facebook 框架_如何设置临时的Facebook个人资料图片或框架

facebook 框架_如何设置临时的Facebook个人资料图片或框架

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facebook 框架_如何设置临时的Facebook个人资料图片或框架

With Facebook’s temporary profile picture feature, you no longer have to remember to switch your profile picture back after a holiday or observance–they’ll do it automatically for you.


为什么要设置临时个人资料图片? (Why Set a Temporary Profile Picture?)

For several years now, millions of people have used their Facebook (and other social media profile) pictures as a tool for political protest (such as those supporting marriage equality in the United States), solidarity with groups (such as the victims of the Paris terror attack in 2015), and to otherwise draw attention to causes, people, and holidays in their culture.


Originally, you had to manually change your profile picture for such purposes–either uploading your own photo or using a Facebook app to create/authorize it–and then manually change your profile picture back. This meant that if you forgot to change your just-for-St.-Patrick’s-Day profile picture you could find yourself staring at a green-bedazzled photo next Thanksgiving.

最初,您必须为此目的手动更改个人资料图片(上传自己的照片或使用Facebook应用程序创建/授权它),然后手动将个人资料图片更改回来。 这意味着,如果您忘记更改圣帕特里克纪念日的个人资料照片,您可能会发现自己在下一个感恩节时盯着绿底绿色的照片。

With the temporary profile picture feature, however, you can easily revert your profile within an hour (on the short end) to within years (on the long end)–so remembering to switch your profile picture after a period of observance or celebration is thing of the past.


Let’s take a look at how to set both a temporary profile picture and the even newer feature, temporary profile photo frames.


如何设置临时个人资料图片 (How to Set a Temporary Profile Picture)

To set a temporary profile picture, log into your Facebook account and look for the “Edit Profile” link near the top of the left hand navigation column.


facebook 框架_如何设置临时的Facebook个人资料图片或框架

On the profile editing page, click on your profile picture to change it–when you hover over the image with your mouse, you’ll see the “Update Profile Picture” indicator, as seen below.


facebook 框架_如何设置临时的Facebook个人资料图片或框架

Here you can select from any number of pictures just like with a regular profile change: you can upload a new photo, snap a picture with your webcam, or use a previously uploaded photo.


facebook 框架_如何设置临时的Facebook个人资料图片或框架

We’re going to upload a new photo because we’re so pumped about Halloween we could kick ourselves in the face. Meet Jack–totally our 2014 Halloween costume–Skellington. Regardless of your profile picture source (or your level of excitement about Halloween), click on the “Make Temporary” button in the lower left corner.

我们要上传一张新照片,因为我们在万圣节前夕非常兴奋,可以踢自己的脸。 认识杰克-完全是我们2014年的万圣节服装-斯克灵顿。 无论您的个人资料图片来源如何(或您对万圣节的兴奋程度如何),请单击左下角的“制作临时图片”按钮。

facebook 框架_如何设置临时的Facebook个人资料图片或框架

In the resulting drop-down menu you can opt for increments of 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, and “Custom”. You can also click “Never to easily back out of temporary mode without starting over.

在出现的下拉菜单中,您可以选择以1小时,1天,1周和“自定义”为增量。 您也可以单击“从不轻松退出临时模式而无需重新开始。

facebook 框架_如何设置临时的Facebook个人资料图片或框架

You can select from one of the presets or set a custom date. The custom date allows you to set any date you want between the present moment and 12/31/2299 at 11:59PM. Why that time? No idea, but we tried to set a “temporary” profile to expire in the year 9999, got an error, and then walked the date back until we found the furthest date it would allow. Remember gentle readers, everything we do, we do for you.

您可以从一种预设中选择或设置自定义日期。 自定义日期允许您设置当前时刻和12/31/2299之间11:59 PM之间的任何日期。 为什么是那个时间? 不知道,但是我们尝试将“临时”配置文件设置为在9999年到期,出现错误,然后将日期回溯到找到允许的最远日期。 记住温柔的读者,我们所做的一切,我们为您服务。

Because this particular profile picture is very Halloween-centric, let’s set the date of expiration to the first of November. Click “Set” to confirm the date and time, then click “Save” in the main profile picture and you’re done.

因为此特定的个人资料图片非常以万圣节为中心,所以我们将到期日期设置为11月1日。 单击“设置”以确认日期和时间,然后在主配置文件图片中单击“保存”,操作完成。

facebook 框架_如何设置临时的Facebook个人资料图片或框架

Now the day after Halloween our Jack Skellington profile picture will revert to our previous profile picture without any intervention our behalf.

现在,在万圣节之后的第二天,我们的杰克·斯凯灵顿(Jack Skellington)个人资料图片将恢复为我们以前的个人资料图片,而无需我们的任何干预。

如何设置临时个人资料相框 (How to Set a Temporary Profile Picture Frame)

In addition to updating the profile picture system to support temporary picture changes, Facebook also has a “frames” feature where you can add a frame overlay to your profile picture to show support for a social cause, organization, sports team, or other subject.


To access the frames system, log into your Facebook account and navigate to this Profile Picture Frames link. At first, the feature might seem kind of dull, but that’s because you are, by default, set in the “General” category which just has a few generic frames. Click in the drop down menu located near the upper right corner of your profile picture to change the category. There you’ll find options like various sports organizations and divisions, “Gaming”, “Causes”, and “Movies”, among others.

要访问相框系统,请登录您的Facebook帐户并导航至“ 个人资料相框”链接 。 刚开始时,该功能可能看起来有些沉闷,但这是因为默认情况下您是在“常规”类别中设置的,该类别只有几个通用框架。 单击个人资料图片右上角附近的下拉菜单,以更改类别。 在这里,您会找到各种体育组织和部门,“游戏”,“原因”和“电影”等选项。

facebook 框架_如何设置临时的Facebook个人资料图片或框架

Select the frame you wish to use. Our example, seen below, is an awareness banner for the World Parkinson’s Coalition conference in Portland. (As an aside, it would be nice if there was a little summary box for each icon so you didn’t, say, mistakes this particular frame for a Portland tourism campaign.) Once you’ve selected your frame you can click on the “1 Week” dropdown menu to adjust how long you wish to keep the frame in place, just like we did for the temporary profile picture in the previous section.

选择您要使用的框架。 我们的示例如下所示,是在波特兰举行的世界帕金森联盟会议的知名度标语。 (顺便说一句,如果每个图标都有一个小小的摘要框,那很好,这样您就不会把这个特定的框架误认为是波特兰旅游活动。)选择框架之后,您可以点击“ 1周”下拉菜单可调整您希望将框保持在原位的时间,就像我们在上一节中对临时资料图片所做的一样。

facebook 框架_如何设置临时的Facebook个人资料图片或框架

Just like with the total profile picture change, the frame will expire at the date specified and your profile picture will revert to its previous state.


With just a little tweaking, you too can set temporary profile pictures that share your opinions, passions, and grievance for a window of time before reverting your profile to its prior state.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/273631/how-to-set-a-temporary-facebook-profile-picture-or-frame/

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