



If you’ve been on Facebook a while it’s probable you’ve amassed a friends list that includes close friends, old childhood friends, relatives, coworkers, neighbors, and a whole host of people you like but don’t necessarily want to share everything with. Read on as we show you how to selectively share content.

如果您有一段时间在Facebook上,那么您可能已经积累了一个好友列表,其中包括密友,老年朋友,亲戚,同事,邻居以及很多喜欢的人,但不一定想要共享所有内容用。 请继续阅读,我们会向您展示如何有选择地共享内容。

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

My first child is due in a month and it has me thinking (among a million other things) about Facebook. I want to share lots of baby pictures with the people who I know really want to see baby pictures (grandparents, aunts and uncles, best friends, etc.) but I don’t want to flood my friends newsfeed with tons of pictures they might not be all that interested in seeing.

我的第一个孩子要在一个月内到期,这使我开始思考(除其他事项外)有关Facebook的信息。 我想与我认识的人分享很多婴儿照,我真的很想看婴儿照(祖父母,姑姑和叔叔,最好的朋友等),但我不想给我的朋友新闻提要充斥大量的图片,他们可能会并不是所有感兴趣的东西。

I know you can select your audience for Facebook posts in broad categories like only people on your friends list or fully public, but what if you want to share it with a smaller group than your whole friends list? It’s not like I’m trying to hide something with ultra tight security it’s just that I’d like to share content with people that actually want to see that content instead of blasting a long list of coworkers, schoolmates I haven’t seen in twenty years, and other people in my friends list that probably don’t care to see daily baby photos.

我知道您可以为Facebook帖子的广泛受众选择受众,例如仅好友列表中的人或完全公开的对象,但是如果您想与比整个好友列表中的人群更少的人共享Facebook,该怎么办? 并不是说我要隐藏具有超严格安全性的东西,只是想与真正想看到该内容的人共享内容,而不是炸毁一长串同事,我二十年来都没有见过这些同学年和我朋友列表中的其他人可能不在乎每天查看婴儿照。

Can Facebook do what I want it to do or is that kind of control outside the whole share it with everybody Facebook mission statement?




Facebook Curious


First off, huge congratulations on the impending birth of your first child. Second, while we don’t mind seeing cute baby photos we certainly commend you for realizing that lots of people don’t really care to see the baby photos of people they aren’t particularly close to; you’re certainly in the top echelons of thoughtful Facebook users just for even considering such a thing.

首先,对即将出生的第一个孩子表示巨大的祝贺。 其次,虽然我们不介意看到可爱的婴儿照,但我们当然要赞扬您,因为许多人并不真正在意看他们不是特别亲近的人的婴儿照; 您肯定是在考虑周全的Facebook用户的*团队,即使考虑这样的事情。

Although it isn’t exactly a front and center feature, Facebook does in fact have a small set of tools that can help you accomplish exactly what you’d like to do. While most people simply share their posts with friends (if they’re using Facebook as a personal social media tool) or with everyone (if they’re using it as a brand platform), there are granular tools for carefully managing who sees the content you post that extend well beyond those very broad private/public categories. Let’s take a look at these tools.

尽管它并不完全是前端功能和中心功能,但实际上,Facebook确实有一小组工具可以帮助您准确地完成您想做的事情。 虽然大多数人只是与朋友(如果他们使用Facebook作为个人社交媒体工具)或与所有人(如果他们将其用作品牌平台)分享他们的帖子,但是有一些细粒度的工具可以仔细管理谁看到内容您发布的内容远远超出了非常广泛的私人/公共类别。 让我们看一下这些工具。

Facebook列出了救援目标 (Facebook Lists to the Rescue)

You wrote in asking about baby photos but this trick really works well for a wide variety of things. If someone were to post a lot of news articles, topics, or photos specific to their workplace and wanted to share them with direct coworkers and distant colleagues (but not necessarily bore their relatives with such matters) they could create a list of just those coworkers and colleagues. It’s also a great trick for local topics and news too. You might have 500 friends on your friends list but questions about the best dog walkers in the area are only relevant to those friends who live in your city.

您是在询问婴儿照的时候写的,但是这个技巧确实适用于各种各样的事情。 如果某人要发布很多针对其工作场所的新闻文章,主题或照片,并希望与直接同事和远方同事分享(但不一定让他们的亲戚在这种事情上感到厌烦),则可以创建这些同事的列表。和同事。 对于本地话题和新闻来说,这也是一个绝妙的技巧。 您的朋友列表上可能有500个朋友,但有关该地区最好的dog狗者的问题仅与您所在城市的那些朋友有关。

By default Facebook has three lists already: Close Friends, Acquaintances, and Restricted. If you add someone to the Close Friends list you’ll receive direct notifications any time they post anything (useful if you want to ensure that something a truly close friend posts isn’t lost in your news feed). If you add someone to the Acquaintances list then what they post will rarely show up in your news feed. The Restricted list allows you to add someone to your friends list but not share content with them unless you make it public or tag them in it.

默认情况下,Facebook已经有三个列表:“密友”,“熟人”和“受限制”。 如果您将某人添加到“密友”列表中,则他们在发布任何内容时都会收到直接通知(如果您要确保真正的密友发帖不会在您的新闻提要中丢失,则很有用)。 如果您将某人添加到“熟人”列表中,那么他们发布的内容很少会出现在您的新闻源中。 通过“受限”列表,您可以将某人添加到您的朋友列表,但不能与他们共享内容,除非您将其公开或标记为他们。

In addition Facebook also has “smart lists” which create lists based on things like your workplace, your city, and your family. While the default lists allow for more granular control over your posts they’re still too broad for your purposes. The smart lists are better, but they do have one critical flaw: if the person in your friends network hasn’t self identified as a member of the group that list draws from (e.g. they haven’t formally identified your place of employment as their place of employment, they don’t list their city, etc.) then the smart list won’t add them in. Let’s create a custom list specifically for the purpose of sharing content on a singular topic with a group of interested friends; unlike Facebook’s algorithms we’ll know exactly who to put on the list regardless of how they filled out their Facebook profile.

此外,Facebook还具有“智能列表”,可根据您的工作场所,城市和家庭等内容创建列表。 尽管默认列表可以对您的帖子进行更精细的控制,但对于您的目的而言,它们仍然太宽泛。 智能清单更好,但是它们确实存在一个关键缺陷:如果您的朋友网络中的人没有被自己识别为该清单所来自的组的成员(例如,他们尚未正式将您的工作地点标识为他们的工作地点,他们不列出自己的城市等),那么智能列表就不会添加他们。让我们创建一个自定义列表,专门用于与一群感兴趣的朋友共享单个主题的内容; 与Facebook的算法不同,无论他们如何填写Facebook个人资料,我们都会确切知道该将谁列入名单。

创建自定义列表 (Creating Custom Lists)

To create a custom list log into your Facebook account and scroll down your news feed until, in the left hand navigation column, you see the entry for “Friends.” Hover your mouse over the section and click on “More” when the option appears.

要创建自定义列表,请登录您的Facebook帐户并向下滚动新闻源,直到在左侧导航栏中看到“朋友”条目。 将鼠标悬停在该部分上,然后在选项出现时单击“更多”。


If you’re logged in while reading this article you can also jump directly to the list menu via this link. Once you’re in the list menu it’s time to create a simple list of the people you think will be interested in the content you wish to share.

如果您在阅读本文时登录,也可以通过此链接直接跳至列表菜单。 进入列表菜单后,就可以创建一个简单列表,列出您认为对您希望共享的内容感兴趣的人员。


Click the “Create List” button at the top of the menu. For demonstration purposes we’ll make a list for our friends that love robot dinosaurs. An appropriate name for such a list? Robo Dino Fans, of course.

点击菜单顶部的“创建列表”按钮。 为了演示的目的,我们将为喜欢机器人恐龙的朋友列出一份清单。 这样的列表的合适名称? 机器人恐龙粉丝,当然。


In the “Members” box, start typing in the friends you wish to include (Facebook will auto complete partial names just like it does with the search and tagging tools). Don’t worry if you can’t think of everyone off the top of your head right now; you can add individual friends later by visiting their profile pages or clicking on their posts in your news feed.

在“成员”框中,开始输入您想要包括的朋友(Facebook会像搜索和标记工具一样自动完成部分名称)。 如果您现在还无法想到所有人,请不要担心。 您可以稍后通过访问他们的个人资料页面或单击新闻源中的他们的帖子来添加单个朋友。

When you’re done click “Create.” Facebook will kick you over to a custom feed of just posts generated by the people in your new list. While the original question is focused on how to post content to a custom list of people, it’s worth noting that you can use lists to create custom content lists for your own consumption. If you follow a bunch of brands on Facebook to get free coupons or game codes, you could create a list of said brands for easy daily review.

完成后,单击“创建”。 Facebook将带您进入由您的新列表中的人员生成的帖子的自定义提要。 尽管最初的问题集中在如何将内容发布到自定义人员列表上,但值得注意的是,您可以使用列表来创建自己需要的自定义内容列表。 如果您在Facebook上关注大量品牌以获取免费优惠券或游戏代码,则可以创建一个上述品牌列表,以方便每日审核。

将内容发布到自定义列表 (Posting Content to Custom Lists)

With our custom list created its time to create a post with content just for the people on our list. Click on the audience button next to the post button. This button is labeled whatever your default sharing state is. For most people it will read “Friends” as it does in our screenshot.

利用我们的自定义列表,可以创建一个帖子内容,该内容仅适合列表中的人员。 点击发布按钮旁边的受众群体按钮。 无论您的默认共享状态是什么,此按钮都会标记为。 对于大多数人来说,它会像我们的屏幕截图一样显示“ Friends”。


Select “More Options” and then from the freshly expanded list, select your new list.



Select your content and compose your message now.



Notice the audience indicator is the list icon with “Robo Dino Fans.” When we post this it will only go to those hand selected dinosaur fans lucky enough to be on our list.

注意,受众指示器是带有“ Robo Dino Fans”的列表图标。 当我们发布此文章时,它只会送给那些幸运地进入我们名单的手工挑选的恐龙迷。

That’s all there is to it! Once you’ve done the hard work of creating the list itself using the list is as simple as clicking the audience selection button and selecting the appropriate list for the content you’re about to share.

这里的所有都是它的! 完成工作后,使用列表创建列表本身就很简单,只需单击“观众选择”按钮,然后为要共享的内容选择适当的列表。

Have a pressing question about social media sites, privacy settings, or other technology matters? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to help.

对于社交媒体网站,隐私设置或其他技术问题是否有紧迫的问题? 向我们发送电子邮件至[email protected],我们将竭尽所能。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/209996/ask-htg-how-can-i-share-facebook-posts-with-only-some-of-my-friends/
