默认浏览器没有chrome_如何使用Google Chrome浏览器作为默认的PDF阅读器(简便方法)...

默认浏览器没有chrome_如何使用Google Chrome浏览器作为默认的PDF阅读器(简便方法)...


默认浏览器没有chrome_如何使用Google Chrome浏览器作为默认的PDF阅读器(简便方法)...

If you’re anything like 99% of everybody, you have some sort of PDF viewing software installed on your PC—but did you realize that you can use Google Chrome to view PDFs from your PC? It’s easy!

如果您占所有人的99%,那么您的PC上已经安装了某种PDF查看软件,但是您是否知道可以使用Google Chrome浏览器从PC上查看PDF? 这简单!

We’re showing off how to do this in Windows, but theoretically it would work for OS X or Linux as well. If you’ve tried it, let us know in the comments.

我们正在展示如何在Windows中执行此操作,但从理论上讲,它也适用于OS X或Linux。 如果您尝试过,请在评论中告诉我们。

启用Google Chrome作为默认的PDF阅读器 (Enabling Google Chrome as Your Default PDF Reader)

Start off by right-clicking on any PDF file, and heading to the “Open with” item on the menu. If you don’t see this, you can usually hold Shift and right-click, and it will be there.

首先,右键单击任何PDF文件,然后转到菜单上的“打开方式”项。 如果您没有看到此图标,则通常可以按住Shift并单击鼠标右键,它将出现在其中。

默认浏览器没有chrome_如何使用Google Chrome浏览器作为默认的PDF阅读器(简便方法)...

This will bring up the Open with dialog, which lets you choose what to open your PDF files with, but sadly Google Chrome isn’t listed—but no matter, you can just click the Browse button.

这将打开“打开方式”对话框,您可以使用该对话框选择打开PDF文件的方式,但遗憾的是未列出Google Chrome浏览器,但无论如何,您只需单击“浏览”按钮即可。

默认浏览器没有chrome_如何使用Google Chrome浏览器作为默认的PDF阅读器(简便方法)...

If you know where Google Chrome was installed, then just browse to that location—otherwise, you can right-click on the Chrome shortcut, head to Properties, and then Shortcut. You’ll see the location in the Target box (best bet is to copy and paste the full path).

如果您知道Google Chrome的安装位置,则只需浏览至该位置即可;否则,您可以右键单击Chrome快捷方式,依次单击“属性”和“快捷方式”。 您将在“目标”框中看到位置(最好的选择是复制并粘贴完整路径)。

默认浏览器没有chrome_如何使用Google Chrome浏览器作为默认的PDF阅读器(简便方法)...

Once you’ve selected chrome.exe and clicked the OK button, you’re done. That’s it. Easy, right?

选择chrome.exe并单击“确定”按钮后,就完成了。 而已。 容易吧?

And now when you double-click on your PDF file, it’ll launch straight in Chrome.


默认浏览器没有chrome_如何使用Google Chrome浏览器作为默认的PDF阅读器(简便方法)...

Not working? Head to about:plugins in Chrome and make sure that the Chrome PDF Viewer is enabled.

不行吗转到about:Chrome中的插件,并确保启用了Chrome PDF Viewer。

默认浏览器没有chrome_如何使用Google Chrome浏览器作为默认的PDF阅读器(简便方法)...

For the purposes of this article, we’re using the dev channel release of Chrome, but it should work in earlier versions as well.


Note: the original idea for this article came from Lee Matthews over at Download Squad, but our method is easier.

注意:本文的原始想法来自Download Squad的Lee Matthews,但我们的方法更简单。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/43764/how-to-enable-google-chrome-as-your-default-pdf-reader-the-easy-way/
