
In the previous post on creating an ecommerce store with WordPress, we learned how to set up an ecommerce store in WordPress with the help of WooCommerce. We covered topics such as shipping, inventory, adding new products, WooCommerce themes and extensions, and more.

在上一篇有关使用WordPress创建电子商务商店的文章中 ,我们学习了如何在WooCommerce的帮助下在WordPress中建立电子商务商店。 我们讨论了诸如运输,库存,添加新产品,WooCommerce主题和扩展等主题。

However, we’ve yet to discuss what to do if your focus is not on physical goods, but instead you’re just selling virtual or digital goods that can be downloaded — such as ebooks, images, fonts, templates and Sketch/Photoshop brushes, themes or plugins, etc.

但是,我们还没有讨论如果您的重点不在实物上,而是只在出售可以下载的虚拟或数字产品,例如电子书,图像,字体,模板和Sketch / Photoshop笔刷,该怎么办。 ,主题或插件等。

For such stores, WooCommerce can still get the job done with ease. With that said, many WooCommerce features — such as inventory management, shipping settings, etc. — will be of little use here and might just appear to be an overkill.

对于此类商店,WooCommerce仍然可以轻松完成工作。 话虽如此,许多WooCommerce功能(例如库存管理,运输设置等)在这里用处不大,而且似乎显得过份。

As a result, it’s probably better to turn towards a dedicated solution for selling digital goods.


Easy Digital Downloads is a handy and totally free WordPress plugin that specializes in building ecommerce stores for digital and downloadable goods. Much like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads too is very popular and has millions of users.

Easy Digital Downloads是一个方便且完全免费的WordPress插件,专门用于建立数字和可下载商品的电子商务商店。 与WooCommerce一样,Easy Digital Downloads也很受欢迎,拥有数百万用户。

In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at the various features of Easy Digital Downloads WordPress plugin.

在本文中,我们将仔细研究Easy Digital Downloads WordPress插件的各种功能。

什么是简易数字下载? (What is Easy Digital Downloads?)

As mentioned, Easy Digital Downloads is a free WordPress plugin meant for ecommerce stores that deal in downloadable digital goods. The core plugin in itself is free, but you can opt for membership passes that allow you to access all or some of the extensions of the core plugin.

如前所述,Easy Digital Downloads是一个免费的WordPress插件,适用于处理可下载数字商品的电子商务商店。 核心插件本身是免费的,但是您可以选择成员资格通行证,以使您能够访问核心插件的全部或部分扩展。

通过轻松的数字下载建立电子商务商店 (Building an Ecommerce Store with Easy Digital Downloads)

Using Easy Digital Downloads is straightforward to set up. You can install it from the official repository, just as you would install any other free WordPress plugin. Once it’s installed, you simply go ahead and activate the plugin.

使用“轻松数字下载”很容易设置。 您可以从官方存储库安装它,就像安装其他任何免费WordPress插件一样。 安装完成后,您只需继续**插件即可。

Unlike WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads doesn’t group your products as “Products” but instead as “Downloads”. After activating the plugin, you’ll notice a new menu in your WordPress admin panel named Downloads. This is where all the action related to the management and functioning of Easy Digital Downloads tends to happen.

与WooCommerce不同,Easy Digital Downloads不会将您的产品归为“产品”,而是归为“下载”。 **插件后,您会在WordPress管理面板中注意到一个名为Downloads的新菜单。 这是与Easy Digital Downloads的管理和功能相关的所有动作趋向于发生的地方。


Like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads comes with its own set of integrations and payment gateways, and added features such as discount codes, coupons, customer records, and more.

与WooCommerce一样,Easy Digital Downloads拥有自己的一组集成和付款网关,并增加了折扣代码,优惠券,客户记录等功能。

Also like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads has its own ecosystem of extensions that can be used to extend and enhance the functionality of the core plugin. Commonly called “add-ons”, such extensions are available in both free and premium flavors. For the premium extensions, it might be a good idea to look at the official Easy Digital Downloads store. The free add-ons for Easy Digital Downloads be found in the official WordPress plugin repository.

与WooCommerce一样,Easy Digital Downloads也拥有自己的扩展生态系统,可用于扩展和增强核心插件的功能。 通常称为“附加组件”,此类扩展提供免费和高级版本。 对于高级扩展,最好去一下官方的Easy Digital Downloads商店。 Easy Digital Downloads的免费插件可在官方WordPress插件存储库中找到。

You’ll most likely need to install some add-ons. For example, when selling downloadable goods, it’s often a good idea to capture leads and encourage your buyers to subscribe to your blog or newsletter. Similarly, you may wish to integrate a payment gateway that may otherwise not be natively supported by the Easy Digital Downloads core plugin itself. For all such features and more, there are reliable add-ons that can make life easier for you:

您很可能需要安装一些附加组件。 例如,在出售可下载的商品时,通常最好的方法是抓住潜在客户并鼓励购买者订阅您的博客或新闻通讯。 同样,您可能希望集成一个付款网关,否则Easy Digital Downloads核心插件本身可能无法提供本机支持。 对于所有这些功能以及更多功能,都有可靠的附件可以使您的生活更轻松:

It’s worth noting that Easy Digital Downloads has a subscription model for pricing, and if you’re planning to be a long-term user of the plugin, it might be a good idea to opt for one of the subscriptions. For agencies and freelancers, $499 per year provides an all-access pass to all the add-ons and extensions of the plugin and also the ability to use those extensions on an unlimited number of sites. On the other hand, for single-site licenses, pricing options range from $99 per year up to $299 per year.

值得注意的是,Easy Digital Downloads具有用于定价的订阅模型,如果您打算长期使用该插件,则选择其中一种订阅可能是一个好主意。 对于代理机构和*职业者来说,每年499美元的价格可提供该插件的所有附加组件和扩展程序的无障碍通行证,并且可以在无限数量的网站上使用这些扩展程序。 另一方面,对于单站点许可证,定价选项从每年99美元到每年299美元不等。


在WordPress中使用Easy Digital Downloads (Using Easy Digital Downloads in WordPress)

Easy Digital Downloads adds a custom post type, Downloads. This means there’s a set of custom taxonomies as well: your downloads can have their own categories as well as tags. Furthermore, all your downloads can have a featured image that’s prominently displayed on the front end.

Easy Digital Downloads会添加自定义帖子类型,即Downloads。 这意味着也有一组自定义分类法:您的下载内容可以具有自己的类别和标签。 此外,所有下载内容都可以在前端突出显示特色图片。

Adding a new downloadable item to your store, as a result, is as easy as adding a new blog post to your site. Simply navigate to the Add New Download sub-option in the Downloads menu. Once you’re done adding details such as title, content, download category and tags, you can scroll down for advanced options.

因此,向您的商店中添加新的可下载项目就像向您的站点中添加新的博客文章一样容易。 只需导航至“ 下载”菜单中的“ 添加新下载”子选项。 添加完详细信息(例如标题,内容,下载类别和标签)后,您可以向下滚动以获取高级选项。

You can choose to use a simplified pricing for your download, or you can have a variable pricing as well (ebook+code files, for instance), in which you get to specify different prices per option. It’s noteworthy that Easy Digital Downloads lets you select between two product types. On one hand, there’s the Default product type that’s just a downloadable item, complete with a target URL to the ultimate file.

您可以选择使用简化的定价进行下载,也可以使用可变定价(例如,电子书+代码文件),在其中可以为每个选项指定不同的价格。 值得注意的是,“轻松数字下载”使您可以在两种产品类型之间进行选择。 一方面, 默认产品类型只是可下载的项目,并带有指向最终文件的目标URL。


On the other hand, there’s also a Bundle product type — which is, as the name suggests, a bundle of multiple products clubbed together as one.



There’s also an option to limit the number of downloads for a given product. Perhaps, say, you only want the customer to access the download link five times. You can also disable or modify the default behavior of the Download/Buy Now or Purchase button.

还有一个选项可以限制给定产品的下载次数。 假设您只希望客户访问下载链接五次。 您还可以禁用或修改“ 立即下载/购买”或“ 购买”按钮的默认行为。

Easy Digital Downloads also generates a default shortcode for each product that you add. You can then use this shortcode to add a Purchase link for the given download on any given page or blog post of your site.

Easy Digital Downloads还会为您添加的每个产品生成默认的简码。 然后,您可以使用该短代码在您网站的任何给定页面或博客文章上为给定下载添加购买链接。


Once you’re done editing, you can simply hit Publish to take your download live for the world to see and purchase.


简易数字下载设置 (Easy Digital Downloads Settings)

The Settings option can be found under the Downloads tab itself. It’s divided into various sub-sections that you can scroll through and configure as required.

可以在“ 下载”选项卡本身下找到“ 设置”选项。 它分为多个子部分,您可以滚动浏览并根据需要进行配置。

For instance, in the General page, you can specify your base country as well as custom pages for Checkout, Account Management and other purposes, and even set the default currency to be used on your store.

例如,在“ 常规”页面中,您可以指定基本国家/地区以及用于“结帐”,“帐户管理”和其他目的的自定义页面,甚至可以设置要在商店中使用的默认货币。


Easy Digital Downloads supports PayPal Standard and Amazon as payment methods out of the box. You can make use of add-ons and extensions to configure custom payment gateways, or stick to PayPal Standard and Amazon for processing payments. Regardless of which you choose, if you’re accepting credit cards, you’ll need to set up additional gateway options, depending on which payment processor you’re relying on.

Easy Digital Downloads开箱即用地支持PayPal Standard和Amazon作为付款方式。 您可以使用附加组件和扩展程序来配置自定义支付网关,或者使用PayPal Standard和Amazon来处理付款。 无论选择哪种方式,如果您接受信用卡,都需要根据所依赖的付款处理器来设置其他网关选项。


Easy Digital Downloads lets you configure email templates that are sent out to your buyers, such as the Purchase Receipt. You can upload your logo, add custom subject and content, etc.

Easy Digital Downloads允许您配置发送给购买者的电子邮件模板,例如购买收据。 您可以上传徽标,添加自定义主题和内容等。


Similarly, you can also disable the native Easy Digital Downloads styling for buttons and other elements, such as when you’re using your own custom CSS or if your theme comes with its own styles for Easy Digital Downloads elements.

同样,您也可以为按钮和其他元素禁用本地Easy Digital Downloads样式,例如当您使用自己的自定义CSS或主题带有Easy Digital Downloads元素自己的样式时。


Easy Digital Downloads is, by and large, a perfect ecommerce plugin as far as compliance is concerned. Depending on your country’s regulations, you can add custom tax rules, VAT rules and other factors right in the Settings page and have the same applied to checkout automatically.

就合规性而言,Easy Digital Downloads总体而言是一个完美的电子商务插件。 根据您所在国家/地区的法规,您可以在“设置”页面上直接添加自定义税制,增值税规则和其他因素,并将其自动应用于结帐。


Beyond that, keeping in mind the recent GDPR regulations, Easy Digital Downloads also lets you specify special privacy policy pages that need to be accepted in order to approve a purchase.

除此之外,考虑到最近的GDPR法规,Easy Digital Downloads还允许您指定特殊的隐私政策页面,以批准购买。


Lastly, there are several random options that can be configured for easier maintenance. For example, you can allow your customers to use multiple discount codes on the same order. Alternatively, you can enforce SSL on all ecommerce-focused checkout pages, require your users to verify their email in order to fulfill a purchase, and so on.

最后,可以配置多个随机选项以简化维护。 例如,您可以允许您的客户在同一订单上使用多个折扣代码。 或者,您可以在所有以电子商务为中心的结帐页面上强制执行SSL,要求您的用户验证其电子邮件以完成购买,等等。


结语 (Wrapping Up)

Easy Digital Downloads is a fairly complete WordPress plugin when it comes to running an ecommerce store for selling digital products and downloadable goods.

Easy Digital Downloads是一个相当完整的WordPress插件,涉及运营一家电子商务商店以销售数字产品和可下载商品。

As far as the themes are concerned, there are fewer WordPress themes available for Easy Digital Downloads as compared to WooCommerce WordPress themes. With that said, many premium theme providers, such as Array Themes, offer good quality premium WordPress themes that come with Easy Digital Downloads integration. The official WordPress repository also has some impressive themes that are also compatible with Easy Digital Downloads.

就主题而言,与WooCommerce WordPress主题相比,可用于Easy Digital Downloads的WordPress主题更少。 话虽如此,许多高级主题提供程序(例如Array Themes )提供了Easy Digital Downloads集成随附的高质量的高级WordPress主题。 官方WordPress资源库还具有一些与Easy Digital Downloads兼容的令人印象深刻的主题。

As your store grows, you might need to turn towards additional configuration and advanced customization options. Depending on your country’s laws, you may need to take into account taxation, accounting and other variables. Furthermore, based on the response from users and your own experience, you may find that a given payment gateway suits your needs better than the other ones. Such insight can only be had when running an actual ecommerce store. For example, while PayPal is possibly the best option when selling to the USA or Europe, AliPay is far more popular in China. Naturally, such requirements and needs tend to vary from one ecommerce store to another, and you’ll need to pick the ideal ones on the basis of your own given needs.

随着商店的增长,您可能需要转向其他配置和高级自定义选项。 根据您所在国家/地区的法律,您可能需要考虑税收,会计和其他变量。 此外,根据用户的反馈和您自己的经验,您可能会发现给定的支付网关比其他的更适合您的需求。 只有在运行实际的电子商务商店时才能获得这种洞察力。 例如,虽然在美国或欧洲销售时,贝宝(PayPal)可能是最好的选择,但在中国,支付宝(AliPay)更为受欢迎。 自然,此类要求和需求在一家电子商务商店之间往往会有所不同,您需要根据自己的特定需求选择理想的商店。

Finally, whether you’re using Easy Digital Downloads or WooCommerce, be sure to follow the standard security norms: keep it updated, and select extensions and add-ons only from reputable sources!

最后,无论您使用的是Easy Digital Downloads还是WooCommerce,请确保遵循标准的安全规范:使其保持最新状态,并仅从信誉良好的来源中选择扩展程序和附加组件!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/a-beginners-guide-to-selling-digital-goods-with-wordpress/