ireader_使用iReader在Chrome和Firefox上获取Safari Reader

ireader_使用iReader在Chrome和Firefox上获取Safari Reader


Would you like to use the new Reader feature in Safari, but don’t want to switch browsers just for one feature?  Here’s how you can add a similar reader tool to Firefox and Google Chrome with the iReader extension.

您是否要在Safari中使用新的阅读器功能,但不想只为一项功能切换浏览器? 您可以通过以下方法使用iReader扩展程序向Firefox和Google Chrome添加类似的阅读器工具。

Firefox and Google Chrome are two of the most used browsers today, and are the browsers of choice for most geeks.  Although you may like trying out new features in other browsers, most of us come back to Firefox or Chrome as our default browser.  The new Reader feature in Safari makes it very easy to read online articles without all the standard distractions of the web, so we were excited to see a way to add this feature to our other favorite browsers.  Let’s look at how you can add and use the iReader extension in Google Chrome and Firefox.

Firefox和Google Chrome浏览器是当今最常用的两种浏览器,并且是大多数怪胎的首选浏览器。 尽管您可能想尝试其他浏览器的新功能,但我们大多数人还是将Firefox或Chrome作为默认浏览器。 Safari中新的阅读器功能使在线阅读文章变得非常容易,而没有网络的所有标准干扰,因此我们很高兴看到一种将此功能添加到我们其他喜爱的浏览器中的方法。 让我们看看如何在Google Chrome和Firefox中添加和使用iReader扩展。

Install and Use iReader on Google Chrome

在Google Chrome上安装和使用iReader

To start using iReader in Google Chrome, head over to its page in the Extension Gallery, and install as normal (link below).

要开始在Google Chrome浏览器中使用iReader,请转到Extension Gallery中的页面,然后按常规进行安装(下面的链接)。

ireader_使用iReader在Chrome和Firefox上获取Safari Reader

Then, when you’re reading an article online, click the new iReader icon in the address bar to open the page in Reader mode.


ireader_使用iReader在Chrome和Firefox上获取Safari Reader

The page will then be overlaid with a reader that works similarly to Safari Reader.  This is a great way to read long articles, as it’s much more readable and easier on the eyes than most website themes.

然后,该页面将被一个与Safari Reader相似的阅读器覆盖。 这是阅读长篇文章的一种好方法,因为它比大多数网站主题更具可读性和可读性。

ireader_使用iReader在Chrome和Firefox上获取Safari Reader

Just like Safari Reader, you’ll see a floating toolbar over your article when you mouse over the bottom of the page.  Here you can print, email, tweet, or share an article on Facebook, as well as zoom in or out of it.  If you find the images distracting in the article, click the photo icon to turn them off.

与Safari Reader一样,将鼠标悬停在页面底部时,您会在文章上方看到一个浮动工具栏。 您可以在此处打印,通过电子邮件发送,发送推文或在Facebook上分享文章,以及放大或缩小文章。 如果您发现文章中的图片让人分心,请单击照片图标将其关闭。

ireader_使用iReader在Chrome和Firefox上获取Safari Reader
ireader_使用iReader在Chrome和Firefox上获取Safari Reader

This opens the iReader Options page in a new tab.  You can change a wide variety of settings in iReader, including the opacity of the background website, as well as the font used in the reader.  You can also set a Hotkey to open iReader without having to press the button in the address bar.  You’ll see a preview of your new settings on the right immediately, then press Save when you’re done tweaking it to your liking.

这将在新选项卡中打开“ iReader选项”页面。 您可以在iReader中更改各种设置,包括后台网站的不透明度以及阅读器中使用的字体。 您也可以设置热键来打开iReader,而无需按地址栏中的按钮。 您将立即在右侧看到新设置的预览,然后根据自己的喜好对保存进行调整。

ireader_使用iReader在Chrome和Firefox上获取Safari Reader

Install and Use iReader on Firefox


iReader was recently released for Firefox as well, so now you can add it to the original extendable browser.  Browse to the iReader page on the Mozilla Addons site (link below), and click Add to Firefox.  This addon hasn’t been reviewed by Mozilla yet, so you may have to click the second Add to Firefox button to get it installed.

iReader也是最近为Firefox发布的,因此现在您可以将其添加到原始可扩展浏览器中。 浏览到Mozilla Addons网站上的iReader页面( 下面的链接 ),然后单击Add to Firefox 。 Mozilla尚未审查此插件,因此您可能必须单击第二个Add to Firefox按钮才能安装它。

ireader_使用iReader在Chrome和Firefox上获取Safari Reader

You’ll need to restart Firefox before you can begin using the addon.


ireader_使用iReader在Chrome和Firefox上获取Safari Reader

Now, when you’re reading an article online, you can click the iReader icon in the address bar to open it in Reader mode.


ireader_使用iReader在Chrome和Firefox上获取Safari Reader

This will open your article in a reader over the original website.  The scroll bars don’t look as nice in the Firefox version, but everything else works the same.

这将通过原始网站的读者打开您的文章。 滚动条在Firefox版本中看起来不太好,但是其他所有功能都一​​样。

ireader_使用iReader在Chrome和Firefox上获取Safari Reader

Both the Firefox and Chrome versions of iReader work great with multiple paged articles just like Safari Reader.

Firefox和Chrome版本的iReader都可以很好地处理多页文章,就像Safari Reader一样。

ireader_使用iReader在Chrome和Firefox上获取Safari Reader

The Firefox addon includes the options as well, though they open in a popup window.  Here you can change your reader’s fonts, width, background opacity, and more.

Firefox插件还包括选项,尽管它们会在弹出窗口中打开。 在这里,您可以更改阅读器的字体,宽度,背景不透明度等。

ireader_使用iReader在Chrome和Firefox上获取Safari Reader



iReader is a very nice reading extension for Chrome and Firefox, and we enjoyed reading long articles with it’s book-style layout.  It’s more customizable by default than Safari Reader, too, so you can make it work just like you want.  As more of our reading shifts to the internet, it’s very nice to have tools that make reading more pleasurable, and this is definitely one of them.

iReader是适用于Chrome和Firefox的非常不错的阅读扩展,我们喜欢阅读书本风格的长篇文章。 默认情况下,它也比Safari Reader更可自定义,因此您可以使其按需运行。 随着越来越多的读者转向互联网,拥有使阅读变得更加愉悦的工具非常令人高兴,而这绝对是其中之一。

If you prefer to browse with Safari, check out our article on How to Use and Tweak Safari Reader.

如果您更喜欢使用Safari浏览,请查看有关如何使用和调整Safari Reader的文章



Install iReader for Google Chrome

安装适用于Google Chrome的iReader

Install iReader for Firefox


