使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

Looking for a good stand alone document editor that is not light on features? Then you will want to take a good look at PolyEdit Lite which is a free word processor for Windows systems.

您是否在寻找一个出色的独立文档编辑器,而该文档编辑器没有功能? 然后,您将要看一下PolyEdit Lite,它是Windows系统的免费文字处理器。



The installation and setup for PolyEdit Lite is quick and easy. There is a restriction against use in a commercial/corporate environment.

PolyEdit Lite的安装和设置快速简便。 禁止在商业/公司环境中使用。

Note: There is a Pro version available for commercial/corporate use.


使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

This is the default look and setup when you first open PolyEdit Lite. Notice the very nice set of commands available in the toolbars.

首次打开PolyEdit Lite时,这是默认外观和设置。 注意工具栏中可用的非常好的命令集。

使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

Menus for PolyEdit Lite

PolyEdit Lite的菜单

PolyEdit Lite has an extensive menu system like the document editors in Microsoft Office and Open Office (very nice!).

PolyEdit Lite具有广泛的菜单系统,例如Microsoft Office和Open Office中的文档编辑器(非常好! )。

The File and Edit Menus…


使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

The View and Insert Menus…notice all of the items that you can add to your documents in the Insert Menu…definitely not a lite-weight application.


使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

The Format, Convert, Tools, and the Templates Menus.


使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

And finally the Window and Help Menus.


使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器



PolyEdit Lite has nice set of options available, so it would be a good idea to take a few minutes to look through them and make any adjustments that you would like. In the General section, you can choose the Default Encoding, Word Wrap style desired, the Measurement System that you would like to use, and the home folder to save all of your documents in.

PolyEdit Lite提供了一组不错的选项,因此花几分钟时间浏览它们并进行所需的任何调整都是一个好主意。 在“常规”部分中,您可以选择“默认编码”,所需的自动换行样式,要使用的“度量系统”以及用于保存所有文档的主文件夹。

使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

Here you can set the Default Font to the one that works best for you…


使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

Select or Deselect the Editing Options that you would like to use.


使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

Decide which Viewing Options will work best for you.


使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

Specialized Options for your Tabs…


使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

Easily select which Toolbars are displayed in PolyEdit Lite…

轻松选择在PolyEdit Lite中显示哪些工具栏...

使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

If you get tired of the default (or your current) theme, you can easily switch to a new one to keep things looking fresh.


使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

Need or prefer a custom color for your document’s background? Choose your favorite one here!

需要还是喜欢自定义颜色作为文档的背景? 在这里选择您最喜欢的一个!

使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

Want to encrypt your documents? Not a problem…

要加密您的文件吗? 没问题...

使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

Add additional file/extension associations if desired.


使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

Ever wished that you could choose a nice icon to make your documents stand out better in Windows Explorer? Now you can…choose from seven very nice icons.

是否曾经希望您可以选择一个不错的图标来使您的文档在Windows资源管理器中更出色? 现在您可以...从七个非常漂亮的图标中选择。

使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

Autosave and Backup functions to help you have peace of mind. Notice that you can choose a separate custom folder just for your backups if you desire (nice!).

自动保存和备份功能可帮助您省心。 请注意,如果需要,您可以为备份选择一个单独的自定义文件夹(不错! )。

使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

Select the options that you would like to use for Spellchecking…


使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

Choose the Clipboard Options you want active while using PolyEdit Lite…

选择使用PolyEdit Lite时要**的剪贴板选项...

使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

Decide the Action to be performed when the ESC Button is used, the Default File Extension that you prefer to use, and whether to activate the System Tray, Multiple Instances, and Reloading options.


使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

PolyEdit Lite in Action

PolyEdit Lite运行中

So, you have seen all of the menus and options, but how do things look when working on a document? We decided to create a document that started with a regular paragraph, then add a two column area (lightly outlined for editing mode), a picture, and then text with some of the formatting options in use. As you can see here, our little test turned out very nicely.

因此,您已经看到了所有菜单和选项,但是在处理文档时情况如何? 我们决定创建一个以常规段落开头的文档,然后添加两列区域(在编辑模式下略微勾勒出轮廓),图片,然后添加文本并使用某些格式设置选项。 正如您在这里看到的,我们的小测试非常好。

Note: PolyEdit Lite can save files in the .doc, .rtf, .txt, and .etf formats.

注意:PolyEdit Lite可以将文件保存为.doc,.rtf,.txt和.etf格式。

使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器

And after saving our document, here is our Print Preview…


使用PolyEdit Lite获得强大的文档编辑器



If you need a robust document editor but do not want to have to install an entire office suite just to get one, then PolyEdit Lite is definitely worth giving a try!

如果您需要功能强大的文档编辑器,但又不想只安装一套完整的办公套件,那么PolyEdit Lite绝对值得一试!



Download PolyEdit Lite (version

下载PolyEdit Lite(版本5.4.0.0)

Works On: Windows (website is non-specific on supported versions)

适用于: Windows(网站不是特定于受支持版本的网站)

Installed On: Windows Vista (32 bit), Service Pack 2

安装于: Windows Vista(32位),Service Pack 2

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/4054/get-a-robust-document-editor-with-polyedit-lite/