使Google Chrome和Iron浏览器以隐身模式启动

Needing or wanting to use Incognito Mode every time you browse the internet, but tired of always having to manually switch over?  Now you can start in Incognito Mode automatically every time you open your browser.

每次浏览互联网时需要还是想要使用隐身模式,但又厌倦了总是不得不手动切换? 现在,您可以在每次打开浏览器时自动以隐身模式启动。

Setting Iron & Chrome Up for Incognito Mode Auto Start


For our example, we are using the program shortcuts for Iron Browser. The same method is used for both programs.

对于我们的示例,我们使用Iron Browser的程序快捷方式。 两种程序使用相同的方法。

Locate the shortcut(s) for Iron (and/or Chrome) and right click on them. Select “Properties”.

找到Iron(和/或Chrome)的快捷方式,然后右键单击它们。 选择“属性”。

使Google Chrome和Iron浏览器以隐身模式启动

Once you have clicked through, you will see the “Properties” window with the “Shortcut” tab displayed.


使Google Chrome和Iron浏览器以隐身模式启动

In the address area for “Target:” you will need to add the following command to the end of the target path making certain to leave a single space in between the final quote mark and the incognito command.


使Google Chrome和Iron浏览器以隐身模式启动

An example of what the the target path should look like in Iron (the home folder name may vary based on your installation choices)…


使Google Chrome和Iron浏览器以隐身模式启动

Note: This is what the target path should look like for Chrome…


使Google Chrome和Iron浏览器以隐身模式启动

Once you have finished that, click “Apply”, then “OK”.


使Google Chrome和Iron浏览器以隐身模式启动

That is all there is to it!  Enjoy browsing the Internet anonymously!

这就是全部! 享受匿名浏览Internet!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/2458/make-google-chrome-iron-browser-start-in-incognito-mode/