ue4 加快移动_加快移动网站的9种方法

ue4 加快移动

Website speed refers to how fast a site responds to requests from the Web. As I am about to highlight in this article, the speed with which a website load is very critical to both the users and owners.

网站速度是指网站响应Web请求的速度。 正如我在本文中要强调的那样,网站加载的速度对于用户和所有者都是至关重要的。

Users often get frustrated whenever we are unable to open a web page. Sites that take longer to load put off users, and they hardly get much viewership. Studies show that 40% of Internet users do not wait for a site to load more than three seconds.

每当我们无法打开网页时,用户经常会感到沮丧。 需要较长时间加载的网站会推迟用户,而且收视率也很难提高。 研究表明 ,40%的Internet用户不等待网站加载超过三秒钟。

In such a case, the site losses traffic to competition. Slow pages also give a bad image to brands as users associate site speed with its quality and services.

在这种情况下,站点将失去竞争流量。 用户将网站速度与其质量和服务相关联时,缓慢的页面也会给品牌形象造成负面影响。

Since 2010, Google has been using site speed in their algorithm for ranking web pages. Website speed remains an important factor for Web page design whenever we are working on Search engine optimization.

自2010年以来,Google一直在其网站排名算法中使用网站速度 。 每当我们致力于搜索引擎优化时,网站速度仍然是网页设计的重要因素。

Mobile-friendly pages are essential as more than half of Internet users are on the mobile internet. When working on a website, always think mobile as compared to desktop. The good news is that most optimization practices apply equally to both mobile and desktop Internet.

与移动设备兼容的页面至关重要,因为超过一半的Internet用户都在移动Internet上。 在网站上工作时,请始终将移动设备与台式机相比。 好消息是,大多数优化实践都同样适用于移动和桌面Internet。

加快移动网站的9种方法 (9 Ways to Speed Up Mobile Website)

ue4 加快移动_加快移动网站的9种方法

Here are a few simple tips to help make your site mobile fast.


快速网页寄存 (Fast Web Hosting)

Web search involves browsing through remote web pages in servers. The speed of the remote computer determines the ease with which a webpage requested is accessed.

Web搜索涉及浏览服务器中的远程网页。 远程计算机的速度决定了访问所请求网页的难易程度。

For this reason, the choice of hosting service provider is significant. There are plenty of great choices when it comes to high-speed, secure and affordable web hosting.

因此,托管服务提供商的选择非常重要。 当涉及到高速, 安全和负担得起的虚拟主机时,有很多不错的选择。

What makes it so great is that even with little experience in web designs, the team provides the best quality SEO results.


For a server to display a single page, it executes thousands of interrelated codes that take time to load. Slow web hosting servers are at a disadvantage as search engines give priority to the fastest pages.

为了使服务器显示单个页面,它会执行数千个相互关联的代码,而这些代码需要花费一些时间才能加载。 缓慢的Web托管服务器处于不利地位,因为搜索引擎优先考虑最快的页面。

响应式网页设计(RWD) (Responsive Web Design (RWD))

With the announcement of Mobilegeddon in 2015, Google started boosting mobile-friendly sites. The Mobilegeddon is Google’s updated search engine algorithm.

随着2015年Mobilegeddon的发布,Google开始增加对移动设备友好的网站。 Mobilegeddon是Google的更新搜索引擎算法。

The application of a responsive design means that the site dynamically changes depending on how it is accessed (through desktop or mobile). The users accessing the site, in this case, view it differently on either device.

响应式设计的应用意味着该站点根据其访问方式(通过桌面或移动)动态变化。 在这种情况下,访问该站点的用户在任一设备上的浏览方式都不同。

Google recommends dynamic designs over mobile-only as they load faster. The responsive designs also offer a huge SEO advantage. With this design, we are more likely to enjoy a wider social share generated traffic.

Google建议采用动态设计,而不是仅限移动设备,因为它们的加载速度更快。 响应式设计还提供了巨大的SEO优势。 通过这种设计,我们更有可能享受更广泛的社交份额带来的流量。

To achieve this, you should consider the performance, design, and content to ensure satisfaction in usability. The sites adapt layout using CSS3media queries, flexible images, proportion-based grids, and fluid grids.

为此,您应该考虑性能,设计和内容,以确保可用性。 这些站点使用CSS3media查询,灵活的图像,基于比例的网格和流体网格来调整布局。

流体网格 (Fluid Grid)

The fluid grid concept calls for the use of relative units in image sizing, such as percentages, discouraging the use of absolute measures such as pixels.


灵活的图像 (Flexible Images)

Size flexible images in relative units to avoid over-spilling of images outside their containing element.


CSS3媒体查询 (CSS3 Media Queries)

The use of media queries allows for the use of different CSS style rules, which are linked to the characteristics of the device used to access the site (For instance, the width of the physical display).


The responsive design aims at automated adjustment on different screen sizes, be it a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.


网站重量 (Weight of the Site)

As you strive to make your sites captivating to the eye, we should see that the site isn’t too weighty, lowering the loading speed. The more we add to a site, the higher the codes involved, and the professional term for such is code bloat. The most likely cause is when a designer is overly focused on the appearance of the site.

当您努力使网站引人入胜时,我们应该看到该网站不太重,从而降低了加载速度。 我们向网站添加的内容越多,涉及的代码就越高,而此类代码的专业术语就是膨胀。 最可能的原因是设计师过度关注网站的外观。

To reduce the weight of a site, we apply the following strategies.


We should always keep the site simple to reduce the number of codes used. As we saw earlier, the codes on a site affect the loading speed. A mobile screen can easily get overcrowded.

我们应始终保持网站简单易用,以减少使用的代码数量。 如前所述,站点上的代码会影响加载速度。 手机屏幕很容易变得人满为患。

To achieve a simpler design, I recommend using a single call to action per page and eye-catching simpler designs. In keeping your site simple, we also recommend simple and shorter steps for users. It does not only make the site lighter but also offers a more friendly user experience.

为了实现更简单的设计,我建议每页使用一个号召性用语,并且设计醒目。 为了使您的网站保持简单,我们还建议用户使用更短的步骤。 它不仅使站点更轻,而且还提供了更友好的用户体验。

I advise for the use of fewer photos and images and less color. Good quality images on a site are a plus.

我建议您使用较少的照片和图像以及较少的颜色。 网站上的高质量图像是一个加号。

However, the more images you include, the weightier the site becomes. Ideally, images make up for 63%of the weight of a page. While cutting down on the images, we also reduce the file size by compressing the images. When we compress an image, it becomes smaller with a little compromise on the quality.

但是,您包含的图像越多,站点变得越重。 理想情况下,图像占页面重量的63%。 在缩小图像的同时,我们还通过压缩图像来减小文件大小。 当我们压缩图像时,它会变小,但质量会有所下降。

To reduce the weight of a site, avoid the use of custom fonts, which are weighty in terms of codes. Custom codes employ lots of CSS and Javascript. I advise for the absolute minimization of custom codes to necessary instances.

为了减轻站点的重量,请避免使用自定义字体,因为自定义字体在代码方面很重要。 自定义代码使用了大量CSS和Javascript。 我建议绝对将自定义代码最小化为必要的实例。

最低密码 (Minimum Code)

We minify codes to speed up the loading speed of a web page. The process entails the streaming of codes by removing unnecessary characters for code execution. In code minification, we get rid of

我们压缩代码以加快网页的加载速度。 该过程需要通过删除不必要的字符来执行代码,从而进行代码流传输。 在代码压缩中,我们摆脱了

折页上方的首次加载(延迟加载) (First Load Above the Fold (Lazy Loading))

When viewers visit a site, they see above the fold content first. To speed up a mobile website, we avoid loading the whole page by capitalizing on lazy loading. The techniques allow the loading of content as required with the utmost speed.

观众访问网站时,他们首先会在首屏内容上方看到。 为了加快移动网站的速度,我们避免利用延迟加载来加载整个页面。 该技术允许以最快的速度按要求加载内容。

最少使用重定向 (Minimum Use of Redirects)

The use of too many redirects weighs heavily on sites. Redirects are an excellent SEO strategy. However, I recommend the limitation on the number of redirects applied on a single site.

在站点上使用太多重定向会产生很大的负担。 重定向是一种出色的SEO策略。 但是,我建议限制在单个站点上应用的重定向数量。

When users click to view a link, the browser ideally opens the page on that particular link directly from the server. However, if redirects are involved, the browser has to go through different pages to locate the page location.

当用户单击以查看链接时,理想的浏览器是直接从服务器打开该特定链接上的页面。 但是,如果涉及重定向,则浏览器必须浏览不同的页面才能找到页面位置。

摘要 (Summary)

The internet is more competitive than the real world, and mobile internet use is on the rise. The speed of mobile sites becomes critical in search engine optimization. As we saw above, certain areas can be limiting the speed of mobile sites reducing our access to the desired traffic.

互联网比现实世界更具竞争力,并且移动互联网的使用正在增加。 移动网站的速度对于搜索引擎优化至关重要。 如上所述,某些区域可能会限制移动站点的速度,从而降低我们对所需流量的访问权限。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2020/08/speed-up-mobile-website.html

ue4 加快移动