables-with-usb-peripheral-devices/

y型usb线 走线