ios13查找iphone_如何使用iOS 13更快地制作iPhone


After the recent iOS upgrading to version 13, many older iPhones such as iPhone 8 turn to be running slower, although there are many new features. New features and functions use more CPU/GPU/memory and the iOS may run slower. But are there any methods to make it run faster? After quite some research and testing, I find two functions that may be disabled to make iOS 13 run faster. These iOS features have different importances for different users. You may choose and try whether the lost features deserves the saved system resource and improved iOS speed.

在最近的iOS升级到版本13之后,尽管有许多新功能,但许多旧版iPhone(例如iPhone 8)的运行速度却变慢了。 新功能会占用更多的CPU / GPU / 内存 ,而iOS的运行速度可能会更慢。 但是,有什么方法可以使其运行更快? 经过大量的研究和测试,我发现有两个功能可能被禁用以使iOS 13运行更快。 这些iOS功能对于不同的用户而言具有不同的重要性。 您可以选择并尝试丢失的功能是否值得保存的系统资源和提高的iOS 速度

禁用系统触觉 (Disable system haptics)

The reason is straightforward. System haptics will cause the iOS to do something after each touch or actions while these “something” will make the users feel the response is slow. If you does not care the haptics and prefer faster response, you may try to disable it.

原因很简单。 系统触觉会导致iOS在每次触摸或操作后执行某些操作,而这些“操作”会使用户感到响应缓慢。 如果您不关心触觉,而是希望响应速度更快,则可以尝试禁用它。

The settings to disable system haptics is in “Settings -> Sounds & Haptics” as follows.


ios13查找iphone_如何使用iOS 13更快地制作iPhone

ios13查找iphone_如何使用iOS 13更快地制作iPhone

禁用后台应用刷新 (Disable background app refresh)

The most important app to a user is usually the foreground app. If there are background app refreshing, the systems resource allocated to the foreground is less as the background apps unavoidably will take some away. If you does not use a lot of the background app refresh functions, you may disable it.

对于用户而言,最重要的应用通常是前台应用。 如果刷新后台应用程序,则分配给前台的系统资源会减少,因为后台应用程序不可避免地会占用一些资源。 如果您不使用很多后台应用程序刷新功能,则可以将其禁用。

To disable Background App Refresh, find the switch in “Settings -> General -> Background App Refresh” as follows.


ios13查找iphone_如何使用iOS 13更快地制作iPhone

ios13查找iphone_如何使用iOS 13更快地制作iPhone

After disabling these features, iOS 13 and apps will run faster with the spared system resource. Another good side effect is the power usage is lower. If you have other tips, please also share in the comments.

禁用这些功能后,使用备用的系统资源,iOS 13和应用程序将运行得更快。 另一个好的副作用是功耗更低。 如果您还有其他提示,请同时分享评论。

