pip pip2 pip3_如何在iPad上使用画中画(PiP)视频

pip pip2 pip3_如何在iPad上使用画中画(PiP)视频

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pip pip2 pip3_如何在iPad上使用画中画(PiP)视频

Picture in Picture is an iPad-multitasking feature that lets you watch a video (in a supported app), or conduct a FaceTime call in a small window while using another app. While powerful, figuring out how it works takes some practice. Here’s how to use it.

画中画是一项iPad多任务处理功能 ,可让您在支持的应用程序中观看视频或在使用其他应用程序时在小窗口中进行FaceTime通话。 虽然功能强大,但要弄清楚其工作原理需要一些练习。 这是使用方法。

什么是画中画? (What Is Picture in Picture?)

Picture in Picture (PiP) scales down a video or FaceTime call to a small movable window that stays in the corner of your screen while you use other apps. It is especially handy when you might need to reference a video while working, or in situations where you’d like to continue on a video call while using your iPad for other tasks.

画中画(PiP)可以将视频或FaceTime通话按比例缩小到一个小的可移动窗口,当您使用其他应用程序时,该窗口位于屏幕的一角。 当您在工作时可能需要参考视频时,或者在将iPad用于其他任务时想要继续进行视频通话的情况下,它特别方便。

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Apple first introduced Picture in Picture alongside other iPad multitasking features in iOS 9, which launched in 2015. It’s available on iPad Pro or later, iPad (5th generation) or later, iPad Air 2 or later, and iPad mini 4 or later. All iPad models currently sold by Apple support Picture in Picture.

Apple于2015年推出的iOS 9中首次引入了画中画功能以及其他iPad多任务处理功能。iPadPro或更高版本,iPad(第5代)或更高版本,iPad Air 2或更高版本以及iPad mini 4或更高版本均提供此功能。 Apple当前出售的所有iPad型号均支持画中画。

Not every video app supports Picture in Picture, but official Apple made apps like Facetime and Apple TV do. Several major streaming video apps (such as Netflix and Prime Video) support it as well. You can also play certain videos from Safari in Picture in Picture mode.

并非每个视频应用程序都支持画中画功能,但是Apple官方生产的应用程序(例如Facetime和Apple TV)都可以。 几个主要的流视频应用程序(例如Netflix和Prime Video)也支持它。 您也可以在“画中画”模式下从Safari播放某些视频。

Third-party developers must specifically choose to support the feature for it to work properly. There is no master list of Picture in Picture supported apps, so you’ll have to use trial-and-error to see if your favorite video apps work with it.

第三方开发人员必须特别选择支持该功能,以使其正常工作。 没有受画中画支持的应用程序的主列表,因此您必须反复试验才能查看您喜欢的视频应用程序是否可以使用它。

如何在iPad上启动画中画 (How to Launch Picture in Picture on an iPad)

To use Picture in Picture, first open an app that supports it. In some apps (such as Apple TV), you can easily launch Picture in Picture by tapping its icon, which looks like two overlapping rectangles with a diagonal arrow pointing down and to the right inside one of them.

要使用画中画,请先打开一个支持它的应用程序。 在某些应用程序(如Apple TV)中,您可以通过点击其图标轻松启动画中画功能,该图标看起来像两个重叠的矩形,其中一个对角线的箭头指向右下方。

pip pip2 pip3_如何在iPad上使用画中画(PiP)视频

In other apps, you can only launch Picture in Picture by returning to the Home screen.


To return to the Home screen, you can either press the Home button (on iPads with a Home button), or by using a Home screen gesture on iPads without a Home button. There are two gestures that return to the Home screen: perform a five-finger pinch on an app, or swipe upward from the bottom of the screen until the Home screen appears.

要返回到主屏幕,您可以按“主屏幕”按钮(在具有“主屏幕”按钮的iPad上),也可以在没有“ 主屏幕”按钮的iPad上使用主屏幕手势 。 有两种手势可返回到主屏幕:在应用程序上执行五指捏,或从屏幕底部向上滑动,直到出现主屏幕。

Once you launch Picture in Picture correctly, the video you are watching (or the video call you are participating in) will turn into a Picture in Picture window in the corner of your screen. You can then launch another app, and the Picture in Picture window will remain as an overlay on the screen.

正确启动画中画后,您正在观看的视频(或您参与的视频通话)将变成屏幕角落的画中画窗口。 然后,您可以启动另一个应用程序,并且“画中画”窗口将保留为屏幕上的叠加层。

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To reposition the Picture in Picture window, you can tap and drag it to any of the four corners of the screen.


pip pip2 pip3_如何在iPad上使用画中画(PiP)视频

You can also resize the Picture in Picture window by performing the pinch/expand zoom gesture using two fingers. Place two fingers on the video pane and spread them apart or bring them together.

您也可以通过使用两根手指执行捏/展开缩放手势来调整“画中画”窗口的大小。 将两根手指放在视频窗格上,将它们分开或放在一起。

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如何使用画中画视频播放控件 (How to Use Picture in Picture Video Playback Controls)

If you are playing a video using Picture in Picture (and not making a FaceTime call), tap the Picture in Picture window once to reveal three control buttons.


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From left to right, tapping on the first button makes the Picture in Picture video occupy the full screen of your iPad (ending Picture in Picture mode). The second button pauses or plays the Picture in Picture video. The third button (the “X” in a circle) closes the Picture in Picture window completely.

从左到右,点击第一个按钮,使“画中画”视频占据iPad的全屏(结束“画中画”模式)。 第二个按钮暂停或播放画中画视频。 第三个按钮(圆圈中的“ X”)完​​全关闭“画中画”窗口。

如何在优化校准中使用FaceTime图片 (How to Use FaceTime Picture in Picture Controls)

If you’re using FaceTime in Picture in Picture mode, you can tap the Picture in Picture window to reveal or hide three control buttons.


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Apple, Inc.

From left to right, tapping on the first button makes the FaceTime call occupy the full screen of your iPad. The second button ends the FaceTime call. The third button “pauses” your video feed, closing the Picture in Picture window but keeping the call open in the background as audio only. You can resume the video feed by tapping on the small green call logo in the status bar at the top of the screen.

从左到右,点击第一个按钮可使FaceTime通话占据iPad的全屏。 第二个按钮结束FaceTime呼叫。 第三个按钮“暂停”您的视频源,关闭“画中画”窗口,但保持通话在后台仅作为音频打开。 您可以通过点击屏幕顶部状态栏中的绿色小呼叫徽标来恢复视频源。

如何在iPad的图片窗口中隐藏图片 (How to Hide the Picture in Picture Window on iPad)

To temporarily hide or minimize the Picture in Picture window, swipe it quickly toward the left or right edge of the screen (whichever edge is closest). It will turn into a small tab with a carat-style arrow on the edge of the screen.

要暂时隐藏或最小化“画中画”窗口,请将其快速朝屏幕的左边缘或右边缘(最靠近的边缘)滑动。 它将变成一个小的选项卡,在屏幕边缘带有克拉样式的箭头。

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To see the Picture in Picture window again, tap on the tab, and it will reappear nearby.


如何在iPad上关闭画中画 (How to Close Picture in Picture on iPad)

Once you’re done with Picture in Picture mode, you can get rid of the window by tapping on it once to see the on-screen controls. Then tap on the close button (which looks like an “X” in a circle), and the window will disappear.

在“画中画”模式下完成操作后,只需轻按一下窗口即可查看屏幕上的控件,从而摆脱了该窗口。 然后点击关闭按钮(看起来像一个圆圈中的“ X”),窗口将消失。

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If you’d like to close the FaceTime Picture in Picture window, tap on the window to reveal the control buttons. You can either return to full screen by tapping the Picture in Picture icon (on the far left), or tap the hang up icon (it looks like a phone handset in a circle) and the window will disappear.

如果要关闭“ FaceTime画中画”窗口,请点击窗口以显示控制按钮。 您可以通过点击画中画图标(位于最左侧)返回全屏,也可以点击挂断图标(看起来像手机一样),窗口将消失。

了解有关iPad多任务处理的更多信息-或完全禁用它 (Learn More About iPad Multitasking—or Disable It Completely)

Multitasking features on the iPad can be quite useful if you get the hang of them. Because of the nuances of the gestures involved, they do take patience and practice to get just right.

如果您掌握了iPad上的多任务功能,它们可能会非常有用 。 由于所涉及手势的细微差别,它们确实需要耐心和练习才能正确对待。

But if you prefer to use the iPad as a single-task device, or you keep bringing up extra app windows or Picture in Picture by accident, you can easily turn off multitasking features in Settings.

但是,如果您更喜欢将iPad用作单任务设备,或者意外打开其他 应用窗口或画中画,则可以在“设置”中轻松关闭多任务功能

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/670589/how-to-use-picture-in-picture-pip-video-on-an-ipad/

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