

Landing pages are a vital component of virtually any marketing strategy because they allow you to break away from your standard techniques and explore new possibilities for your campaigns. As discussed in a previous article on SitePoint about landing pages, there is a science to creating a solid page, that doesn’t mean you need specialized tools to create these pages for your website.

着陆页实际上是任何营销策略的重要组成部分,因为它们使您能够脱离标准技术,并为广告系列探索新的可能性。 如上一篇有关SitePoint的着陆页文章所述,创建可靠的页面是一门科学,但这并不意味着您需要专门的工具来为网站创建这些页面。

With the rise of webinars, eCommerce sales, crowdfunding (which requires a unique marketing funnel) and much more, incorporating landing pages into your websites is a vital way to stand out in today’s saturated digital ecosystem.

随着网络研讨会,电子商务销售, 众筹 (需要一个独特的营销渠道)等等的兴起,将登录页面整合到您的网站中是在当今饱和的数字生态系统中脱颖而出的重要途径。

While it’s possible to create your own pages and style them to your needs with virtually any WordPress theme, the tips below can help you create WordPress landing pages without worrying about hacking up a theme to do something it isn’t primarily intended to do.


WordPress登陆页面 (WordPress Landing Pages)


One of the leading free solutions for creating landing pages for your WordPress website is known simply as WordPress Landing Pages. This is a free plugin which includes a variety of features such as allowing website owners to monitor and track conversion rates, run A/B tests and much more.

用于为WordPress网站创建登录页面的领先免费解决方案之一就是WordPress登录页面 。 这是一个免费的插件,其中包含多种功能,例如允许网站所有者监视和跟踪转换率,运行A / B测试等等。

In addition to allowing users to create new landing pages, WordPress Landing Page also allows developers to create custom layouts using a templating system from the plugin. Although the framework is built with standard PHP code, this process can be a bit tedious if you’re not comfortable with writing code.

除了允许用户创建新的登陆页面外,WordPress登陆页面还允许开发人员使用插件中的模板系统来创建自定义布局。 尽管该框架是使用标准PHP代码构建的,但是如果您不习惯编写代码,则此过程可能会有些繁琐。

Aside from allowing users to create landing pages, this plugin also integrates with other plugins for additional functionality such as contact relationship management (CRM), enhanced forms (through Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms, Contact Form 7 and many other solutions) and much more.

除了允许用户创建登录页面外,此插件还与其他插件集成以提供其他功能,例如联系关系管理(CRM),增强的表单(通过Gravity Forms,Ninja Forms,Contact Form 7和许多其他解决方案)等等。

Although this solution might not be as simple or robust as many paid solutions in the WordPress ecosystem, one of the biggest advantages is that you can easily integrate it into client websites without worrying about licensing costs. Another advantage is that the paid version of WordPress Landing Page includes an unlimited website license for only $249.99 which can be a decent value if you often handle marketing for clients.

尽管此解决方案可能不像WordPress生态系统中的许多付费解决方案那样简单或健壮,但是最大的优势之一是您可以轻松地将其集成到客户端网站中,而不必担心许可成本。 另一个优势是WordPress登陆页面的付费版本包括无限的网站许可,价格仅为249.99美元,如果您经常为客户进行市场营销,这可以是一个不小的价值。

OptimizePress (OptimizePress)


Although licenses for this plugin start at $97 for a three site license, OptimizePress is a solid investment as it allows you to create landing pages yourself while still using a tool with a solid support team backing it. With this tool, all your creative work can be done with a visual editor rather than you having to tinker with code. Additionally you can hit the ground running with numerous pre-made templates available out of the box.

尽管此插件的许可开始于三个站点的许可,其价格为97美元,但OptimizePress是一笔可观的投资,因为它允许您自己创建登录页面,同时仍使用具有可靠支持团队支持的工具。 使用此工具,您的所有创意工作都可以通过可视化编辑器完成,而不必修改代码。 此外,您还可以使用许多可用的现成模板进行操作。

In addition to allowing you to create landing pages with ease, OptimizePress also allows users to create blog posts, membership gateways and much more all from the standard interface. If you happen to need additional functionality, the plugin also incorporates a marketplace where you can buy features a-la-carte to enhance your pages.

除了允许您轻松创建登录页面之外,OptimizePress还允许用户从标准界面创建博客文章,成员资格网关等。 如果您碰巧需要其他功能,则该插件还包含一个市场,您可以在其中购买按需添加功能来增强您的页面。

Keep in mind that OptimizePress licenses are not intended for websites you intend to hand off to a client. Technically when you purchase a license, it is only valid on websites which are owned, operated and registered to you. If you’re looking for a turnkey option, then you’ll need to look at alternative options.

请记住,OptimizePress许可证不适用于您打算移交给客户的网站。 从技术上讲,当您购买许可证时,该许可证仅在您拥有,运营和注册的网站上有效。 如果您正在寻找一个交钥匙选项,那么您将需要考虑其他选项。

启动框架 (Startup Framework)


This plugin is slightly more expensive than the previously mentioned solutions as pricing starts at $149 for a single website license, however if you’re looking for a robust platform to build your website on without worrying about code, Startup Framework is the solution for you. Similar to OptimizePress this package allows you to create custom pages around your individual needs. However, Startup Framework takes things a step further by allowing you to integrate drag and drop editing capabilities into virtually any WordPress website.

这个插件比前面提到的解决方案贵一点,因为单个网站许可证的起价为149美元,但是,如果您正在寻找一个强大的平台来构建您的网站而无需担心代码,那么Startup Framework是适合您的解决方案。 与OptimizePress相似,此软件包可让您根据自己的需求创建自定义页面。 但是,Startup Framework允许您将拖放编辑功能集成到几乎任何WordPress网站中,从而使事情更进一步。

The most notable feature of this tool is the innovative component design which greatly simplifies layout creation. With the Startup Framework, everything you need to create a customized design is built into the solution and if you need extra functionality, adding features is straight forward. Additionally the visual editor allows you to fully prototype your website in one step, rather than having to build your site out in multiple phases.

该工具最显着的特点是创新的组件设计,极大地简化了布局创建。 使用启动框架,创建定制设计所需的一切都内置在解决方案中,如果需要其他功能,则可以轻松添加功能。 此外,可视化编辑器使您可以一步一步完成网站原型的完整制作,而不必分多个阶段来构建网站。

Unlike OptimizePress which has a tight restriction against using it for creating projects not used by yourself, Startup Framework allows license holders to create websites for clients. The two plugins both do not allow you to resell or offer the plugin to clients.

与OptimizePress严格限制使用它来创建自己不使用的项目不同,Startup Framework允许许可证持有者为客户创建网站。 这两个插件都不允许您转售或提供给客户端。

不是银弹 (Not a Silver Bullet)

Keep in mind that visual landing pages creation tools aren’t going to instantly increase your traffic on the the first try. You’ll need to ensure that you run ongoing tests to maximize conversions and ensure that your copy is effective. Since you only have seconds to get a user to convert on your pages, monitoring metrics carefully is crucial to ensuring your efforts aren’t going to waste.

请记住,可视化目标网页创建工具不会立即增加您的初次访问量。 您需要确保运行正在进行的测试以最大程度地提高转化次数,并确保副本有效。 由于您只有几秒钟的时间就能吸引用户在您的页面上进行转换,因此,仔细地监控指标对于确保您的工作不会浪费很关键。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-landing-page-creation-made-easy/
