swiper鼠标悬停切换_通过将鼠标悬停在Windows 7或Vista中的窗口上来切换Windows

swiper鼠标悬停切换_通过将鼠标悬停在Windows 7或Vista中的窗口上来切换Windows


This isn’t for everyone, but you can enable a mouse mode in Windows 7 or Vista where just hovering over a window with the mouse will switch to that window. In the old days, this used to be called the XWindows mode, and was enabled through TweakUI, but now it’s built right into Control Panel for everybody to use.

这并不适合所有人,但是您可以在Windows 7或Vista中启用鼠标模式,在该模式下,仅将鼠标悬停在一个窗口上便会切换到该窗口。 在过去,它曾经被称为XWindows模式,并通过TweakUI启用,但是现在它已内置在控制面板中,供所有人使用。

To turn this setting on, just type “mouse works” into the search box in the Control Panel, and you should see an item called “Change how your mouse works”.


swiper鼠标悬停切换_通过将鼠标悬停在Windows 7或Vista中的窗口上来切换Windows

In this screen, scroll down and find the checkbox for “Activate a window by hovering over it with the mouse”.


swiper鼠标悬停切换_通过将鼠标悬停在Windows 7或Vista中的窗口上来切换Windows

That’s pretty much it. It’ll take a while to get used to the new mode… just remember, the mouse has to be hovered over top of any window to switch focus to it.

就是这样。 要花一段时间才能适应新模式……请记住,必须将鼠标悬停在任何窗口的上方才能将焦点切换到它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/switch-windows-by-hovering-the-mouse-over-a-window-in-windows-vista/
