



Rumors of a “Facebook Bitcoin” have been floating the web for weeks now, if not longer. Well, the company finally took the wraps off its new cryptocurrency, and it’s not a Bitcoin at all. Nor does it belong to Facebook.

关于“ Facebook比特币”的谣言已经在网上流传了好几个星期,甚至更长的时间。 好吧,该公司终于取消了其新的加密货币的包装,它根本不是比特币。 它也不属于Facebook。

We usually recommend you steer clear of all cryptocurrency coins (Bitcoin or otherwise). It’s volatile, generally unsecured, and it’s not uncommon to lose most your value or just have your currency stolen.

我们通常建议您避开所有加密货币硬币 (比特币或其他)。 它是易变的,通常是无抵押的,并且失去大部分价值或只是被盗货币并不少见。

Bitcoin really isn’t a currency at all, but the idea behind the blockchain, the technology that powers cryptocurrency, is sound. If a cryptocurrency was implemented correctly, in many ways, it could be essentially a digital equivalent to cash. You can spend it anonymously, unlike a credit or debit card, and each transaction is verified, like marking a $20 bill to check that it’s real. The analogy breaks down when you get into how most digital coins act though. They usually aren’t stable, fees for transactions are high, and depending on resources transactions can be slow to process.

比特币实际上根本不是一种货币 ,但是在区块链背后的想法-支持加密货币的技术-是合理的。 如果以多种方式正确实施了加密货币,那么它本质上就可以等同于现金。 与信用卡或借记卡不同,您可以匿名使用它,并且每笔交易都经过验证,例如标记20美元的钞票以检查其真实性。 但是,当您了解大多数数字硬币的行为方式时,这种类比就破裂了。 它们通常不稳定,交易费用高,并且取决于资源,交易处理速度可能很慢。

The new Libra coin seeks to solve those underlying issues. It’s designed to be stable, low in fees, and quick to use. You might be worried about Facebook having control and hooks into the digital coin, but the company gave up majority control to get both people and other companies on board.

新的天秤座硬币试图解决那些潜在的问题。 它被设计为稳定,收费低,使用方便。 您可能担心Facebook拥有控制权并迷上了数字货币,但是该公司放弃了多数控制权,以使人和其他公司都参与进来。

To start, founding members include Visa, Mastercard, Stripe, eBay, Spotify, and more. Many of the companies listed specialize in payment processing (like Visa and Mastercard). And each, along with Facebook, has an equal say in the governing board.

首先,创始成员包括Visa,Mastercard,Stripe,eBay,Spotify等。 列出的许多公司专门从事付款处理(例如Visa和Mastercard)。 每个人以及Facebook在董事会中都有平等的发言权。

And you’ll have privacy, especially from Facebook. What you won’t do is make money. Again, Libra is designed to be stable. Your cash value shouldn’t go up (or down). And you won’t earn interest either. Instead, the founding members (who have to invest heavily in the entire system) will earn interest on the cash stored in the system.

而且您将拥有隐私权,尤其是来自Facebook的隐私权。 你不会做的就是赚钱。 同样,天秤座被设计为稳定的。 您的现金价值不应该上升(或下降)。 而且您也不会赚取利息。 取而代之的是,创始成员(必须在整个系统上进行大量投资)将对存储在系统中的现金赚取利息。

But the entire system could be beneficial to those who can’t or won’t use banks. If Libra is adopted widely, and it’s already on track for that out of the gate, then someone without a bank could theoretically go to a currency exchange, trade in cash for Libra, and then spend that Libra somewhere else, on the internet or otherwise. Or send it to a friend through a digital wallet.

但是,整个系统可能对那些不会使用或不会使用银行的人有利。 如果天秤座被广泛采用,并且早已步入正轨,那么理论上没有银行的人​​可以去货币兑换,用现金交易天秤座,然后将天秤座花费在互联网上或其他地方。 或通过数字钱包将其发送给朋友。

Libra won’t be available until sometime in 2020, and it’s too early to recommend jumping in the deep end of this crypto pool yet. But it’s a solid entry that shows a lot of promise. [TechCrunch]

天秤座要到2020年的某个时候才可用,现在建议跳入这个加密池的深渊还为时过早。 但这是一个坚实的入口,显示出很大的希望。 [ TechCrunch ]

在其他新闻中: (In Other News:)

  • Huawei finally has good news, well almost: Earlier this year Microsoft pulled all of its Huawei laptop stock from its website. The good news? Those listings are back. The bad news? Microsoft says it’s selling existing stock only. It sounds like when it’s gone; it’s gone. [The Verge]

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  • Texans can soon order a robot pizza: Ok, not a robot made of pizza, or a pizza made of robot. But a pizza-delivering robot. Dominoes is partnering with Nuro to offer automated pizza delivery. If you’re in Houston, a small self-driving car will bring your pizzas to you instead of the usual delivery driver. We live in the future, a lazy lazy future. [Ars Technica]

    德州人很快就可以订购机器人比萨饼:好吧,不是机器人比萨饼或机器人比萨饼。 但是有一个送披萨的机器人。 Dominoes与Nuro合作提供自动比萨饼递送。 如果您在休斯敦,那么一辆小型自动驾驶汽车将把您的披萨带给您,而不是通常的送货司机。 我们生活在未来,一个zy懒的未来。 [ Ars Technica ]

  • You can now purchase Stadio Controllers sans Founder Edition: When Google first confirmed Stadia pricing, the only way to buy the new Stadia controller was to go in on the founder edition. But that came with a Chromecast you might already own and very little subscription time. Now you can opt just to buy the Stadia controller, which is important because the Founder edition included a buddy pass time pass to share with a friend. Who would need a controller to play. [9to5Google]

    现在,您可以在没有Founder Edition的情况下购买Stadio Controllers:当Google首次确认Stadia的价格时,购买新Stadia Controller的唯一方法是进入Founder Edition 。 但这是您可能已经拥有的Chromecast附带的,而且订阅时间很少。 现在您可以选择购买Stadia控制器,这很重要,因为Founder版本包括与好友共享的好友通行证。 谁需要控制器来玩。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • You can pay Dish to install your smarthome stuff: Dish is offering a new onsite service to install your smarthome stuff. One of the worst things about owning a smarthome is needing to be a part-time electrician. If you’re not comfortable with that though, this would be a good solution. Most installs are $99 and include a quick lesson on your new tech. Not bad at all. [Engadget]

    您可以向Dish支付安装智能家居用品的费用: Dish提供了一项新的现场服务来安装您的智能家居用品。 拥有智能家居最糟糕的事情之一就是需要兼职电工。 如果您对此不满意,这将是一个很好的解决方案。 大多数安装的价格为99美元,其中包括有关新技术的快速培训。 一点也不差。 [ Engadget ]

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    Carmen Sandiego在Google地球上的哪个位置? Google Earth和Carmen Sandiego正在合作进行第三场也是最后一场比赛。 这次,您需要查找原始折纸大师(将是折纸的制造者)Paperstar,并找回克里姆林宫的钥匙 。 我不敢让您在演奏时不会让经典主题曲陷入您的脑海。 [ Google ]

  • Microsoft wants to make your code reviews easier and cheaper: Pull Panda is a fairly popular set of code-review tools that integrated into GitHub nicely. Though useful, they came with one issue: The cost ranged between $15 (for 7 users) a month and $150 a month. Now, Microsoft has purchased the tools and made them free for everybody. Huzzah for code-reviews! [ZDNet]

    微软希望让您的代码审查更容易,更便宜: Pull Panda是一组相当流行的代码审查工具,可以很好地集成到GitHub中。 尽管有用,但它们附带一个问题:费用在每月15美元(7个用户)到每月150美元之间。 现在,微软已经购买了这些工具,并向所有人免费提供。 Huzzah进行代码审查! [ ZDNet ]

  • Dr. Mario World is coming to iOS and Android: Hot off a Mario Kart Android beta (we played it, it’s ok at best), Nintendo has another mobile game in the works: Doctor Mario World. The game will be free with in-app purchases, and require the internet to work. That last bit may be a hard pill to swallow, but it’s what Doctor Mario recommends. [9to5Mac]

    Mario World博士即将登陆iOS和Android: Mario Kart Android测试版热销(我们玩过,最好吗),任天堂还有另一款手机游戏:Mario World博士。 这款游戏可通过应用内购买免费获得,并且需要互联网才能正常运行。 最后一点可能很难吞下,但这就是马里奥医生的建议。 [ 9to5Mac ]

  • Robocalls are overwhelming hospitals, and it’s awful: Robocalls are a modern scourge and the problem has only been growing. For most people, the best solution is not to answer your phone, but hospitals can’t do that. A hospital needs to answer every phone call, and there’s no way of knowing what’s spam and what’s an important call. But the problem is overwhelming; one medical center received over 4000 spam calls in a two hour period. At the end of the day only the Government and our phone carriers can solve the problem. [Washington Post]

    Robocalls压倒性的医院,这是可怕的: Robocalls是一种现代的*,问题一直在加剧。 对于大多数人来说,最好的解决方案是不接电话,但是医院不能接电话。 医院需要接听每个电话,而无法知道什么是垃圾邮件,什么是重要的电话。 但是问题是压倒性的。 一个医疗中心在两个小时内收到了4000多个垃圾邮件呼叫。 最终,只有*和我们的电话运营商才能解决问题。 [ 华盛顿邮报 ]

Do you have a steady hand and want to find new black holes? A citizen-science project might be right up your alley. People are naturally good at finding patterns, better in some ways than sophisticated programs. And scientists want to use that fact to their advantage.

您是否有稳定的手感并想找到新的黑洞? 一个公民科学项目可能就在您的小巷。 人们天生善于发现模式,在某些方面要比复杂的程序更好。 科学家希望利用这一事实来发挥自己的优势。

Most scientists believe that any galaxy as large or larger than our own will have a supermassive black hole at the center. And the bigger the galaxy, the bigger the black hole.

大多数科学家认为,任何比我们更大或更大的星系,其中心都会有一个超大质量的黑洞。 银河系越大,黑洞越大。

What scientists don’t fully understand is how the two evolve together. They do see a correlation between the tightness of the spiral arms in a galaxy and the mass of the supermassive black hole.

科学家没有完全理解的是两者如何一起发展。 他们确实看到了星系中旋臂的紧度与超大质量黑洞的质量之间的相关性。

So to track down more supermassive black holes to study, they need to identify potential galaxies that host them. That’s where you come in. You’ll look at pictures of possible galaxies and trace the arms you see, drawing the spirals. Scientists will then have more data to work with to rule out unlikely candidates and focus on the galaxies you identify that may have a supermassive black hole at the center. It looks like art class paid off after all! [Space.com]

因此,要追踪更多的超大质量黑洞以进行研究,他们需要确定拥有它们的潜在星系。 那就是您要进入的地方。您将查看可能存在的星系的图片,并追踪看到的手臂,绘制螺旋线。 然后,科学家将获得更多数据,以排除可能性不大的候选者,并专注于您确定的中心可能存在超大质量黑洞的星系。 看来美术课毕竟还清! [ Space.com ]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/daily-news-roundup-facebook-announces-libra-cryptcurrency/
