

I've been running a podcast now for over 600 episodes and I do most of my recordings here at home using a Peavey PV6 Mixing Console - it's fantastic. However, I also work remotely and use Skype a lot to talk to co-workers. Sometimes I use a USB Headset but I also have a Polycom Work Phone for conference calls. Plus my webcams have microphones, so all this adds up to a lot of audio devices.

现在已经进行了超过600集的播客播音,并且我在家中使用Peavey PV6调音台录制大部分录音,这真是太棒了。 但是,我也远程工作,并经常使用Skype与同事交谈。 有时我使用USB耳机,但也有Polycom工作电话用于电话会议。 另外,我的网络摄像头还带有麦克风,因此所有这些加起来就构成了很多音频设备。

Windows 10 improved the switching experience for Playback Devices, but there's no "two click" way to quickly change Recording Devices. A lot of Sound Settings are moving into the Windows 10 Settings App but it's still incomplete and sometimes you'll find yourself looking at the older Sound Dialog:

Windows 10改善了回放设备的切换体验,但是没有“双击”方式可以快速更改记录设备。 许多声音设置正在移入Windows 10设置应用程序,但它仍不完整,有时您会发现自己正在查看较旧的“声音对话框”:


Enter David Kean's "Audio Switcher." It's nearly 3 years old with source code on GitHub, but it works AMAZINGLY. It's literally what the Power User has always wanted when managing audio on Windows 10.

输入David Kean的“音频切换器” 。 它在GitHub上具有源代码已有将近3年的历史,但是它的工作原理令人惊奇。 从字面上看,这就是高级用户在Windows 10上管理音频时一直想要的。

UPDATED NOTE: Turns out there are SEVERAL Windows Audio Switchers out there in the world, and they are all lovely. Also check out the more feature-ful Audio Switcher from Sean Chapman at https://audioswit.ch/er with code at https://github.com/xenolightning/AudioSwitcher_v1!

更新后的注释:事实证明,世界上有多个Windows音频切换器,它们都很可爱。 还检查了功能更加FUL从肖恩·查普曼音频切换器https://audioswit.ch/er与代码在https://github.com/xenolightning/Au​​dioSwitcher_v1

It adds a Headphone Icon in the Tray, and clicking it on puts the Speakers at the Top and Mics at the Bottom. Right-clicking an item lets you set it as default. Even nicer if you set the icons for your devices like I did.

它在托盘中添加了一个“耳机”图标,然后单击它,将“扬声器”放在顶部,而“麦克风”则放在底部。 右键单击一个项目,可以将其设置为默认值。 如果像我一样为设备设置图标,那就更好了。


Ok, that's the good news. It's great, and there's Source Code available so you can build it easily with free Visual Studio Community.

好的,那是个好消息。 太好了,并且提供了源代码,因此您可以使用免费的Visual Studio Community轻松构建它。

Bad news? Today, there's no "release" or ZIP or EXE file for you to download. That said, I uploaded a totally unsupported and totally not my responsibility and you shouldn't trust me compiled version here.

坏消息? 今天,没有供您下载的“发行版”或ZIP或EXE文件。 就是说,我上传了一个完全不受支持的文件,完全不是我的责任,您不应该在这里信任我的编译版本

Hopefully after this blog post is up a few days, David will see this blog post and make an installer with a cert and/or put this wonderful utility somewhere, as folks clearly are interested. I'll update this blog post as soon as more people start using Audio Switcher.

希望此博客文章过几天后, David会看到此博客文章并制作带有证书的安装程序和/或将该实用程序放在某个地方,因为人们显然对此很感兴趣。 一旦更多人开始使用Audio Switcher,我将更新此博客文章。

Thank you David for making this fantastic utility!


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赞助商:获取最新的JetBrains Rider,用于调试第三方.NET代码,Smart Step Into,更多调试器改进,C#Interactive,新项目向导以及列中的格式代码。

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/audio-switcher-should-be-built-into-windows-easily-switch-playback-and-recording-devices