将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

Now that IE 9 Beta has been out for a while, and you’ve had time to explore it, you might want to import bookmarks from other browsers. Here take a look at how to get it done in IE 9 Beta.

既然IE 9 Beta已经发布了一段时间,并且您有时间对其进行探索,您可能希望从其他浏览器导入书签。 在这里看看如何在IE 9 Beta中完成它。

导入Firefox书签 (Import Firefox Bookmarks)

For this we’re using Firefox 3.6.10 and IE 9 Beta 64-bit.

为此,我们使用Firefox 3.6.10和IE 9 Beta 64位。

First we’ll take a look at importing your Firefox bookmarks to IE 9 Beta. First open Firefox and and the Toolbar go to Bookmarks \ Organize Bookmarks.

首先,我们将介绍如何将Firefox书签导入IE 9 Beta。 首先打开Firefox,然后工具栏转到“书签” \“组织书签”。

将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

Expand Import and Backup and select Export HTML.


将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

Then export your Firefox bookmark collection to a convenient location on your hard drive.


将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

Next open IE 9 Beta and hit Alt+T to bring up the Toolbar. Then click File \ Import and export.

接下来打开IE 9 Beta,然后按Alt + T弹出工具栏。 然后单击文件\导入和导出。

将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

In the Import/Export Settings select Import form a file. Notice there is Import from another browser, however we weren’t able to get it to work in our tests on our Windows 64-bit system…more on that in a minute.

在“导入/导出设置”中,选择“从文件导入” 。 请注意,有一个来自其他浏览器的导入,但是我们无法使其在我们的Windows 64位系统上的测试中正常工作……请稍后再进行介绍。

将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

Decide what you want to import, you can import Feeds and Cookies as well, but for this we just want the Bookmarks or Favorites as their called in IE.


将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

Now browse to the location where you saved the exported Firefox bookmarks previously.


将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

Select the destination for them…and click Import.


将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

It should only take a second or two and there you are! All of your Firefox favorites are not in IE 9 beta.

只需一两秒钟,您就可以了! 您所有的Firefox收藏夹都不在IE 9 beta中。

将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

Note: Remember we tried to import bookmarks directly from another browser in the tools in IE 9, however, when we tried it with IE 9 32 or 64-bit on our Windows 7 x64 or x86 system we received the following error each time. This is why we needed to export the bookmarks file from Firefox and not import them directly between browsers. Remember IE 9 is still in beta and hopefully this issue will be addressed in the final release.

注意:请记住,我们曾尝试从IE 9工具中的另一个浏览器直接导入书签,但是,当我们在Windows 7 x64或x86系统上使用IE 9 32或64位进行尝试时,每次都会收到以下错误消息。 这就是为什么我们需要从Firefox导出书签文件,而不是直接在浏览器之间导入它们的原因。 请记住,IE 9仍处于测试阶段,希望此问题将在最终版本中得到解决。

将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

导入谷歌浏览器书签 (Import Google Chrome Bookmarks)

Importing Chrome bookmarks to IE 9 beta is essentially the same. Open Chrome and click on the wrench icon and select Bookmarks manager.

将Chrome书签导入IE 9 Beta基本上是相同的。 打开Chrome,然后点击扳手图标,然后选择书签管理器。

将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

When the Bookmarks manager opens click on Organize \ Export bookmarks.


将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

Export the Chrome bookmarks to a convenient location on your computer and close out of Chrome. Next open up IE 9 Beta and hit Alt+T to display the Toolbar and go to File \ Import and export.

将Chrome书签导出到计算机上的方便位置,然后关闭Chrome。 接下来打开IE 9 Beta,然后按Alt + T以显示工具栏,然后转到“文件” \“导入和导出”。

将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

Again select Import from a file and hit Next.


将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

Select Favorites and hit Next.


将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

Browse to the location where you saved your Chrome bookmarks and hit Next.


将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

Select the destination folder and click Import.


将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

Now you will have your Google Chrome bookmarks available in IE 9 Beta.

现在,您将在IE 9 Beta中使用Google Chrome书签。

将书签从Firefox或Chrome添加到IE 9 Beta

If you are an early adopter and started using IE 9 Beta, more than likely you’ll want to get your bookmarks from Chrome or Firefox transferred to it. Hopefully once the final release of IE 9 comes out, we’ll be able to easily import them directly from other browsers.

如果您是较早采用它并开始使用IE 9 Beta,则很有可能希望将您的书签从Chrome或Firefox转移到它。 希望IE 9的最终版本发布后,我们将能够轻松地从其他浏览器直接导入它们。

If you haven’t tried out IE 9 Beta, check out our screen shot tour.

如果您尚未尝试IE 9 Beta, 请查看我们的屏幕快照

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/29263/add-bookmarks-from-firefox-or-chrome-to-ie-9-beta/