usb接二维码扫描要驱动吗_Windows总是要扫描并修复我的USB驱动器; 我应该让它吗?...

usb接二维码扫描要驱动吗_Windows总是要扫描并修复我的USB驱动器; 我应该让它吗?...


usb接二维码扫描要驱动吗_Windows总是要扫描并修复我的USB驱动器; 我应该让它吗?...

It’s a common sight for many Windows users: you pop in your flash drive or the memory card from your camera and Windows insists there is some problem that needs fixing. Does something actually need fixing? Are you risking anything by ignoring the nagging to scan and fix the drive? Read on as we explain what the message means, if you should heed it, and how to keep it from coming back.

对于许多Windows用户来说,这是常见的现象:您从相机中弹出闪存驱动器或存储卡,而Windows则坚持需要解决一些问题。 实际是否需要修复? 您是否会忽略扫描和修复驱动器的麻烦而冒任何风险? 请继续阅读,以解释消息的含义,是否应注意以及如何防止消息再次出现。

Ask How-To Geek,


When I take the SD card out of my camera and plug it into my computer, a little box pops up that says “There’s a problem with this drive. Scan the drive now and fix it.” I didn’t click on the pop up box and then a few seconds the SD card automatically opened in Windows Explorer and my pictures were there like I expected. I copied the pictures, pull the SD card out, put it back in my camera, and then the next time I needed to copy files the exact same thing happened. The error message must be there for a reason, but my files always look fine. What’s the deal? Is my SD card going to be ruined or my files missing if I don’t scan and fix the drive? What exactly does it do?

当我从相机中取出SD卡并将其插入计算机时,会弹出一个小盒子,上面写着“此驱动器有问题。 立即扫描驱动器并进行修复。” 我没有单击弹出框,然后几秒钟SD卡在Windows资源管理器中自动打开,并且我的图片在那里像我期望的那样。 我复制了图片,将SD卡拔出,放回相机中,然后在下次需要复制文件时,发生了完全相同的事情。 该错误消息必须存在是有原因的,但是我的文件总是看起来不错。 这是怎么回事? 如果我不扫描并修复驱动器,是否会损坏我的SD卡或丢失文件? 它到底是做什么的?



Pop-Up Ignoring


Although the warning has changed slightly in appearance, Windows has been issuing these warnings for a long time. In Windows 8 it will warn you, as you saw, “There’s a problem with this drive. Scan the drive now and fix it.” Back in Windows 7 and Windows Vista, it prompt you with “Do you want to scan and fix Removable Disk [drive letter]?”

尽管该警告在外观上略有更改,但Windows长期发布了这些警告。 如您所见,在Windows 8中它会警告您:“此驱动器有问题。 立即扫描驱动器并进行修复。” 回到Windows 7和Windows Vista中,它提示您“是否要扫描和修复可移动磁盘[ 驱动器号 ]?”。

The warning itself is a bit cryptic, however, as it’s a catch all for multiple issues. The most common reason Windows prompts you to perform the scan and fix is because the removable media in question was not properly unmounted and removed from Windows the last time it was used. You know how most of us just unplug our SD cards and USB drives when we’re done? That’s not good for your data and it makes Windows grumpy. When you plug the drive back in, Windows knows you didn’t eject it properly the last time (because the file system flag that indicates proper unmounting isn’t set) and it yells at you. The other reason it gives you the warning is because there is corruption within or damage to the file system on the removable drive. This isn’t a Windows-only thing, by the way; it’s bad practice to skip unmounting removable media when using other operating systems, too.

但是,警告本身有点含糊,因为它涵盖了多个问题。 Windows提示您执行扫描和修复的最常见原因是,有问题的可移动媒体没有在上次使用Windows时正确地从Windows中卸载和删除。 您知道我们大多数人完成后如何拔出SD卡和USB驱动器吗? 这不利于您的数据 ,并且使Windows变得脾气暴躁。 当您重新插入驱动器时,Windows会知道您上次没有正确弹出驱动器(因为未设置指示正确卸载的文件系统标志),并且大吼大叫。 它向您发出警告的另一个原因是,因为可移动驱动器上的文件系统损坏或损坏。 顺便说一下,这不是Windows专用的东西。 同样,在使用其他操作系统时,跳过卸载可移动媒体也是一个坏习惯。

So what should you do? You should definitely follow the prompt and scan your removable media. When you click on the prompt to do so Windows launches the CHDSK application in the background and scans the disk. This is the same tool that Windows deploys when it crashes and then, on next boot, prompts you to check the the OS disk. For more information about CHDSK, including how to use it manually from the command prompt, check out our guide here.

那你该怎么办? 您绝对应该按照提示操作并扫描可移动媒体。 单击提示时,Windows会在后台启动CHDSK应用程序并扫描磁盘。 它与Windows崩溃时部署的工具相同,然后在下次启动时提示您检查OS磁盘。 有关CHDSK的更多信息,包括如何在命令提示符下手动使用它, 请在此处查看我们的指南

Here’s what it looks like when you run it on removable media:


usb接二维码扫描要驱动吗_Windows总是要扫描并修复我的USB驱动器; 我应该让它吗?...

The above dialog window is what Windows 7 users see immediately and what Windows 8 users see after they click on the Metro UI popup window (seen in the lead image of this article). Select “Scan and fix (recommended)”.

上面的对话框窗口是Windows 7用户立即看到的,以及Windows 8用户单击Metro UI弹出窗口后看到的(在本文的原始图片中看到)。 选择“扫描并修复(推荐)”。

usb接二维码扫描要驱动吗_Windows总是要扫描并修复我的USB驱动器; 我应该让它吗?...

Like we mentioned earlier, Windows is a bit cryptic. Typically the error it finds is simply that the drive wasn’t ejected properly and isn’t anything catastrophic. Click “Repair drive”.

就像我们前面提到的,Windows有点神秘。 通常,它发现的错误仅仅是驱动器没有正确弹出,并且没有任何灾难性的后果。 点击“修复驱动器”。

usb接二维码扫描要驱动吗_Windows总是要扫描并修复我的USB驱动器; 我应该让它吗?...

Obviously you don’t want to run the repair on your removable media if you’re actively copying or writing files, or if you’re running a portable application off the drive. You definitely don’t need to use the “Repair on next restart” option, though. Just make sure you’re not actively using the removable disk and click “Repair now”.

显然,如果您正在主动复制或写入文件,或者正在从驱动器上运行便携式应用程序,则不想在可移动介质上运行修复程序。 不过,您绝对不需要使用“下次重启时修复”选项。 只需确保您没有积极使用可移动磁盘,然后单击“立即修复”即可。

usb接二维码扫描要驱动吗_Windows总是要扫描并修复我的USB驱动器; 我应该让它吗?...

Although this seems rather contradictory the the box we just saw, what the dialog box here really means is that beyond not safely ejecting the removable media, there were no serious errors. If you’re notified that there were errors, click on the “Show Details” box to check the event log in order to see exactly what errors there were.

尽管这与我们刚刚看到的框似乎很矛盾,但是此对话框的真正含义是,除了不能安全地弹出可移动媒体之外,没有严重的错误。 如果通知您有错误,请单击“显示详细信息”框以检查事件日志,以准确查看存在的错误。

Now, if you do this and then immediately turn right back around an unplug your flash drive or SD card without safely ejecting it, the same “There’s a problem with this drive” prompt will appear the next time you plug the device into your computer. To avoid that annoyance (and to develop a good habit that will protect your data and hardware) right-click on the USB device icon in the Windows system tray and select the removable device you want to eject like so:

现在,如果您执行此操作,然后立即右转回去,则在没有安全弹出的情况下拔出闪存驱动器或SD卡,则在下次将设备插入计算机时,将出现相同的“此驱动器有问题”提示。 为避免这种烦恼(并养成保护您的数据和硬件的良好习惯),请右键单击Windows系统托盘中的USB设备图标,然后选择要弹出的可移动设备,如下所示:

usb接二维码扫描要驱动吗_Windows总是要扫描并修复我的USB驱动器; 我应该让它吗?...

Windows will be happy with you. Your data will be happy because all the read/write activity will terminate gracefully. You’ll be happy because Windows will stop nagging you. It’s a winning situation all around.

Windows会让您满意。 您的数据将会很高兴,因为所有读/写活动都会正常终止。 您会很高兴的,因为Windows将不再困扰您。 到处都是胜利的局面。

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer it.

有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至[email protected],我们将尽力答复。

