
摘要: 三星开始生产 Exynos 5 Octa八核处理器,其他芯片制造厂也并不落后,虽然只有极少量的应用程序真正需要这么多核的处理器。移动芯片制造商们推出8核的真正原因也许仅仅是因为他们有这个能力。



相关链接: 三星宣布八核Exynos 5二季度量产
转载请注明:Linux人社区> 英文资讯翻译专版.编译
英文原文: The eight-core era arrives
Summary: Samsung is set to start making its Exynos 5 Octa and other chipmakers aren't far behind, even though few apps are designed to really take advantage of many-core processors. The real reason mobile chipmakers are pushing eight cores may simply be because they can.

I’ve been skeptical of the core wars in mobile. But it turns out we’re going to get eight-core processors whether we need them or not.
