chrome打开指定标签_使用固定标签使Google Chrome打开

chrome打开指定标签_使用固定标签使Google Chrome打开


Do you like using the new pinned tabs feature in Chrome and want to make it permanent? Then all that you need is a little command switch magic and a list of your favorite websites.

您是否喜欢在Chrome中使用新的固定标签功能,并希望将其永久化? 然后,您所需要的只是一点命令切换魔术和您喜欢的网站的列表。

This article has been updated to reflect changes in Google Chrome while still providing the same “open with pinned tabs” function.

本文已更新,以反映Google Chrome浏览器中的更改,同时仍提供相同的“使用固定标签打开”功能。

01. Choose the websites that you want opened as pinned tabs each time and pin them using the context menu for each tab.


02. Click on the “three dot” menu button in the upper right corner of your browser window and click on Settings. Alternatively, you can copy and paste “chrome://settings/” into the address bar.

02.单击浏览器窗口右上角的“三点”菜单按钮,然后单击“设置”。 或者,您可以将“ chrome:// settings /”复制并粘贴到地址栏中。

03. Scroll down until you reach the “On Startup” section. Click on (select) the “Continue where you left off” option and close the Settings tab.

03.向下滚动,直到到达“启动时”部分。 单击( 选择 )“从上次停止的地方继续”选项,然后关闭“设置”选项卡。

chrome打开指定标签_使用固定标签使Google Chrome打开

04. The next time you open Chrome, the tabs that you previously selected and pinned will open just as you desire. If you need or want to change the tabs that open pinned each time, simply use the context menu to unpin unwanted old ones and/or pin new ones.

04.下次打开Chrome时,您先前选择并固定的选项卡将按需要打开。 如果您需要或想要更改每次打开固定的选项卡,只需使用上下文菜单取消固定不需要的旧选项卡和/或固定新的选项卡。

chrome打开指定标签_使用固定标签使Google Chrome打开

以前的方法 (Previous Method)



Normally you have to use the “Tab Context Menu” to create pinned tabs in Chrome then repeat the same actions again the next time that you open the browser. Doing so once in a while is ok but not if you have to do it every time…

通常,您必须使用“制表符上下文菜单”在Chrome中创建固定的标签,然后在下次打开浏览器时再次重复相同的操作。 偶尔这样做是可以的,但是如果您每次都必须这样做的话……

chrome打开指定标签_使用固定标签使Google Chrome打开

Setting Up Permanent Tabs


To get started you will need to locate and right click on your shortcut(s) for Google Chrome. Select “Properties”.

首先,您需要找到并右键单击Google Chrome浏览器的快捷方式。 选择“属性”。

chrome打开指定标签_使用固定标签使Google Chrome打开

Once you have clicked through, you will see the “Properties” window with the “Shortcut” tab displayed. Now you are ready to modify the “Target Path”.

单击后,将显示“属性”窗口,其中显示“快捷方式”选项卡。 现在您可以修改“目标路径”了。

chrome打开指定标签_使用固定标签使Google Chrome打开

There will be two parts to this…


In the address area for “Target:” you will need to add the following command to the end of the target path making certain to leave a single space in between the final quote mark and the “pinned tab count command”. Enter the number of permanent pinned tabs that you would like to have in place of the “x”…for our example we chose “5”.

在“目标:”的地址区域中,您需要在目标路径的末尾添加以下命令, 并确保在最终引号和“固定制表符计数命令”之间留一个空格。 输入您想要代替“ x”的永久固定标签的数量。在本例中,我们选择“ 5”。

chrome打开指定标签_使用固定标签使Google Chrome打开

It should look like this…


chrome打开指定标签_使用固定标签使Google Chrome打开

Now for the second part. You will need to add the URL for each website that you would like to have as a permanently pinned tab after the “pinned tab count command”. Make certain to leave a single space in between each URL and the “pinned tab count command” as shown below.

现在第二部分。 在“固定标签计数命令”之后,您需要为每个要添加的网站添加URL作为永久固定标签。 请确保在每个URL和“固定的制表符计数命令”之间留一个空格,如下所示。

chrome打开指定标签_使用固定标签使Google Chrome打开

Once you have that finished, click “Apply”, then “OK”.



Once you start Chrome (and each time thereafter) you will have a very nice set of permanently pinned tabs ready to go.


chrome打开指定标签_使用固定标签使Google Chrome打开

Accessing the “Tab Context Menu” you can still temporarily turn the permanent tabs back into “normal ones” by clicking on “Pin tab Command” to “deselect” it. You will also be able to close the tabs in the normal fashion if you do not need them at the moment.

通过访问“制表符上下文菜单”,您仍然可以通过单击“引脚选项卡命令”将其永久取消,从而将永久性选项卡暂时转回“普通选项卡”。 如果您暂时不需要这些标签,则也可以按常规方式将其关闭。

chrome打开指定标签_使用固定标签使Google Chrome打开



If you love using pinned tabs in Google Chrome and have been wanting to make them permanent, then you should definitely give this a try.

如果您喜欢在Google Chrome浏览器中使用固定标签,并且一直希望将其设为永久标签,那么绝对应该尝试一下。

